The things i do for science
Anyway..i finally got the nerve to do this...did 2 separate 2 liter shots an hour apart
The first one wasnt easy...My booty isnt accustomed to solid foreign objects(

pause) i opened the valve and the warmth of the fluid going in felt weird,,but i got the full 2 liters in.
The directions said hold it in for 30 minutes in some fetal position ..but i could barely get 10 before the peristaltic pressure became too much to handle.
I evacuated it and almost

at the odor and texture of what came out was bad...and this is from a guy who has repaired septic systems and unclogged drains.
I relaxed then did the second round...this time there wasnt as much solids but more weird flaky stuff rolled out...but i was feeling drained after that so lay on the couch ...soon i began to feel thinking was clear,focus was excellent,body felt good...i was a bit hungry and thirsty too

Now that ive tried it i have to admit theres some truth in it...i used to see the old water and sewage pipes we would rip out of buildings and inside they were coated with salts,rust and all kinds of not improbable that the same would happen to our own internal plumbing
Not sure if its something i wanna do everyday cos it takes too much time....but im gonna give it a few more tries see if i can clean the plumbing then just do it once in a while to maintain it.