OG Talk
I got a thread about this coming. The way these people on here are slighting jay is unacceptable

I got a thread about this coming. The way these people on here are slighting jay is unacceptable
I didn't slate Jay at all...u would have to be a fool to think Jay wouldnt sell more than this out the gate...the nikka is just more popular simple and plain...Wale album was not garbage
Good production, great lyrics, hit records. What more can you want
Yo, I got a thread about this train of thought coming soon. C/s to the fullest
Link, to the millions spent in promotion and def jam being upset about it
C/s, I got a thread about this coming. The way these people on here are slighting jay is unacceptable
Jay's popularity went skyrocket since he got up with beyonce, before that he was a great rap star but nothing more than the others. To the day he linked up with be he came a public figure in the white media so from then on, no matter the quality of his discs, he will sell automaticly a lot (even a weak collab like the linkin park one)
It’ll be an OG rapper vs. a country-rocker for the top spot on next week’s HITS Album chart.
The last two best-sellers—Nas’ Def Jam/IDJ album, Life is Good, and Zac Brown Band’s Atlanti9c release Uncaged, #1-2 on this week’s chart—should vie for the lead on Tuesday’s tally as well.
Jay's popularity went skyrocket since he got up with beyonce, before that he was a great rap star but nothing more than the others. To the day he linked up with be he came a public figure in the white media so from then on, no matter the quality of his discs, he will sell automaticly a lot (even a weak collab like the linkin park one)
have the same demographic?