College football and the NFL have monopolized the days of the week so much that there is no time to watch a casual game of college basketball. Back when ESPN was king and people had cable you could throw on any game from any conference and I'd watch. But today, even if the greatest prospect ever is playing live I can just wait for the clips/possession by possession breakdowns to hit YouTube and not have to watch a 2 hour game . And that's only if my NBA team is sorry, if we don't have a top pick what am I going to watch it for
Everything you say in undoubtedly true. I also think fans don't connect to their college basketball programs because at the blue blood programs most the kids are in and out the door before they can form an attachment to them. They also know that if the kid plays too well they are going to leave so there's no point of keeping up.
Nba would have keep an influx of new fans from all parts the country (Spokane- stockton, wake Forrest-duncan)where they are following their favorite player for 3-4 years.
Last years draft was the biggest group of unknowns and foreigners I've ever seen. Nobody following those kids or care and ratings gonna keep dropping