that may be all true but long endurance cardio has proven to burn a lot of fat so if you just do cardio long and often enough it should burn enough fat on your body. look at marathon runners or cyclists. you wont get that aesthetics though
any type of exercise creates a caloric deficit
but only one kind spares muscle efficiently
in simple thermodynamic terms
if a system(your body) requires such and such energy to operate, a deficit of energy input will cause the system to lose internal energy from chemical bonds(fat, muscle, blood, bone, organ tissue etc)
under a surplus, the opposite occurs
however, some types of tissue are more easily created due to either kinetics or thermodynamics
in the case of what we care about, Fat and Muscle....Fat costs 4000 calories to synthesize, and when broken down releases 3500, muscle on the other hand requires over 1000+ to synthesize and releases 700 calories when broken down
under any kind of deficit, theres an equilibrium between fat and muscle lost while cutting. You shift the equilibrium TOWARDS fat when you stimulate growth in your muscles from strength training...without this kind of training, the muscle doesnt grow which means the equilibrium isnt shifted quite as far towards fat
and as you lose fat, the body increasingly will attack muscle
in the case of a marathon runner, under improper eating(not eating enough) and lack of strength training, the result is something we've all seen:
the big difference between the sprinter and the marathoner is simple, the sprinter lifts, and the sprinter eats
once you break down the numbers each day, hes probably barely over in a surplus, and with high protein, this favors muscle growth and due to the thermic effect of consistent activity, fat is rarely synthesized and on the days he doesnt eat out of a the first to go