Native American reacts to "Nijii" "Turtle Islander" "FBADOS Aborigines" stupidity.


not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
ADOS are subsaharan Africans mixed with Europeans.

That’s literally the only genetic difference between Africans and ADOS, the white admixture and some have Native American.

35% of ADOS men have a European Y haplogroup, they’re literally a white man’s son.

I suspect those ones identify with “ADOS” more than others, but we’ll never know until we start seeing DNA test.
Stephen curry
Micheal ealy
Tom Joyner
Klay Thompson
Chris Broussard from espn

I suspect these brehs are the direct descendants of some White man. I believe they have an European y haplogroup like R1b (western Europe) instead of a west African one such as e1b1a (west Africa)

btw Your Y-dna is your oldest male ancestor on the paternal side only, your male line directly goes back to him. As a man, You literally exist because of him, your oldest male ancestor and founder of your lineage, the founder of your male chapter, in a genetic/biological sense
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Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
There were three migrations from Asia towards the Americas

The most documented is the migration of Siberians crossing the Bering Strait thousands of years ago


The entry from Asia into Beringia became increasingly difficult during the ice age and blocked additional peoples from entering. The two cultures, however, were well adapted and continued to thrive. They remained in Beringia at least 5000 years and possibly a great deal longer.

Circa 17,000 bc, as the glacial ice began to retreat, the coastal people began moving south along the Pacific coast, and did so quite rapidly. One branch turned east towards Texas and the Gulf shores of Mexico. The other branch continued down the Pacific coast to South America and all the way to Chile. Later, they would expand east from the coast into the Amazon basin, commonly along river routes. Others would follow the Caribean and Atlantic routes into eastern Brazil.

Most of what Greenberg referred to as the Amerind languages, especially in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and South America, as well as southern and western United States, likely descend from these people.

After 15,000 bc, an ice-free corridor opened east of the Rockies, between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets. The interior people discovered the corridor and followed the large game animals south and east towards the North American plains. Later, they would enter the eastern woodlands, as well as begin to encounter and mix with the coastal people of the southern plains and Gulf coast.

The Algonquian-speaking people are the most likely descendents of these people. The Siouan and Iroquois people (whom Greenberg included with the Algonquians as the Almosan-Keresiouan language family) might also be descendents.
Beringia, 17 kybp

The third group to enter North America were the ancestors of the Na-Dene people. Probably originating in the Yenesei/Baikal area, they crossed the Bering strait and moved into Alaska circa 8,000 bc. Later, they expanded eastward into Alberta and southward along the British Columbia coast. Their languages may be related to the Yeniseian languages of central Siberia, of which only Ket survives.

The fourth group were the ancestors of the Inuits and Aleuts, who probably originated in the Chukotka area, entered Alaska and expanded rapidly across the Arctic coast, eventually ending in Greenland. The first expansion began around 3500 bc (Paleo-Eskimo), and a second one around 1000 ad (the Thule culture), both starting in Alaska. There are still representatives of the Inuit-Aleuts in the Chukchi Peninsula. It has been suggested that their languages are distantly related to the Uralic languages.

Beringia, 10 kybp

The coastal people contributed the most to the genetics of the native American people. Most are in the Q yDNA haplogroup, mostly Q-M3, about 77% in North America and 83% in South America. mtDNA is more varied, but consists primarily of A2, B2, C1, and D1. A is common throughout Asia, with A2 most common in Chukotko-Kamchatka (far-eastern Siberia); B is also common, but the subclade most similar to American B2 is found primarily in South China, Taiwan, and the Philippines; C is found in Siberia, especially among the Yukaghirs and Nganasans; and D is found throughout Asia, especially among the Japanese, Korean, Mongol and Tungus populations. Most Native Americans are blood type O.

Although there is much overlap with the genetics of the coastal people, the descendents of the northeastern interior people have some differences as well. Many of them are in the R1 yDNA haplogroup, with the Ojibwe as high as 79%. Some tribes of Na-Dene people also have as much as 50% R1, as do the Muskogean Seminoles and the Iroquoian Cherokee. The mtDNA includes most of the coastal haplogroups, but among the Algonquian tribes as much as 25% carry the X2a haplotype. Finally, eastern woodland tribes are more likely than others to be blood type A, albeit not as likely as the Na-Dene or Aleut-Inuit.

Because Q yDNA and A, B, C, and D mtDNA are also found in much of eastern and northern Asia (and are by far the most common among native Americans), while R yDNA and X mtDNA are more common in western Eurasia, some have hypothesized that the people of the eastern woodlands descend from Europeans of the Solutrean culture who managed to cross the Atlantic at about the same time as the Beringians entered the Americas. This is supported by the similarity of the Clovis technology to the Solutrean. However, this is not taken seriously by the majority of experts, who believe that the X mtDNA may have more easily derived from central Siberia, and the R yDNA is more likely from European admixture.

Roughly half of the Na-Dene carry the Q yDNA, especially Q-M242 rather than the Q-M3 of other native populations. This suggests that they may be related to the Yenisean people (now represented solely by the Ket). C yDNA is also high - up to 42% - which suggests a relation to the Tungus/Turkic/Mongol people. They have a mix of O and A blood types.

The Aleut-Inuit people tend to be of the Q yDNA group at between 46 and 80%, and have a greater balance of all the blood types. Genetically, they are more similar to the Chukchi and Koryak, as well as some north-eastern Turkic people.

Native American Migrations

Science | AAAS

Ancient DNA reveals complex migrations of the first Americans

Native American Ancestors Came From Asia In Three Migrations


Feb 11, 2017
I never really rocked with the whole Black Americans are indigenous to the U.S type of thinking. I know I have African blood in me as well as European blood, BUT with that being said, Black Americans today are not "African". We're a new people with a culture and unique history of our own here in America and I feel like people of all groups should respect that.

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
Great posting,sad to see so many black people have been bamboozled. As if the European did have evidence some of us were already here,they would release it. Why would they do that when it would open up a can of worms and allow us indeginous rights to be sovereign as well as land rights:mjlol:? European sitting back like "Thank god black folks believe they are all egyptian kings and queens. Would hate to have them ask us for land:whew:"

People who looked black,and would be described as black today 100% existed in the Americas before slavery. Many were sent back to Spain as slaves. The European has convinced thecoli that the white man was taking accurate inventory. To ensure the African blacks,and the native blacks never got mixed up and mixed in together.

And you really cant offer any kind of proof that would satisfy. Because they actually believe dna ancestry test are accurate. But even if you did point out natives in your family history,they will just write it off as runaway slaves race mixing with the indians. As if there is no way "black" natives existed.

Most of these dudes are Shills/Tethers and can't be taken serious in the first place. :yeshrug:


Apr 4, 2015
If you truly believe that so-called blacks are indigenous to one land mass you're not that bright, the thread is a joke btw.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022