My recent encounters with MLM pyramid scams: WAKEUPNOW, VISALUS, 5LINX and LIMU


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
Ok I know this is long but found an interesting youtube comment in response to this video

Youtube Comment:

Great Video Ethan!!, I was once in Primerica, and it did not work for me, but this is just my experience...I was approached by a guy while working, he sold me the line that he could pay me $2000 a month ( which is against regulations to say!) and he was recruiting for his new business. he was very vague on the description and said he works with PFS Financial. I didn't believe the pay me $2000 a month bit, but i decided to check it out, I figured i may be able to make a little more money than i was at the time. I got to the office and saw it was Primerica, and i asked him why didn't he say Primerica initially, and it wouldn't have mattered because i would have came anyway to try it, even without the deception. I joined up, I had plenty of people in my phone but since i was still relatively new to the area most of the people were from outta town and i was told to approach people i knew here and get appointments...get appointments for what? I still had no idea what this company did!!! LOL... showed up to some of the so called training sessions, which seemed more like motivation meetings. I attended a 5 day training class prior to taking the state exam for my life license, I asked why only 5 days to learn Life Insurance? I was told that the class only goes over topics that are most likely to be on the state test. Wow!! talk about a cram job, and they even have a 3 day class. I passed and got my license, and they didn't push selling insurance, only recruit, recruit, and more recruiting, and go out prospecting for recruits. I was never able to recruit anyone, not for lack of trying, but it just did not bear fruit for me, and i was never able to go above the Rep position because of that. I was able to sell one life insurance policy to my niece, and only made a $50 commission, and sell my mother a Vivint Home Automation system and earn $265, she loves it so that is ok. Not being able to recruit anyone and spending many hours out prospecting, and getting nothing, I was soon abandoned by my Upline, and i just stopped going to meetings period. I met 2 agents that worked for NY Life, and they would Literally come to my house and teach me about life insurance, and the business, really good guys. I found i knew nothing about life insurance. (How much could you learn after 5 days right?) They like to call people who leave quitters, losers etc. Those are just drilled in talking points you get at their motivation meetings and cult gatherings. I didn't quit, i took my life license and applied for four REAL & RESPECTED Insurance companies, and got 4 offers. I think i was hired out of pity..LOL, (I always joke and say that) Nevertheless, The company i work for had me in class for over 2 months, and i was not even allowed to take the state exam until i finished their training, and with each chapter there was an exam at the end, and we had to score 80% or better. Later I took and passed the state exam and received my Property and Casualty lic. to go with my life lic. the training is ongoing. I have been with this company 3 months, I am still in my official company training period, and i have a nice volume of business! i have done 4 life policies and lo and behold!! i made wayyyyy more than $50 dollars, and i am licensed to write, Auto, Home, Business, and Commercial policies also. I do not have UPLINES who take most of my commission, LOL, and I do not have to give people some brochure to call a 1-866 number to see if they can qualify for Home or Auto, I can write the policy myself! I do not have to recruit a soul!! People have options when purchasing life policies, not just one product of term. I work out of an office, and at our agent meetings, they do not give speeches on building base shops, recruiting people or trying to brainwash us, or defend any bad reputation, or talks of money you can make etc. etc. if you do not know what i mean, watch some of their videos. We train in product, and get new updates etc. as real businesses do. I have made more money in these last 3 months than i made in a year in Primerica, and many people that i tried to sell insurance to as a independent rep in Primerica, have come to see me upon finding out i am with a new company, and 2 of them accounted for 2 of my life policies i wrote, THEY WERE TERM!! LOL, The world is different working for a big insurance company. They call those of us who leave Primerica "Quitters and Losers" Well with the amount of business i get and money i make, i guess i will settle for a well paid and fed industry loser, than a broke guy bothering people at Malls, Walmart, and every place else Primerica winner. I am not a quitter, i am still in the industry. I will not call Primerica a scam per se, but you have to be very well off financially prior to joining that business, and you have to know tons of people that will open themselves to your presentation, Those 2 are a MUST!!! They are more of a Marketing Company for other Companies. Their investments are handled through the big companies, MetLife, Lincoln, Axxa etc. you can just go directly to those companies yourself! and with home and auto, they just call Answer Financial and they will shop around and see if they can get you a better rate, so it is one referral company calling another on your behalf. They only have their own Term Life company...They brag about the NYSE, well Nu Skin, Herbal Life, and Avon, and 6 other MLMs are also listed on the NYSE. I am thankful that they introduced me to the world of insurance and finance. This was just my experience, some people have better experiences.


May 17, 2014
A Jew at a major law firm tried to see if I was interested in some shyt where you sign people up and you make money as they contjnue to pay their utility bills. Told him I ain't interested jack :camby:


Jan 7, 2015
I just had to check it, greg still pushing that thunder and MCA crap :mjlol:

Still stunting with his jetsmarter but no place to live :mjlol:

90% of all his pictures are rented cars/bnbs and jets but he swears he's making money moves:mjlol:


this nikka right here :mjlol: