A friend of mines pops always preached to us how land is forgiving but water's not, one mistake out there and it's a wrap.breh, water is so deceptive
water is no joke and it takes next to no time before it tires you out
even if you are a great swimmer
Ive been white water rafting once in my life. The power of water is unmistakable. In that environment you see how easily it can kill you.
She had mental illness breh. I think she was Bi polar.
Damn this is sad I hope somehow something else happened and she is alive.
I think that is clear but I will hold out hope for now.Oh she dead
damn hope we find out what happened it seem like she had no mental issues, only that sean and her had a bad relationship..
I would not be quick to say suicide doesn't seem like a well off celeb would want a suicide that way tbh.