The poverty is immenseIt's dope on one end, but another side of me can't help but think of all the problems that comes with major cities. Can't help but look beyond the surface of those pictures. I'm being cynical though.
beautiful. Singapore has some great skylines too.Hong Kong
It's so freaking overwhelming to the senses. I feel like I'll beif I ever visit there.
If anything America NEEDS more of these mega cities. Them Asian cities make NYC look like shyt.
If we're going on the most aesthetically pleasing cities to view from a high altitude, then Barcelona takes that.
I feel New York's expansion is somewhat limited by the Hudson Bay. Unless they can spread eastward into Long Island but I heard those suburban folks there are super NIMBY. Maybe New York could grow deeper into the New York mainland?New York City skyline will look different soon. There’s a new skyscraper going up or being designed every month it seems. They are trying to knock down all the old structures (except the Empire State and Chrysler building of coarse)
America will have more mega cities soon. Texas cities will be joining the NYC, LA, Chicago league eventually.