Gor bu dëgër
The part where she compares Nora breathing spores to George Floyd's "I can't breathe" and how she couldn't stomach it, among other things.How was the article BS. Even white boys on Reset was like shyt got some truth to it. Naughty Dog full of shyt got dykes beating brute like black men. Lead black men no real screen time getting killed by dykes.
Black men killing themselves and blacks in general always being vulnerable.
That's a personal problem she's projecting onto the game.
Only point iirc she had was the brute black man. For the rest, everybody had the same treatment. Trying to tone down a game that's supposed to be brutal because they included black characters in the brutality of it all is bs, in my opinion.
And Abbie was not a dyke, Ellie is the p*ssyvore.