they dont purge songs. so whoever told you that was mistaken
op did you connect your ipod to a different computer
op did you connect your ipod to a different computer
Apple products are for old people and kids breh
downloading music is dead anyway, holla at spotify and get whatever isn't on there via torrents
i don't generally torrent music, i get it from blogs & shyt. mediafire, zippyshare and all that but i do have a few discogs i torrented mainly stuff i don't listen to very much and i want it more for the collection than anything else or to pick up new music from an artist i'm just starting to get into.
they dont purge songs. so whoever told you that was mistaken
op did you connect your ipod to a different computer
i have 6,000 songs on my gs5 we don't have these problems :umadbreh:years of illegally downloading the best rap of all time. 5000 songs gone just like that
i tried to start again but its gonna take too long
what would you do if this happened to you?
its the same laptop but it had to be repaired and restored. so when i reinstalled itunes all my music was gone
that has nothing to do with itunes then, they don't hack into your computer & make sure you only have music you bought from itunes. of course you're gonna lose everything on your computer if you had to totally repair & restore everything that's on you to make sure you back up your shyt.
so your laptop wasnt repaired? in that case your music should still be on it in the itunes media folderi never said itunes deleted my music. i said from the beginiing that it was because i had to repair my ipod. i was just agreeing with the other posters that apple are c*nts