Natural Healing and Herbs thread.


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
Chia Seeds: ancient super food….i mix in my smoothies or mix in my greek yogurt for breakfast….also mix in water …you have to let it sit for a bit so it can dissolve though
They deliver a maximum amount of nutrients for just a small caloric price.
As a dietary necessity that many Americans can’t seem to get enough of, chia seeds offer 11 grams of fiber per ounce. This is about 41 percent of the recommended daily value in just one serving.
Omega Fatty Acids
These fatty acids are known as “essential fatty acids,” because they are essential to our health, yet our bodies cannot produce them on their own. We must obtain our omegas through food sources. If you’re not a fish-eater, omegas can be difficult to get. Chia seeds pack a punch of omega-3s and omega-6s.
These little seeds offer anywhere from three to six times more calcium than milk, per serving. With a growing number of women suffering from osteoporosis, this is an important nutrient to help build strong bones and prevent injuries in the future.
Super important for protecting our bodies against free radicals, antioxidants are another nutrient that you can count on chia seeds for.
The chia seed is a complete protein. According to, “It includes all essential amino acids such as leucine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, valine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. The powerful combination of these amino acids will allow you to perform better during your training sessions and help you build more muscles faster.”
Chia seeds are a wonderful source of nutrients that can easily be incorporated into your diet with little effort. I recently had a chia Kombucha from the health food store and enjoyed the unique texture and filling fiber. Add to smoothies, cereals, or in baked goods, or find a new recipe online. The possibilities are endless.


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
Witch Hazel

Herbal remedies like witch hazel are used as astringents to clean the face, treat bruises, hemorrhoids, sprains, skin problems, internal injuries and bleeding.

Witch Hazel a tried-and-true, oldie-but-goodie, is a clear liquid that can work as an astringent to clean the face. But that's just the beginning. Witch hazel is used to treat everything from bruises to hemorrhoids.The formula is made from the leaves and bark of a tree that is naturally grown in the eastern and southern U.S., and can be taken internally as well as externally. Witch hazel is also sometimes known as Hamamelis, snapping hazel, winter bloom, spotted alder or tobacco wood. Since some formulas are meant for external uses and some for internal consumption, read all package labels before using witch hazel. Its uses are so broad in range that if you read health, bath, and body ingredients, you'll be surprised to find that very many of them contain witch hazel. Many aftershaves contain witch hazel for its antiseptic abilities against nicks and cuts, some eye drops contain witch hazel which helps heal an assortment of eye infections and sores, assorted cosmetics also contain this healing ingredient.

North American Indians used witch hazel to treat bruises, sprains, skin problems and internal injuries or bleeding. Today, witch hazel is used to treat eye injuries, suppress heavy menstrual flow, control minor pain and itching, and even as a UV protection. Witch hazel has healing and t]cleansing properties for a speedier recovery from burns, skin abrasions, dermatitis, and inflammation.

Soak wash cloths in witch hazel and lay on legs, which are propped straight out, to reduce pain and swelling from varicose veins. The witch hazel helps to tighten the veins, relieving the discomfort temporarily. Wipe witch hazel on the beginnings of a diaper rash for relief and quicker healing. Use witch hazel on cracked, bleeding feet to prevent infection. Witch hazel is an all-natural way of treating boils and pimples, too.

Still not convinced that witch hazel is a phenomenal potion? Maybe it would help to know that it also helps against diarrhea, tumors, mucous colitis, dry mouth, dandruff, sunburn and to stop minor bleeding. Use witch hazel as a mouth rinse and gargle to soothe sores on the inside of the mouth, gums, tongue and throat. Rub on baby's gums to reduce pain and swelling during teething.

Witch hazel can be found at most pharmacies, grocers and department stores usually along with alcohol and Epsom salts. Although some formulas of witch hazel are produced for internal usage, over-the-counter witch hazel is usually not suited for internal consumption since the potions often contain a mixture of witch hazel and isopropyl alcohol.

As with many herbal remedies, certain people, like women who are pregnant or breast feeding, should talk to their physician before using witch hazel. When using witch hazel, let your doctor know if you experience leg swelling, breathing problems, chest tightness or pain, hives, new rashes or irritations, nausea, upset stomach, vomiting or constipation. Most people who use witch hazel will not experience these adverse side effects, but some will, so notify a health official if any problems are noticed.


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
Lavender Oil
Clary Sage Oil
Rosemary Oil
Ginger Oil
Grapefruit Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Carrot Oil
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Raw African Shea Butter
Black Soap
Aloe Vera Gel
Castor Oil
Vegetable Glycerin

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012

This is good if you're into MDMA because it prevents crashes and it protects any lasting damage in your brain. I've been taking three a day at morning, noon, and night. I actually feel like I'm on a mild roll all the time now without having to actually push my brain into overdrive to produce serotonin. I'm in a perpetually good mood, now.
Jun 24, 2012
Herbs for Gas


Peppermint, or Mentha piperita, is an aromatic herb with purple flowers. Herbalists use the leaves and essential oil to treat a wide range of disorders, including irritable bowel, gallbladder problems, upper respiratory infections and herpes virus infections. The oil contains menthol, which stimulates bile flow and aids digestion, thus reducing gas. In their 2000 book, "The Herbal Drugstore," Dr. Linda B. White and medicinal plant expert Steven Foster recommend peppermint to relieve gas and nausea associated with gas.

Fennel is a very effective herb for digestion. Typically the seeds of fennel herb are used. Fennel is beneficial for any digestive difficulty and can also help in weight loss by getting rid of toxins and excess water.

Fennel is a very gentle and calming herb that has been known to be safe even for infants and those with sensitive systems. It is used by drinking tea, taking capsules, or even chewing the seeds.

Charcoal - Earlier, humans also consumed charcoal biscuits in the form of a dietary supplement to cure gastric disorders. Currently, charcoal may be consumed in the form of tablets, powder or capsule to cure digestive problems.

Organic Caraway Seeds
Gas Remedy

Try adding more of this spice to your meals, particularly if they are the foods that are known to cause gas. Caraway seeds help ease gas, indigestion and cramping, all while stimulating proper digestion.

Organic Dandelion Tea

A common weed, dandelion has numerous health benefits, one of which is relieving gas. Drink as a tea or add it dried as a spice to your meals.


May 6, 2012
Can I shyt on some of these claims or will you guys get butthurt?

I'd rather you just exit and take your aspirin. I don't want to hear any pharmaceutical dogma and technicalities.

Anyway some of the best herbal formula's I've taken were from

Cheap prices for amazing herbal formulas for damn near any ailment. Good website been using them for years.