and again, nobody is saying her comments didnt get her canned, she made a mistake jumped the gun and paid for it and wwe will still go onto knowingly hire another non-fan comedy writer in her place so y'all did all that crying for nothing.. I guess the payoff is the next one will be more hush hush about it
"the wrestlers felt disrespected".. u mean the group of carnies who take themselves too serious most of whom are shytty people? I guess..
but yall are ignoring the fact that the only reason why her comments even got to the radar of these wrestlers and officials and became a big story damn near a month after she even did the podcast is because of how the backlash spread on social media from mostly racist fans
her(along with 3 other black female writers who HAVENT done a podcast) are also receiving death threats and getting harassed by grown ass men over wrestling but that's just a coincidence right? yet you're more outraged at her lack of wrestling knowledge, and me acknowledging the racist factor in this situation is bad faith acting
Yes, the wrestlers, the ones who are the ones breaking their backs, necks, and destroying their knees to entertain us.
Their opinions matter, you know.
You should care that they feel disrespected.
It's the main reason I stopped watching WWE, because of Vince McMahon's literally disrespect for the people who he's exploiting and the fans, who pay him.
And you're creating a strawman here.
Where have I said there aren't toxic CACs on social media?
Where did i say they were justified in sending death threats to this broad or any others?
But the fact is, everybody gets death threats now.
It's the nature of social media.
Everybody in the NBA, NFL, baseball, wrestling, Hip-Hop, rock, and the media get death threats now
Even social media thots who are taking pics in bathing suits in their living rooms get death threats from weird CACs
It's retarded, but is expected in this stupid ass social media climate that we live in.
It doesn't justify WWE hiring people who've never watched wrestling to write wrestling shows.
It doesn't justify her opening her mouth to brag that she was thoroughly unqualified for her job.
It doesn't justify the idiots who threaten her.