Nancy Pelosi’s husband ATTACKED in their San Francisco home


Jan 26, 2017
Website saying a third individual

He broke in, talked to Husband, let the man go, take a piss and come back. Then beat his ass with a hammer

David DePape forced his way into the home through a back entrance, Scott said. Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person. They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon, Scott said, DePape took the hammer and “violently attacked” Pelosi.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
it's one of two things:

1. staged event because how the hell is the husband for the speaker of the house not protected by security?
2. paul pelosi is in the closet and the guy he invited over got upset over something (probably not getting paid what he was told) and went crazy

I dont think this was some crazy maga supporter trying to find nancy. that sounds like made up bs because the story doesnt add up

I was wondering about the security to. And how does a unknown person answer the door? They also said someone called for a wellness check at first. The whole thing is odd.


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
Wow so thecoli is actually defending the perperator? Insane! i havent gone through all the replies yet but in no way is political violence acceptable on both sides, it was wrong when that bernie guy did it to steve scalise and it is wrong now, violence is never the answer, if you dislike pelosi, settle it at the ballot box
Pelosi can’t be voted out by the ballot box, but members of her own party and they’ve shown that they don’t have the balls to do it even when she deserved it. Let’s not forget that she had Jim Clyburn out there shytting on Progressives on her behalf after those November election losses.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
In the months before police accused him of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Friday morning, David DePape had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate, according to a Times review of his online accounts.
In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as "Manipulation of History," "Holohoax" and "It's OK to be white." He mentioned *****, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.

DePape's screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled "Q," DePape wrote: "Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle."
DePape's daughter, Inti Gonzalez, told The Times that her father wrote the blog. She said that she and her mother were reeling from the news that DePape had been arrested in connection with the attack on Paul Pelosi.
“I’m a little shocked," she said, "but not really that shocked, in all honesty.”
Authorities have not revealed a motive for the attack at the Pelosi home in San Francisco early Friday. But law enforcement sources said the assailant shouted, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” before confronting Paul Pelosi, and San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott called the attack "intentional."

DePape followed a number of conservative creators online, including Tim Pool, Glenn Beck, DailyWire+ and the Epoch Times. He also followed an account on YouTube called Black Pilled and reposted several of its videos on his blog. "Blackpilling" is internet slang for coming to believe supposedly unacceptable facts about society, and the reposted videos include accusations such as the FBI covering up child rape.

When DePape was sounding off about QAnon, he posted: "Remember when the UK arrested parents for trying to rescue their children from being gang banged at pedo rape parties and f— LET the pedo's CONTINUE their kiddie rape orgies," he continued.
Another post referenced "pizzagate," a bogus conspiracy theory that posited that children were trapped in a sexual abuse ring in a Washington, D.C., pizzeria run by Hillary Clinton and a chief aide.
"Pizza gate is connected to Epstien hahahahha," a post from Aug. 23 read. "My friends would be like pizza gate was debunked their is NO such thing as elite pedophile sex rings and I'm like HELLO Epstein what planet are you on?"
In another, he called “equity” a leftist dog whistle “for the systematic oppression of white people” and “diversity” a “dog whistle for the genocide of the white race.” In others, he posted separate videos questioning the Holocaust and alleging Jewish bankers were responsible for Hitler’s rise to power.
DePape also ran a WordPress blog with the domain “,” which included racial slurs and far-right conspiracy theories, according to news reports. A spokesperson for, which is owned by Automattic, confirmed that DePape's blog was taken down Friday "for violating our Terms of Service."

He also posted personal conversations with his daughter. Their chats sometimes were about simple moments, including whistling back at birds, while others were darker, angry moments among DePape, Gonzalez and her mother.
Gonzalez said she was aware that her father posted some of their text conversations on the blog, but said she hadn’t paid very close attention to the rest of the content.
“I knew that he was posting things like that, but I didn’t know he posted all the stuff that I sent him,” she said. "But I don’t really care.”

So this guy was a full far-right, white nationalist, conspiracy theory nut job who put a hammer through Pelosi's skull, but typical idiot posters on here are claiming he was Paul Pelosi's friend and this is all some personal dispute?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
it's one of two things:

1. staged event because how the hell is the husband for the speaker of the house not protected by security?
2. paul pelosi is in the closet and the guy he invited over got upset over something (probably not getting paid what he was told) and went crazy

I dont think this was some crazy maga supporter trying to find nancy. that sounds like made up bs because the story doesnt add up

He staged getting his skull fractured with a hammer? For what benefit? :why:

And repeating the right-wing idiot conspiracy that he's a gay lover is just :mjlol:

The cops literally arrived while he was swinging the hammer screaming "Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?", he had a bag of zip ties, duct tape and a list of political targets, and perp's daughter has confirmed that the blog where he pushes insane far-right conspiracies is his blog and is full of personal conversations with her.....but you don't want to believe it.

Critical thinking on this site has gone downhill the last 3 years.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
It's funny you mention that considering that the energy in this thread would be completely different if it was a member of the Republican or someone in their family. People were chanting and celebrating people confronting and trying to run the fade on politicians in public. Of course someone was going to feel embolden and take it to the next level.

I mentioned that exact thing in those Supreme Court threads and posters were whining, so keep that same energy now.
Good point. In fact, you should UP the threads so people can see their own contradictions.
Sometimes people get wrapped up in politics and lose perspective.