I love LT1, having it ahead of Magic is fine with me. I was just listening to it a few days ago, listened twice, and I still skip “Fetus” and “Poppa was a player”…and I probably woulda skipped “No Idea’s Original” too but it’s been a while since I heard the version on the album so I let it play thru. Are those good songs? Of course, I just don’t necessarily revisit or bump them. With Magic I skip literally nothing at all, I love every song on the album. That is nuts…I don’t even love every song on Illmatic,

. Magic is underrated to me, it’s praised but not enough. It’s not his most lyrical album but it’s arguably his most palatable/digestible/bumpin album…this is the album I would let non-Nas fans hear to get them on board…this and KD2