Napoleon's Thoughts on Bernie Sanders

God Almighty

Your Lord
Oct 31, 2012


Jan 12, 2017
I wouldn't count Bernie's endorsement of Jesse Jackson as something he did for civil rights or black people. At the time, Jackson was trying to establish a populist movement, and that's why Sanders endorsed Jackson...


I'm not doing the "how much" reparations game with you.

I'm not into gaslighting and fronting.

Look, your fave doesn't support it regardless -- and it's because of his beliefs on Black Americans.

I"m supposed to believe a man who is anti-Black AF and doesn't even respect Black Americans and our ancestors -- is going to divert anything to our communities?

I'm not with the rich and poor convo - this is specific debt and it needs to be addressed and fixed. Addressing that would do more for Black America than anything.
Lol I said nothing about his support about Jessee Jackson I'm talking about his policies. Medicare for all/ free college/ jobs and infrastructure programs. I litterally dont give a fukk about Sanders as a person so stop trying to talk about his friendships and let's talk policy. Which you skipped over. Of course you dont want to play a how much game about reparations because you havent thought past getting money, litterally no specifics. Me and you vote for different reasons. I dont think I can convince someone who doesn't care about policy, I dont know too much about Sanders personal life to make you like him


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
Bernie arguing that the White Working Class™ were victims of Jim Crow rather than complicit in it.

The NERVE of Bernie using the slur to suggest WS were just duped vs ACTIVE participants/beneficiaries in a white supremacist society is appalling.





Aug 6, 2015
Yall better hope - people don't start pulling quotes from MLK book. Cause the Socialism and co-opting will cease quick.

Don't let these White folks pulling quotes to tailor to their causes get you in trouble -- or be out here looking stupid.
Within the ranks of organized labor there are nearly two million Negroes. Not only are they found in large numbers as workers, but they are concentrated in key in- dustries. In the truck transportation, steel, auto and food industries, which are the backbone of the nation’s economic life, Negroes make up nearly 20 percent of the organized work force, although they are only 10 percent of the general population. This potential strength is magnified further by the fact of their unity with millions of white workers in these occupations. As co-workers there is a basic community of interest that transcends many of the ugly divisive elements of traditional prejudice. There are undeniably points of friction, for example, in certain housing and education questions. But the severity of the abrasions is minimized by the more commanding need for cohesion in union organizations.

If manifestations of race prejudice were to erupt within an organized plant, it would set into motion many corrective forces. It would not flourish as it does in a neighborhood with nothing to inhibit it but morbid observers looking for thrills. In the shop the union o¤cials from highest to lowest levels would be immediately involved, for internal discord is no academic matter; it weakens the union in its contests with the employers. Therefore an important self- interest motivates harmonious race relations. Here Negroes have a substantial weight to bring to bear on all measures of social concern.

where do we go from here | 149

The labor movement, especially in its earlier days, was one of the few great institutions where a degree of hospitality and mobility was available to Negroes. When the rest of the nation accepted rank discrimination and prejudice as ordinary and usual—like the rain, to be deplored but accepted as part of nature—trade unions, particularly the CIO, leveled all barriers to equal membership. In a number of instances Negroes rose to influential national o¤ce.

Today the union record in relation to Negro workers is exceedingly uneven, but the potentiality for influencing union decisions still exists. In many of the larger unions the white leadership contains some men of ideals and many more who are pragmatists. Both groups find they are benefited by a constructive relationship to their Negro membership. For those compelling reasons, Negroes, who are almost wholly a working people, cannot be casual toward the union movement. This is true even though some unions remain incontestably hostile.

In days to come, organized labor will increase its importance in the destinies of Negroes. Automation is imperceptibly but inexorably producing dislocations, skimming oƒ unskilled labor from the industrial force. The displaced are flowing into proliferating service occupations. These enterprises are traditionally unorganized and provide low wage scales with longer hours. The Negroes pressed into these services need union protection, and the union movement needs their membership to maintain its relative strength in the whole society. On this new frontier Negroes may well be- come the pioneers that they were in the early organizing days of the thirties.


The tendency to ignore the Negro’s contribution to American life and strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning’s newspaper. To offset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Any movement for the Negro’s freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting to be buried.


Since the institution of slavery was so important to the economic development of America, it had a profound impact in shaping the social-political-legal structure of the nation. Land and slaves were the chief forms of private property, property was wealth and the voice of wealth made the law and determined politics. In the service of this system, human beings were reduced to propertyless property. Black men, the creators of the wealth of the New World, were stripped of all human and civil rights. And this degradation was sanctioned and protected by institutions of government, all for one purpose: to produce commodities for sale at a profit, which in turn would be privately appropriated.


“Other immigrant groups such as the Irish, the Jews and the Italians started out with similar handicaps, and yet they made it. Why haven’t the Negroes done the same?” These questioners refuse to see that the situation of other immigrant groups a hundred years ago and the situation of the Negro today cannot be usefully compared. Negroes were brought here in chains long before the Irish decided voluntarily to leave Ireland or the Italians thought of leaving Italy. Some Jews may have left their homes in Europe involuntarily, but they were not in chains when they arrived on these shores. Other immigrant groups came to America with language and economic handicaps, but not with the stigma of color. Above all, no other ethnic group has been a slave on American soil, and no other group has had its family structure deliberately torn apart. This is the rub.

The fourth challenge we face is to unite around powerful action programs to eradicate the last vestiges of racial injustice. We will be greatly misled if we feel that the problem will work itself out. Structures of evil do not crumble by passive waiting. If history teaches anything, it is that evil is recalcitrant and determined, and never voluntarily relinquishes its hold short of an almost fanatical resistance. Evil must be attacked by a counteracting persistence, by the day- to-day assault of the battering rams of justice.

We must get rid of the false notion that there is some miraculous quality in the flow of time that inevitably heals all evils. There is only one thing certain about time, and that is that it waits for no one. If it is not used constructively, it passes you by.


It is especially important for the Negro middle class to join this action program. To say that all too many members of the Negro middle class have been detached spectators rather than involved participants in the great drama of social change taking place on the stage of American history is not to overlook the unswerving dedication and unselfish service of some. But many middle-class Negroes have for- gotten their roots and are more concerned about “conspicuous consumption” than about the cause of justice. Instead, they seek to sit in some serene and passionless realm of isola- tion, untouched and unmoved by the agonies and struggles of their underprivileged brothers. This kind of selfish detachment has caused the masses of Negroes to feel alienated not only from white society but also from the Negro middle class. They feel that the average middle-class Negro has no concern for their plight.

And I can go on with more and more quotes from numerous sources....


Aug 6, 2015
Why the false equivalency?

bernie said “this guy listens to his base”

he didn’t advocate for segregation

those are separate things entirely


This is about him supporting a historic racist. Again, let someone support or hell -- understanding... to anyone that showed his people bigotry and violence. They would be Anti-Semitic.
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Oct 22, 2017
Come from the whitest state in the country, where only recently were housing covenants that forbid the sale of property to black people “overturned,” and think black America won’t see through your progressive charade. :unimpressed:


Aug 6, 2015
Lol I said nothing about his support about Jessee Jackson I'm talking about his policies. Medicare for all/ free college/ jobs and infrastructure programs. I litterally dont give a fukk about Sanders as a person so stop trying to talk about his friendships and let's talk policy. Which you skipped over. Of course you dont want to play a how much game about reparations because you havent thought past getting money, litterally no specifics. Me and you vote for different reasons. I dont think I can convince someone who doesn't care about policy, I dont know too much about Sanders personal life to make you like him

I have thought about it. But, I know about the "how much" game -- and how others like to play it. You are asking a non-scholar, a non-economist, a non-lawyer, a non-ADOS historian, etc - to present you a plan.

That in itself is dismissive and showing. Who else do people do this too -- only Black Americans -- and what's funny even people who do this know it's crazy to ask. But, it's a tactic to shut us up -- or make us look informed.

Well, hell --- it's things that went on and happened to our people (before and after Emancipation) -- we don't even know about -- so what I look like giving out a number - when I don't even know the full scope yet.

I want a multi-generational plan -- I also want to go after each and every corporation and institution who profited and are still profiting off our ancestors enslavement -- and Post Emancipation, Jim Crow experience --in every sector of life. EVERY ONE.

Yeah, I can't convince you to care about Black Americans and our very serious issues -- to which you and Bernie haven't addressed.

I challenge you to read more about ADOS history.


Jun 22, 2014
People seem to gloss over the fact that he is an open socialist. This is inline with his doctrinal beliefs.

Aint a cac in politics worthy of our support
His quasi-socialist policies are a part of his appeal.
Why would that be a problem?


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
It amazes me how many supposedly black people on here are cheerleading Trump. :scust: