Know a lot of women who are similar. Sex became intensly stressful to a lot of women/men in the last 5 years or so. or that's my read based on my age range, of like 32-38, millenials.
the era of kind of faux sex positive thinking is done. Post Sex and The City, post Obama years. The rise and fall of dating apps as a way to experience sex and intimacy. A lot of women are celibate to somewhat celibate.
Huge social changes, like METOO, COVID. Conservative leadership restricting abortions.
but here's some real shyt society has ALWAYS mostly condemned any sex outside of a relationship/marriage. We call it a lot of things, cute dumb names, but essentially it's looked as lower.
People with sex, esp., tend to project how much sex other people are having. I do it too. But get up close and personal with a lot of women, many are pretty tame or at least very standoffish about it. I have a few neighbors/friends, and sure, they may be having some hot affair on the way low, at 4:00 AM or whatever, but mostly they are scrolling social media on the couch every night of the week. and these are attractive, single women, who are like 35. I see these people almost everyday, and they are my focus group lol for that demo
ugly gang checking in and writing soliloquies; hate 2 c it