Herbs for Gas
Peppermint, or Mentha piperita, is an aromatic herb with purple flowers. Herbalists use the leaves and essential oil to treat a wide range of disorders, including irritable bowel, gallbladder problems, upper respiratory infections and herpes virus infections. The oil contains menthol, which stimulates bile flow and aids digestion, thus reducing gas. In their 2000 book, "The Herbal Drugstore," Dr. Linda B. White and medicinal plant expert Steven Foster recommend peppermint to relieve gas and nausea associated with gas.
Fennel is a very effective herb for digestion. Typically the seeds of fennel herb are used. Fennel is beneficial for any digestive difficulty and can also help in weight loss by getting rid of toxins and excess water.
Fennel is a very gentle and calming herb that has been known to be safe even for infants and those with sensitive systems. It is used by drinking tea, taking capsules, or even chewing the seeds.
Charcoal - Earlier, humans also consumed charcoal biscuits in the form of a dietary supplement to cure gastric disorders. Currently, charcoal may be consumed in the form of tablets, powder or capsule to cure digestive problems.
Organic Caraway Seeds
Gas Remedy
Try adding more of this spice to your meals, particularly if they are the foods that are known to cause gas. Caraway seeds help ease gas, indigestion and cramping, all while stimulating proper digestion.
Organic Dandelion Tea
A common weed, dandelion has numerous health benefits, one of which is relieving gas. Drink as a tea or add it dried as a spice to your meals.