I think very deeply

Cool story tho my nig.
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The longer she stays the more comfortable she's gonna get.
Cut the chord now , your the man. Tell your wife she can stay another two weeks max but she's gotta go after that.
Wait you messed with her before and drunken ish before?
What kind of messed up marriage do you have?
Is she contributing anything, food, cooking
, cleaning, ass
I'll admit my wife and I probably shouldn't have layed wit this her, but she is a good person and a great mother, plus we have all been freinds for 15 plus years. So I think she makes a good godmother candidate.I'm questioning your decision making period: Got a slore, bad decision making chick as your kids godparent, THEN has 3 somes with said jealous chick so she can convince your wife on further foolishness. But hey, I'm just some guy on the internet...![]()
Are u allowed to fukk since ur wife and u ha threesomes with her? Can u still hit t? Does she throw it out there to u ever?
And shyt is mad weird.
First off to give a little backstory we have all been freinds since highschool. I was actualy freinds with my wife's friend before I even met my wife. We grew up together and she was the chick in high school that everybody lost their virginity to, straight slore status.
So we've all remained freinds since then, she is my kids god mom and I'm her kids godfather. She is a very caring and I like her as a person but this bytch has to be the dumbest bytch I know. Since highschool her life has been a never-ending stream of bad decisions and fukkary that my wife and I have always helped her through. From evictions to repos, abusive dudes, to homlessness, this goofy bytch done dun it all.
She has a 6 year old daughter by some goofy nikka that got her pregnant and moved out on her. Just this January this dude comes back around talmbout he wants his family back. So she moves in with him, marries him on valentines day, and is pregnant by him before spring. Fast forward to now and this nikka done left her again, he just told her he was squating in the house they where in so now she has nowhere to live.
Shes been living with us for about a week now. And I'm not feeling it. Her and I messed around before I met my wife, and my wife and I have had drunken threesomes with her a couple times over the years. Problem is now her bad ass daughter is calling me daddy and asking for kisses before bed and she is treating me like her man, or rather expecting me to treat her like my woman. This bytch just be walkin round the house in her draws, pissing wit the door open expecting me to bring her shyt when I bring my wife shyt, and looking disappointed everytime I show my wife affection.
I've talked to my wife about it and asked if I can just deal with it for one more week. I told her i could, but I don't think I can make it. Im thinking about going home today and kicking all them mufukkas out.
What should I do?
Now that I think about it...
You've messed with this "aint shyt" slut before and your wife is best friends with her?
Birds of a feather flock together![]()
Whats wrong with her that you don't want to touch her now?