Overall sentiment - Don't let yourself get caught up in the court system.
1. That one NBC chick who said, "Murder is hot right now, it's what the people want"

Media ppl are disgusting.
2. if they were this hard up for a white dude, imagine what they'd do to a Black man

Matter of fact, I only saw 1 Black person this entire 10-11 hrs of this docunmentary. And he was just in the background.
3. Ken Kratz and his skeevy annoying voice, you knew he was a scumbag hypocrite from the jump.....and the other dude with him too.
4. Len Kashinsky was a weasel you could see from the get go. I don't see how nobody duffed him in the face.
5. WHY were they filming this the entire way? Why were they recording regular phone convos between ppl? Why were they recording literally everything from the time he got out of jail the 1st time? It's like they knew they were planning a documentary the whole way.
It's almost like the questions ppl had with "Wrestling With Shadows"....
6. At around episode 5-6 I was wondering if Teresa Halbach was even really dead. Like the whole thing coulda just been a conspiracy.
7. I don't think Avery killed her tho just b/c the police clearly had to force fake confessions out of Brendan to have a case. The reality is, if Brendan's confession never happened they'd had no proof of anything on Avery.
I mean, if you think about it, it's the same as his first case. A crime happened, cops said, "that sounds like Avery...let's go with it"