My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #423-424


The X-Men wake one morning to discover six crucified mutants on their front lawn, including Jubilee, Magma, Skin and Jesse Aaronson. Together with Nurse Annie they attempt to resurrect the dead mutants by using Archangel’s healing blood. Cyclops gets mad at Nightcrawler for not doing an adequate job as leader of the second X-Men squad, and belittles him in the conference room in front of almost every other X-Man. Cyclops learns from Nightcrawler and Havok that the Church of Humanity may have been responsible for the crucifixions, and gets mad at Kurt again for not telling him about the Church when they first ran into them a while ago. Meanwhile, Archangel’s healing blood proves to have a limit when Annie and Wolverine refuse to take any more from him, though luckily enough they managed to revive Jubilee and Magma. When Kurt tells the X-Men that he was fully ordained as a priest, there are a lot of suspect looks, and when he tells them that they were all at the ceremony, they get even more concerned for him. Husk learns of Jubilee’s resurrection and Skins death, before seven of the X-Men head for St. Michael’s church, where Kurt tells them the ceremony was held and where he has been serving as a priest for some time now. The X-Men find traces of no one, until Phoenix rips apart the church floor, discovering a underground laboratory of horror.

The X-Men help the surviving mutants in the church, while Nightcrawler learns from Father Whitney, before he dies, that his becoming a priest was a scheme for the Church of Humanity to take over the world. The X-Men head to Montana to stop the Church of Humanity, where Wolverine, Cyclops and Polaris find themselves trapped in a psychic illusion, until Polaris kills the soldiers who have them trapped. Meanwhile, Phoenix deals with Mutant 143 and Bishop Desmond, while Nightcrawler, Havok and Iceman learn that Kurt was going to replace the real Catholic Pope, and be revealed later as a demon, as a result of which the world would hunt down mutants and turn to the Church of Humanity for solace. The X-Men engage in battle with the Pope, who turns out to be a nun who was raped by a priest and forced to leave her work, which she loved. The woman commits suicide, ending the Church of Humanity’s plans…for now.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #425-427

Havok awakens from a dream in which he and Annie reveal their true feelings of love for each other, only to realize he is getting married to Polaris in two days. Juggernaut asks Cyclops if he can officially join the X-Men, and Havok tells him that he can be on his and Nightcrawler’s team. Later that evening, Annie arrives at a mixed human-mutant bar where Polaris’ bachelorette party is being held, despite being invited, Annie ends up sitting with Iceman separate from the party. After Annie storms away, he follows her out and the two kiss after he reveals that he is so lonely. At the bachelorette party proper, Lorna reveals much of her new personality and after discussing said personality and what marriage means to her, she apparently leaves with the stripper. At Havok’s bachelor party, a shapeshifting mutant stripper impersonates Annie, much to the disgust of Havok, who, not knowing she isn’t really Annie, jumps to protect her. After an argument with Cyclops, who planned this, Alex is confronted again with a hint that he may love Annie. This all comes to a head at the wedding where as Lorna walks down the isle, Alex calls off the wedding, and Lorna gets mad, transforming all the metal into an armor of the type Magneto wore she unleashes her powers and tells Alex that he is going to be sorry.


Lorna switches off the powers off all the mutants at the wedding by reversing their blood flow, except for Iceman, who tells her he still cares for her before she knocks him out, and Havok, who uses his powers to blast himself, Annie and Carter to safety. Lorna follows in pursuit, and Alex tells Annie that he knows all about her, revealing that her son used his powers to link their minds while he was in the coma so they wouldn’t be lonely. He tells Annie he loves her, before Lorna finds them, and after getting mad with Alex for ruining her wedding day, she attacks him with her powers, until the Juggernaut knocks her out. Afterwards, Alex and Annie go to Paris to live out a fantasy.

Husk, Jubilee and Archangel are paying their last respects to Skin at a graveyard in Los Angeles when Jubilee reveals she feels bad because she denied Skin. Husk tries to cheer her up after Warren leaves to go on some personal business. Two workers arrive at the graveyard to dig Skin up because he is a mutant, which goes against the religiously backed grounds of the cemetery. At a children’s hospital, Warren offers to use his abilities to heal all the children he can, hoping also to learn the limitations of his new healing power, after a test, the senior doctor allows him to. While Jubilee goes to talk to the cemetery manager, who is having an argument with his wife over the phone, Husk gets into a fight with the workers, one of whom she accidentally outs as a mutant with the ability to transform his body into steel. As Husk and he battle, Jubilee and the manager return, Jeremy gets fired for being a mutant and the manager offers to cremate Skin for them. Later, he gives the X-Men the remains, and after they leave he gets a phone call from his wife, who reveals that their terminally ill daughter was healed by an Angel.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If you had to put a number on it how far along do you think you are, % wise


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
New X-Men #134-138

Outside of a trendy nightclub in Mutant Town, mutant fashion guru Jumbo Carnation is assaulted and killed by a group of humans. At the Xavier Institute, class prodigy Quentin Quire continues to attempt to fit in. Lacking the coolness or popularity of Slick, the coolest kid in school, and unable to attract the attention of any of the five Stepford Cuckoos sisters. Having been invited to assist in the murder of Jumbo Carnation, Cyclops and Beast visit the scene of the crime. There, they discover an inhaler and learn of the substance it contains; Hypercortisone D, a steroid designed for mutants which increases their abilities. On the way back, the two converse about the recent controversy over the Beasts sexuality, forcing him to admit that it was a puerile ruse against his former girlfriend, Trish Tilby. Back at the Institute, Quentin, having recently learned the truth about a family secret, decides to bring all secrets to light. Using his mental powers, Quentin forces Slick to drop his illusory appearance, revealing his true troll-like appearance. Later in Xavier's office, Quentin is confronted by the Professor and the Beast, who inform him that his recent blood test show signs of an emerging secondary mutation. Lost in this and other recent revelations, Quentin visits the murder scene of Jumbo Carnation. Convinced that the Professor is wrong about everything, including the danger of the Hypercortisone D drug he is taking, Quentin decides to change everything. Walking confidently into a barbershop, Quentin asks to be given the same haircut as an illustrated character in an anti-mutant newspaper article.


After being assigned to a "special class" of students at the Institute, Xorn takes the group into the woods outside the campus ground for a journey into nature. Back in the Institute, Xavier's mind is on the recent discovery of an inhaler containing Hypercortisone D, also called "Kick." Having developed a following due to his actions, Quentin attires his new gang in clothes matching his, and dispenses the "Kick" drug. Journeying out into the night, they find and assault the street gang that killed Jumbo Carnation, killing several of them. The next day, Xavier conducts a telepathic meeting with his senior staff, where they discuss how to handle Quentin and the mutant drug. Out in the forest, Angel and Beak sneak away for private time. All are unaware that they are being watched. In the city, Quentin has convinced the rest of this group to get tattoos: an omega symbol with an X below it and announces that they are the new X-Men.

In their secret central headquarters, the U-Men are having a funeral/vivisection of a fallen comrade when Quentin Quire and his gang arrive. With swiftness and cruelty, Quentin's gang tortures and kills the U-Men. Xorn and his "special class" are assaulted by another group of U-Men, who are attempting to "harvest" new mutant organs. Leadership qualities arise from the Beak, who leads the class to safety and manages to save the life of fellow classmate Dummy, who had been injured by one of the U-Men's weapons. When the Beak sends her for help, Angel runs into Xorn, who stayed behind the students to stop the U-Men. He has done so startlingly as the U-Men and their vehicle are being consumed in flames. This, Xorn tells the dumbfounded Angel, will be their secret. The class is returned to the Institute by an X-copter, which had been telepathically summoned by Martha. It arrives as Emma Frost and her Stepford Cuckoos leave for an evening event. As the car drives away, Emma is lost in her telepathic tryst with Cyclops, who is returning in the X-copter. Despite Cyclops' protestations, Emma tells him that they are only sharing a thought together, a delicious thought. Turning in for the night, Xavier is knocked out by Quentin Quire's gang. Upon awakening, Xavier finds that he has been outfitted with a helmet, which blocks his telepathic powers. With the major threat to their plan neutralized, Quentin's gang announces to the world the next morning, the opening of Open Day, that they have hijacked the Xavier Institute. School is out. They are rioting!


The riot itself escalates as Glob Herman uses his power in a new way, to lob napalm-like parts of his body, while other students create chaos. Even Wolverine is not much of a threat, as Quentin uses his Kick-enhanced powers to entrap Wolverine in a memory. The Beast attempts to diffuse the riot by a recent discovery; Jumbo Carnation was not murdered by humans, but rather died from an overdose of "Kick." Disbelieving an instructor, the rioters continue but are quickly put down by the teaching staff, save Quentin Quire and Glob Herman. While Herman attempts to chase after a bus of humans, Quentin confronts the now-freed Professor. It is the Stepford Cuckoos, however, led by a Kick & Cerebra-enhanced Sophie, who defeat prodigy Quentin Quire. The cost, though, is a high one, as Emma Frost emerges from the school with the lifeless form of Sophie.


The flaming Glob Herman continues his rampage. Luckily, he is stopped by the combined efforts of the Beast, Cyclops and Xorn, with only an automobile destroyed in the process. The next day, at a private service for Sophie, the four remaining Stepford Cuckoos announce their disillusionment with Emma’s teachings and their intention of moving to Switzerland to study under Madame LaFarge. Quentin Quire’s condition worsens, brought on by his recent overuse of Hypercortisone D. When called in to help, Xorn announces that Quentin is going through a wondrous change and, rather than stopping it, actually helps to speed him along to a higher plane of existence. Rocked by this and recent events, Xavier makes a startling announcement; when the school reopens after the summer break, he will not be returning as its headmaster. The next day, Emma has decided to take Angel as her new project and buys her expensive clothes in Manhattan, very much against Angel’s protests. That night, rather than attend the prizegiving ceremony, Angel leads the Beak into the nearby woods for a private conversation and a revelation; she’s pregnant. Meanwhile, in the garden, Cyclops finds Emma, who is very much alone and in a fragile emotional state. Cyclops’ feeble attempt to end their recent dalliances actually leads to an escalation, as Emma takes them both to a telepathic hideaway where they can indulge in their fantasies. Unfortunately, Emma and Scott are caught by surprise when Jean, having been contacted by the Stepford Cuckoos and having just returned to the States, arrives in their telepathic room.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #428-434

Flashback 20 years ago[/img]

After playing a deadly game of seduction with the hired help around the castle, Baroness Raven Wagner and her husband Christian Wagner discuss their situation of him being infertile. At a banquet, Raven is introduced to the ruler of the island nation known as La Isla des Demonas, Herr Azazel, and the two are instantly taken with one another. Azazel woos Raven by making her realize there is more to her as a person than what she and others may think, and they later meet at a church, where at Azazel’s request, Raven reveals her true blue form to him, and they have sex. Raven proclaims she is in love with Azazel, who does not feel the same, and tells the pregnant Raven that she will raise the baby as if it were Christian’s. Months later, the heavily pregnant Raven kills Christian after he demands a paternity test done, and after Raven’s baby is born, very obviously different – blue skin and a tail Raven uncontrollably reveals herself to be blue as well. She is proclaimed a demoness and chased from the castle, where she decides to start life over with nothing. She curses Azazel and drops her baby from the top of a waterfall – it disappears mid-fall with a "bamf" noise.


Nightcrawler steals an X-Jet early in the morning and heads for the Isla Des Demonas. Before the X-Men go after him, Iceman’s secret of having a secondary mutation is revealed when one of the school staff finds him in the freezer. The X-Men prepare to go search for Kurt, Xavier revealing that Kurt may not be the only teleporter to go missing recently. As Havok and Annie say their good-byes, Xavier brings Polaris to the infirmary where he is going to conduct a probe to see if anything is wrong with her mentally. Lorna teases Annie until Juggernaut arrives and requests to talk to Xavier. The brothers get into an argument over whether or not Cain can go to Canada to see Squidboy, which turns into a big fight about their past and what Cain’s father did to them both, and how they both reacted wrong. Charles grants Cain permission to go, but only with Northstar. On the Isla Des Demonas, they find Kurt and also get the attention of several deadly looking mutants.

The X-Men discover that Carter Ghazikhanian has snuck along for the ride. They engage the situation, trying to free Nightcrawler from the circle he seems stuck in and before the hordes reach them from out of the dimensional rift. They engage the circle, but not before Iceman is struck with an arrow and seemingly killed, his body turning to ice and shattering. Archangel mourns his friend until his girlfriend, Husk is in danger and he tries to save her, when suddenly, the rift seems to explode and leaves a huge hole in the middle of the jungle.


At the Institute, Xorn suggests to Nurse Annie that her son attend his special class, an idea that makes Annie discomfortable. After taunts from Polaris, she agrees to enter Lorna’s mind with Xavier where they learn that on Genosha, Lorna began to seek the truth about whether or not she was Magneto’s daughter. Meanwhile, in Vancouver, Squidboy is abused by his father and runs away.

Nightcrawler is free from his trance, and as Warren uses his healing blood on him, Kurt gets burned. Several of the demons on Azazel’s side attack the X-Men. Things take an interesting turn when Abyss tries to use his powers to teleport some demons, and instead Mystique, among other things emerge from the teleport hole. In Polaris’ mindscape, she reveals that she is the daughter of Magneto! Xavier and Annie join Lorna in a flashback of the events occurring at the time Genosha was being destroyed, shortly after Lorna was greeted in Genosha as a princess. The trio is helpless as they live, and in Lorna’s case re-live through the Sentinel massacre, which caused Lorna to loose control and after escaping the Sentinels she retreated within herself, blocking everyone from getting in and so Havok could just love her again. In the infirmary, Lorna promises she will be good. In Vancouver, Squidboy lashes back at bullies, and possibly kills one of them, as Northstar and Juggernaut have an interesting discussion aboard the X-plane en route to see Squidboy.

After Azazel stops the fight between the X-Men and his followers, several of the X-Men and Mystique join him at his dinning table, where he reveals that not only is he Satan, but he is the father of Nightcrawler! Mystique confirms this, and Azazel informs Kurt that his stepmother, Margali is a very good friend of his. When Professor Dibble reveals that despite the historical evidence he found he does not believe Azazel to be Satan, he is killed. Meanwhile in Canada, Mrs. Pare wishes she left Sammy with the Juggernaut, though when Juggernaut and Northstar show up, she panics and calls for help. Sammy shows up, and upon seeing what his father has done to him, Cain attacks Claude Pare, breaking his arm and tossing him through the house. Just then three of Alpha Flight arrive, wearing armor, surprised to see Northstar, and ready to fight Juggernaut.

Polaris, Xavier and Annie return from Lorna’s mindscape only to learn that Annie’s son, Carter stowed aboard the X-plane with Havok and the rest of the X-Men when they were tracking Nightcrawler. Captured, Husk and Jubilee realize their powers cannot help them escape, while Havok learns that Iceman (whose head is all that remains) blames him for stealing away Lorna and Annie from him.

Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Archangel learn of Azazel’s origin – that he was a mutant from biblical times, and was sent to this dimension in exile and uses teleporting mutants to escape so he can return to Earth. With his plan foiled by the X-Men, he is seemingly trapped here – unless someone can open the portal from the other side, while a teleporter opens it from this side. At that moment, Polaris, Xavier and Annie arrive, and Lorna stretches open a recent rip in the fabric of space – the gateway they all need to escape!

Kiwi Black kills Archangel’s torturer, and the two men start to flee. In the dungeon, the captured X-Men are attacked by Ginniyeh. Ginniyeh displays a new power, the ability to alter her physical state of being, until Iceman absorbs all the water from her body, thus defeating her and restoring his own body. Nightcrawler and Abyss are planning to escape somehow when Polaris sticks her head through Abyss’ portal before she uses her powers to rip apart the castle, sending everything flying through Abyss into the real world. Wolverine escapes from his captor, and when Iceman and the others return to Earth, Annie Ghazikhanian kisses Iceman for rescuing her son, despite her romantic involvement with Havok. Nightcrawler teleports back in to confront his father, who attacks Kurt before being sucked away somewhere. Alpha Flight’s battle with Juggernaut comes to an end after Sasquatch beats Cain to the point he cannot fight back.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Weapon X #6-13
Thanks to the Director’s full financial and emotional support, Aurora has almost fully recovered from her injuries. Unlike before she now has real feelings for him and wishes to express her gratitude, but the Director tells her that it is not appropriate. Their conversation is interrupted by the Director’s pager, alerting him to his ex-wife is getting remarried. He summons for Sabretooth and the two set off on a secret mission. Arriving at Kathleen Colcord’s house, they make their way up the stairs to find a man with a shotgun who warns them to leave. Upon order, Sabretooth pounces on the frightened man sending him crashing through the door leading into the bedroom. There the Director confronts his ex-wife who is shocked to see him. The Director pulls a gun to kill her, but hesitates when he sees that she kept a picture of them when they were still happy. Just then his two small children walk in and the young boy calls for his daddy. After consoling his children, the director decides not to hurt their mother, though he forbids her to ever be with another man. She reluctantly concedes to his request as the Director orders Sabretooth to detain Kathleen's fiancé and bring him to the jet. Later, no longer able to deny another urge, he heads to the Aurora's bedroom. He takes her hand in his and kisses her.

Meanwhile a special program is running in the United Theater in Detroit in front of a carefully picked audience. The screen displays images of the brutality of war and informs the viewers about the Weapon X program and the Director. It even mentions the concentration camp for mutants. Nathan Summers is the man responsible for the program and at the end all of the viewers agree with his cause – Weapon X needs to be stopped.

Claiming to be the government liaison to an undisclosed military base holding mutant terrorists, Mr. Thorton holds a press conference during which he denounces everything they have heard about “Neverland” and civil rights being violated as mere rumors. Actually though, Mr. Thorton is Weapon X operative Mesmero, and he uses the press conference transmit to boost society’s fear of mutants. However, the Underground is already on Weapon X’s trail. By analyzing the video image, they discover his true identity, but don’t expose it. Instead, they decide to track Mesmero and Meltdown manages to slip him a micro camera. Through this, Weapon X learns that “Thorton’s” two bodyguards are Weapon X operatives Kane and Washout, and that Mesmero’s mother is gravely ill. Meanwhile at the Weapon X compound, Aurora, almost fully recovered, suggests that the Director too undergoes facial surgery. Wildchild spies on them, rather jealously, and is easily goaded by Brent Jackson to join his little sub-group when promised that they’ll get rid of the Director. In Denver, two mutants slaughter the customers of a fast food restaurant and leave a message scrawled in blood “Free Neverland.” When the incident makes it to the news, Cable fears that this will cause another anti-mutant hysteria, so he sends Maverick to investigate and deal with the people responsible.
Mesmero arrives home to his gravely ill mother, who tells him that today is the day she dies. He tries to save her, but too often has she been on the receiving end of his gift and, telling her son that he isn’t God, she gives him a final goodbye before passing away. Thanks to the micro-camera attached to his jacket, the Underground followed through the ordeal and Cable hopes that his failure will affect his confidence-based mutant ability. Meanwhile, Maverick and Domino track the two serial killers, who have been slaughtering humans in the name of Freedom for Neverland. It turns out they are Reaper and Wildside, believed prisoners in Neverland, but before they can be interrogated, the two terrorists get away. At the Weapon X compound, Washout discovers that his power upgrade is slowly killing him, drying out his body. Brent Jackson offers him to get revenge on the Director and asks him to join his little group within the project. Meanwhile, the Director returns from a short leave of absence with a surprise for his lover, Aurora. He too has undergone facial surgery, now looking rather handsome.

Garrison Kane receives another upgrade, allowing him to download different superpowers into his system, all save one: the ability to shape and alter technology, which would interact with his own cybernetic bodyparts. Marrow begins to suspect that they aren’t told everything, and Brent Jackson uses her doubts to make her join his little subgroup that is undermining the Weapon X program. Mesmero confides in Dr. Windsor that he has lost his powers. Apparently, when he failed to stop his mother’s death, his ego took too big a blow, affecting his confidence-based abilities. Windsor promises not to tell anyone, but Sabretooth has already overheard their conversation and realizes that, with Mesmero’s mental inhibitors no longer working, he is once more free to escape. In Utah, Domino and Maverick chase Wildside and Reaper, but they take Domino hostage. Maverick doesn’t care and shoots all three of them. Domino is only minorly injured, but pretty peeved, while the two terrorists both pass out though are not mortally wounded.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Weapon X #6-13 Continued...
The Director has a secret meeting with Marrow, telling her that Sabretooth has escaped. Reminding her of the Mutant Massacre, he offers her to the assignment to bring Creed back by whatever means necessary. Marrow eagerly accepts; she has been waiting to get revenge on Sabretooth for a long time. Brent Jackson informs the Director they have a fix on the location of Reaper and Wildside, and he is ready to leave, when they have a little heart to heart. The Director wants to make up with him, and Jackson pretends to go along. During their little chat, Jackson mentions that because of his relationship with Aurora the Director could be perceived as a “mutie lover.” When Jeanne-Marie later surprises him in his office, the Director keeps hearing Jackson’s words over and over again and angrily lashes out at her, beating her up with a paperweight until she doesn’t move. Meanwhile, the Underground realizes that Reaper and Wildside have mental blocks and Cable is forced to use his unstable telepathy to get the information they need. He is able to confirm that the pair was working for Weapon X and that their actions were meant to increase anti-mutant hysteria so that people wouldn’t mind mutants being taken to Neverland. However, that’s all they learn before Cable ends up frying their minds. Right then, an alarm sounds and several Weapon X agents break into the Underground’s base. It’s Jackson and his followers, Wild Child, Sauron and Wash-Out. Surprisingly, they tell Cable that they haven’t come to fight, but to join them.
The paradox of wanting to eliminate all mutants but being in love with Aurora has caused Malcolm to loose his temper and beat her up. Despite of her fear of him, the couple kind of make up. Later, he is informed by Brent Jackson that he's found their missing operatives, Reaper and Wildside, who have been brought to the lab. There, the Director meets with Dr. Windsor, who informs him that both their minds have been fried by a telepath. Colcord also asks about Windsor's increased activities in their mutant concentration camp, Neverland, and demands a full report. Next, he is approached by Agent Zero, who returns from another successful mission. After checking in on the brainwashed Madison Jeffries, assuring him that his technological supplies are used for the benefit of humanity, the Director proceeds to Mesmero’s quarters, letting him know that the loss of his powers is apparent or else Sabretooth wouldn’t have escaped. Mesmero is led by Garrison Kane away to a helicopter that will transport him to Neverland. Along the way, Mesmero reminds Kane that one day he might share his fate. Meanwhile, Washout tries to get revenge on the Director for giving him a power upgrade that slowly kills him. After using his powers to short-circuit all systems in the compound, Washout tries to kill the Director by controlling the water molecules in his body, but the strain is too much and he dies with the job unfinished.

Still, the power blackout allows Cable and the Underground to get into the base without any alarms going off. Their arrival is not entirely unnoticed, though, as hiding in a pipe several feet under the complex, Sabretooth smells the intruders. In his office, the Director hears one of his troops calling to him for reinforcements, but he doesn’t respond. Instead he stares at himself in a mirror and realizes that his relationship with Aurora made him soft and care for nothing else but his restored looks. He smashes the mirror and cuts up his face time and again until he collapses from the loss of blood. Making his way through the complex, searching for the Director, Cable is opposed by Garrison Kane. Cable belittles his old friend for what he has become and uses his psionic powers to screw up Kane’s cybernetic implants. Finding the Director, Cable extracts the information on Neverland from his mind, and is ready to shoot him for setting up a mutant concentration camp, when he is surprisingly attacked by Madison Jeffries, the Director’s most loyal agent. Creating himself an exoskeleton also capable of carrying the injured Director, Box enters the fight, creating an unlimited number of Boxbots for the heroes to fight. Completely outnumbered, they more than welcome Kane’s decision to side with them. Well aware that it would kill him, Kane downloads the ability to shape technology himself, and effectively destroys Jeffries’ creations at the cost of his own life. With Jeffries and the Director fleeing, it’s only the heroes and Jackson’s group left. Jackson uses this to his advantage, using the complex’s dampening field to betray his erstwhile allies and knock them all out. At the same time, Marrow tracks Sabretooth to the complex’s sewer systems and engages him in a battle. Though she seems outclassed, her inventiveness with her bone constructs give her a little edge, and eventually she manages to open a valve, creating a floodwave that washes Creed out of the pipe and down the several hundred feet high mountainside.

Despite him having abused her, Malcolm Colcord manages to convince Aurora to use her speed and help him and Madison Jeffries to escape from the Weapon X compound. At the same time, Maverick faces Agent Zero, who demands to know his real identity. Maverick though releases an energy blast from his fist, covering his getaway. The remaining Underground members are taken to a lab, where Brent Jackson asks Dr. Windsor to erase their memories of what they learned at the Weapon X complex and replace them with something else. Marrow returns with the news that she killed Sabretooth, but a few hours later, she betrays the program and frees Cable and his friends. Escaping with them on a small aircraft, she uses the fact that Cable’s mind is still fuzzy to her advantage. Not only does she let him believe the fake memory implants, but she also manipulates him into giving her a data disk containing information on all hidden Mutant Underground cells. Some time after, Jackson is called before the Weapon X project’s superiors, and he is interrogated on everything that happened. Though it takes him quite a while, he manages to blame everything that happened on either Cable or Colcord and is promoted to being the new Director, much to the delight of Sauron and Wild Child who have been loyal to him the whole time. Once he has sent Agent Zero after the escapees Marrow and Maverick, Jackson brings Dr. Windsor up to date on the developments, totally unaware who the scientist really is – Mr. Sinister. In the guise of Dr. Windsor he has apparently been liberating some of Neverland’s inmates, but in reality they are taken to another secret base of his to be experimented on.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Treme X-Men #25-30
God Loves, Man Kills II

The prisoner, William Stryke,r is being led to a plane by armed guards to head back to his asylum in the East. A surprise assailant kills all the officers on the plane and radios in a distress call blaming the X-Men. She reveals herself as Lady Deathstrike to Stryker. The two embrace, but their embrace is cut short when one of the officers awakens and shoots at them. The shot misses and Yuriko kills the officer and causes them to fly out the plane hatch, holding one another. The plan explodes and crashes in the Rockies, near Montana. Sage views a news report about the crash of the plane and the team moves out to check on the accident. In Chicago, at the same time, Kitty Pryde visits her psychiatrist, who talks to her about her hatred for people that believe in the ideals of people like Stryker. The team arrives in the Rockies where they find evidence of Lady Death Strike’s involvement. The team is ambushed and everyone, except for Bishop and Storm, are captured. While the X-Treme team face their demise, back in Chicago at the bar Kitty works at, she is attacked by Lady Deathstrike and given to Stryker for his own purposes.

Storm and Bishop fight for their teammates’ lives against a foe Storm thought she would never face again. They are the Purifiers and, after a long-fought battle, the X-Treme team become the victors. In Chicago Kitty Pryde is wondering how she is going to break free from the cell her captors have placed her in. Suddenly, Stryker uses a mind device on Kitty to make her see visions of memories long faded. In those memories, her deceased friends, Illyana and Colossus, come to her aid and are able to talk her out of joining Stryker’s cause. In another room Stryker prepares for another test-run. In the meantime, he sends Yuriko to Mount Haven via her ability to transport a holographic form through the Internet. There, Yuriko finds her team dead and a powerful mutant from Mount Haven possesses her. She removes her connection and begins to attack Stryker and her team of technicians. After decapitating a few of her employees, Stryker is able to flee, using Kitty’s powers through a collar device Yuriko created for them earlier. While Stryker runs for his life, in the Rockies, Sage interrogates the Purifiers and finds that Stryker is back in action.

Passing their body through the earth, Kitty and Stryker head to a destination unknown. Elsewhere, Storm is attacked by an anomaly affecting the Earth, causing her pain. The X-Treme team talks her out of her hysteria, but sadly Storm’s past injuries become apparent once more. They find that it was Kitty’s fault for the pain the Earth was caused and they decide that she must be in trouble. Kitty is found laying unconscious on a highway by a family named the Garzas. Thankfully, this family helps Kitty and decides to take her to their intended destination. Minutes later, the X-Treme team arrives, hot on the trail of their missing friend, but they only find tire marks headed towards a nearby town. In that town, a man named Paul helps Kitty regain consciousness and takes her on a tour of his town. The town is called Mt. Haven and, as Kitty finds out, it is full of surprises. Paul carries an unconscious Kitty to the basement of a church, where a mutant-woman named Cybill tries to help her. Kitty awakens and phases through Cybill to escape what she thinks to be a threat. Cybill collapses and dies in Kitty’s arms, apparently because of Kitty’s actions. Paul is scared and asks Kitty to stay away from him. Unknown to them, Stryker is nearby and he attacks Paul, knocking him to the ground. Stryker commands Kitty to restart the town’s system network, which she complies, but only under duress. Shockingly, after a long argument over God’s plan for mutants, Paul reveals that he was only faking being incapacitated and he repels Stryker from the room. On the outskirts of Mt. Haven, Sage and Storm become possessed by some outside force and attack Bishop. While in the forests surrounding the town, Lady Deathstrike and Logan face off, ending with the apparent death of Wolverine. Above all this, Cannonball watches in surveillance and is forced to make the decision of either running for help or helping his teammates. Lady Deathstrike stands above the body of her arch-nemesis, Wolverine, preparing to strike a final blow. Suddenly, Cannonball rushes through the woods, sending Deathstrike hurling.


Sam races back to check on his teammate and finds that Deathstrike has punctured his heart, causing him to scream Logan’s name so loud that even Storm can hear him. Storm decides to leave the others and bring Sam in to join their cause. Little do Storm and Sage know, but Bishop is fine and watching them from atop a nearby Inn. Bishop hears a noise and finds that the Garza family held up in the basement with their young mutant son fallen sick with fever. Diagnosing the problem of the young mutant, Bishop heads off to follow up on his conclusion by finding other mutants to examine. In level 2 of the underground bunker of Mt. Haven, Kitty questions Paul about her recent findings of his past. Making their way to Level 5, Kitty finds that Aaron Pankow used to be the director of this underground bunker and realizes that Paul may not be as nice as she thought. Stryker comes out of a nearby stairwell and requests that Kitty follow him below.


Outside of Mt. Haven, Storm has finally caught up with Sam. Using his skills, he is able to capture Storm but, he is caught of guard by the same thing that possessed the others and he joins the ranks of Mt. Haven. Below in the bunkers once more, Kitty comes across the revelation that the entire populace of humans that once lived there are dead. She also finds out that it was Paul that killed them. Stryker uses her confusion to his advantage, sending her into the arms of Paul, which causes a horrific feedback and the two of them collapse to the ground.

After the shock to Paul’s system, the entire populace of Mt. Haven is struck by severe convulsions, sending most of them to their deaths. Luckily for the most recent arrivals, their neural net had not been completely destroyed, so they survive. Down in the catacombs, Stryker says his farewell to Kitty’s stricken body. Turning around to leave, he is shocked to feel Kitty’s fist across his neck. Stryker falls to the ground. Both Kitty and Stryker begin to argue about right and wrongs of Paul’s actions. Suddenly, the lights of the catacombs come back on and Paul comes back online. Still fuzzy because of the system he is in crashing, Paul tells Kitty about the real Paul and how he once was a prisoner in Mt. Haven. He tells her about how Aaron Pankow used his computer consciousness to hurt Paul, but he fought back and, after what he thought was his death, he awakened to find that him and Paul had merged. Kitty warns Stryker about Paul’s nannites trying to take over the world’s computers and Stryker decides to use his own body to contain the nannites. Paul sends himself into Stryker and sacrifices himself by capturing himself in a containment pod, which will allow him to survive but never leave the catacombs of Mt. Haven. Above them, as the dilemma continues, Logan searches for Katherine, while Bishop tries to put a stop to Deathstrike’s rampage. After the battle, the team meets up at the Belles of Hell bar, in Chicago. There they discuss Stryker’s last sacrifice and Kitty talks about her future plans away from the X-Men.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Treme X-Men #31-35
A family drives down a highway in Los Angeles when they are distracted by a group of rebel mutants passing by them. Taking his eyes off the road, the father is too late to save his family as they crash off the side of the cliff, leaving only the daughter alive. Hours later, Marie, the daughter, is rushed to the hospital, where she overhears the disturbing news that the gang of mutants will most likely go unpunished. Elsewhere, a group of Guerrilla fighters, in Africa, gun down two relief workers, only to be killed themselves by a mutant claiming to be a survivor from Genosha. While these events transpire, in Texas, dignitaries from across the globe meet to discuss the ever-growing threat of the mutant population. It just so happens that Storm and Gambit are at this same meeting, in disguise, and they are troubled by what they hear coming from people they considered allies and confidants. Back in Los Angeles, Bishop intercedes in a police fight, where a young mutant boy dies because of an overdose of the drug called Rave. Behind the scene and unknown to Bishop, the only reason the local police did not arrest him was due to the interceding of Roberto Dacosta and his power over the X-Corp Branch in Los Angeles. Bishop and Sage, who joins him towards the end of the battle, leave the crime scene and happen upon Rogue, who is now calling herself Anna and working in a local garage. The three of them later go to a concert, where they meet Sam Guthrie, who is there to hear Lila Cheney’s concert. During the concert, Rogue and Sage notice a suspicious looking individual and the two of them find that Marie D’Ancanto is carrying a bomb, intent on murdering mutants. After a brief fight in the air, the Sam, Rogue, and Marie land on the ground and the team faces a tough decision: either give Marie to the authorities or question her themselves. They decide on questioning her themselves and Anna takes Marie to her beach house. Elsewhere, in Texas, a tremendous tornado is headed straight for the Presidential Ranch but, thanks to Storm’s intervention, the dignitaries are saved. Storm lands near the river she and Gambit are camped near and Remy helps her recover from the strain of her fight. Interrupting the two friends’ intimate moment, a group of officials approach them. Valerie Cooper and Colonel Vazhin question their two mutant allies about the questionable dispersion of the tornado. Back in Valle Soleada, Anna finishes her interrogation with Marie, with only more questions than answers.


A group of protesters converge on the Valle Soleada courthouse. Inside the beach house of Rogue’s, she is having a nightmare where she kills all her teammates after transforming into Mystique. After awaking, she sees that Sam and Lila have ported back to her house. Later in the morning, a man named Jarod Malloy visits her house. Sam and Anna pose as husband and wife and they listen as Jarod tries to talk Anna into selling her house. After Jarod leaves, Sage follows after him and Bishop ports away with Lila to find an ally in New York that owes the X-Treme team a favor. Rogue and Sam head off to visit the gang of mutants that forced the D’Ancanto family’s car off the cliff. After arriving on the beach, Rogue and Sam show off their strength. During their display, Sam calls Sage to get an update on her surveillance and she informs Sam that the lawyer has arrived at the X-Corp branch in Los Angeles. Unknown to Sage, a set of eyes follow her and those eyes belong to Elias Bogan. Sam awaits the arrival of a close friend of his, Amara Aquilla, at the Los Angeles International Airport.


After meeting up, Sam blasts the two of them, via his mutant powers, to the X-Corp Headquarters in Los Angeles. Once there, the two friends meet up with Roberto DaCosta, an old ally of theirs. After a friendly argument, Roberto requests the presence of Sam at a gala he is throwing later on that night. Elsewhere, Rogue and Bishop watch as the D.A. loses a case against a handful of delinquent mutants involving the D’Ancanto “accident.” They meet up with Evangeline Whedon, who agrees to help them with the trial. At Rogue’s house that night, the team is attacked by Revenant but Rogue saves them. After their confrontation, Rogue follows Revenant back to her home base, the X-Corp’s Headquarters. Roberto’s gala is going full force, but a flying motorcycle and its driver, a woman named Rogue, interrupt it.
Roberto doesn’t come unguarded, though, and two mutants by the name of Stringfellow and Skitz easily take care of Cannonball and Rogue. After the fight, Sunspot sends his two allies into the atmosphere and they land near a beach, unconscious and un-composed. Sage is able to pick up the fight on her tech-glasses and she takes Evangeline Whedon to safety, as Bishop prepares to save his two friends. Elsewhere in Crawford, Texas, Gambit teaches Storm a lesson in humiliation, as he defeats her in hand-to-hand combat. After their practice, Colonel Vazhin meets them and congratulates her for her team getting an official authoritative status. He tells her that, in order for him to feel better about her leading this new official team, named the X-S-E, she must infiltrate a battle arena and put a stop to it. Back in California, the delinquent mutants sit around their house silently reveling in their victory, in court. A shadowy figure approaches them and offers them the drug “kick” to defeat the X-Treme team and they accept. The mutants go after the fallen Cannonball and Rogue but, luckily for them, Bishop is there to save them. Back at the X-Corp headquarters, Bobby and Amara find the secrets behind Jarod Malloy. However, the two mutants are being influenced by the powers of Elias Bogan.


After their finding, Bobby announces to the public his findings and apologies. This event helps Marie to be found not guilty. Anna and Marie go to the D’Ancanto grave and she apologizes to her parents for her dishonor.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Treme X-Men #36-39

Storm arrives in California with Gambit in tow. She returns him to Rogue, who in so many ways is ecstatic to see his return. After a brief discussion on their new role as world police enforcers and their title of X-Treme Sanctions Executives, Bishop is hit hard with the similarities of the future where he came from. With that said, Ororo flies off into the sky in search of Tullamore Voge in Tokyo. After her arrival, she meets up with Yukio and the two head towards a club called the Arena, where Vogue is believed to be involved. After their arrival, they meet up with a mysterious woman by the name of Masato and she guides them to a special area of the club. Shockingly enough, this place is a true arena, where mutants fight one another for survival. Watching the battle, Storm takes pity on one of the combatants and enters herself in the fray. In the midst of the battle, Ororo is able to gain the upper hand and, after it is all said and done, is declared the victor and new champion. Beginning to wonder, Storm realizes that the feeling of victory is glorious.

Koga, her new acquaintance, walks to the center stage and announces Storm as their new Champion. Storm, feeling awestruck, does not know how to react, so she flies off into the sky with Yukio in tow. Once back at Yukio’s apartment, Storm faces a tough decision on what to do next with her life. Yukio and Storm talk back and forth until the two allies fall asleep from the day’s exhaustion. Using this opportunity, a shadowy assailant enters the room, intent on hurting Ororo. This assailant does not have the ability to follow through with his plan, however, as Storm shows him why she is known as the weather witch. As lightning courses around the assailant, Ororo is shocked to see her ally, Guido, was the enemy. After a long talk at Guido’s new house, Storm still decides to take the role as Champion of the Arena, even after repeated urging not to by both Yuriko and Guido. At the crowning ceremony, Storm is given the shock of her life, as her old colleague, Callisto, enters the Arena, challenging Storm for the title as the champion of the Tokyo, Arena.


The match seems to be one-sided and Callisto easily takes care of Storm. Surprisingly, instead of Callisto gloating, another character from Storm’s past enters the Arena. Her name is Masque and, although he was a male before, it still seems she/he can still cause the same damage.


She quickly transforms Storm into a devilish creature but even still Storm is able to allow the others enough time to escape and hide at Lila Cheney’s safe house. Afterwards, Masque uses her newly acquired entourage to break Storm’s spirit in preparation of using her in the Arena. It seems to work, as, days later, Storm stands in the midst of the Tokyo Arena, preparing to battle an armored clad ninja. During the battle, the ninja’s helmet falls from off of her shoulders, revealing the fact that Yukio was the combatant all along. Storm strangely does not stop and silently begins to close in for the kill. Placing two Katana’s to Yukio’s neck, Storm changes her mind at the last second and allows Yukio to live. Masque’s entourage quickly removes Yukio from the Arena and Purge pays Storm back for her disobedience.

Callisto and Storm fight battle after battle, from Arena to Arena. Each one they win adds a new victory tattoo to their bodies. After one such battle in London, Masque talks to Tullamore Voge, who offers a large sum of money for the purchase of Storm. At first, Masque does not agree but, eventually, she caves in and agrees to his offer.


After informing Ororo of her decision, she leaves to let Paradise administer some lessons. Little does Masque suspect, but Koga and the others are watching every move of hers from the safety of Lila’s extra-terrestrial hideout. The Tokyo competitors decide to save their friend, even at the cost of their lives. Callisto has the same idea and she finds that both she and Storm have faked their loyalty to Masque’s cause. They fight a few more battles and, thanks to a distraction caused by the Tokyo crew, the two mutants fight their way through Masque’s entourage and take the villainess out. After shipping her to Tullamore Voge via the box meant for Storm, the combatants gather in Tokyo to discuss future plans. In a hot tub, Callisto, Yukio and Storm discuss the possibility of using the Arena as a secret staging area to train future X-Men.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #435-436
The Trial of Juggernaut

The She-Hulk and Jack White meet with Xavier and several of the X-Men in Vancouver to discuss the Juggernaut and his sentencing. Jack berates Xavier for all of the nonsense with Cain, before stating that he will try to get Cain extradited. In his holding cell, Juggernaut is freed when another inmate of the holding facility, the Rhino, escapes. Cain and the disorientated Rhino battle, until Cain defeats him. He has an opportunity to leave through an opening in the building that the Rhino made, but surrenders. Jack White decides that this could strengthen Cain’s case, and informs a Canadian official. She-Hulk and Cain get to know each other better before sleeping together, though they are about to be interrupted by a person approaching them – wearing Juggernaut’s armor.


Juggernaut and She-Hulk are interrupted by someone wearing Juggernaut armor, who engages Cain in battle. Cain and She-Hulk both realize they are no match for the new Juggernaut, as Cain’s powers have gone, but Cain does not walk away from a fight, so continues to fight the new Juggernaut, which takes the battle to a residential area, and the two men injure and destroy much of the area. She-Hulk tries to reason with Cain, she now believes he can not change that he will always be a violent man. Cain and Jennifer come up with a plan, and the new Juggernaut’s helmet is removed, and his powers seem to leave him, for he returns to the size of his real body – a boy. Cain remembers him as a boy who had an awful father and lived next door to Xavier. Xavier and his lawyer Jack White meet with Miss Ishikawa, who informs the men that this trial is seen as very prestigious for Canada and that she will not bend easily to their requests, especially the extradition to the States, for she doesn’t not believe that the Juggernaut will ever change. As the discussion is about to come to an end, Squidboy and his mother arrive, and Mrs. Pare gives a touching speech about how nothing was done for she and her son by the law enforcement, but by a super villain. Miss Ishikawa is faced with a crisis of faith in her legal system and agrees to the Juggernaut being extradited to the States.
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Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #437-441

Husk and Archangel officially break up after Paige confronts Warren about why he has been keeping his distance as of late. Then she gets a phone call informing her that her younger brother Jeb had been shot. He got into a fight with a rival family, the Cabots, in town and Jeb unleashed his mutant powers on Abe Cabot and destroyed a house, until he was shot in the shoulder by Sheriff Pete.


Sheriff Pete declares that he has to ban all the Guthries from the town and make a formal report. Meanwhile, Josh Guthrie has started a career singing in a band, which is playing at a restaurant where his girlfriend, Rosalinda, works. Rosalinda thinks that Josh is singing to her, but in fact he seems to be watching Rosalinda’s fellow waitress Julia Cabot, who is watching him back.

Chester Cabot and some of his clan arrive and confront Lucinda Guthrie, who won't back down. Sheriff Pete tries to mediate, until he asks Lucinda out to dinner, and Cabot punches him. With Archangel and Husk present, the Guthries come out on top, and the Cabots are taken back to their mansion after Lucinda scolds Pete for having the nerve to ask her out. At the Cabot mansion, the Cabots gang up on Pete for ruining their plans to burn the Guthries. Pete tells Cabot that he wouldn't have been able to with two X-Men there and Cabot reveals that he was responsible for poisoning “Zeke” Guthrie, but that the poison never seemed to work on the Guthrie children. Meanwhile, Julia Cabot is reunited with Josh Guthrie and they reveal to Josh’s friend Manuelo that they spent a summer together swimming at a pond and hanging out, however they didn’t know that the other was a Cabot / Guthrie, which they learn when Julia’s grandmother comes to collect her from work, and takes her away.

Chester Cabot shows Sheriff Pete the super suits his family found and reveals that his plan is to use the suit’s power to kill Lucinda Guthrie and her children once and for all. Julia informs her Grandmother of how they both met and how much they love each other, despite the Grandmother reminding Julia that her father would never allow it. Josh then appears at Julia’s window and after listening to the two lovers talk to each other, the Grandmother becomes convinced, however Julia fears for Josh’s safety and asks him leave, telling him she will meet him tomorrow. When Josh leaves, the Grandmother tells Julia to go after him now, so she does, and finds him at the pond where they first met eight years ago. They begin to make love when Chester Cabot and his boys arrive in the super suits, as they were planning to go through the pond to get to the Guthrie farm. At the Guthrie farm, Archangel apologizes to Wolverine for being so rude to him all these years and Lucinda talks to Husk and realizes that she still loves Archangel, before she later finds Archangel and tells him she wants to talk to him about Husk.

Archangel reveals to Lucinda Guthrie that he does still love Husk, with all his heart, but was too afraid of losing her, which is why he pushed her away. Husk overhears this and berates Archangel for telling all of this to her mother instead of her, until they make up when Warren admits his feelings to Paige, and the two fly into the air to make love. Wolverine hears what sounded like a weapon discharge and follows Polaris as she flies to the woods, where Chester Cabot had just possibly killed Josh Guthrie when he stumbled across the young mutant with his daughter, Julia Cabot. Polaris arrives on the scene, only to be blasted by Cabot, and blood sprays everywhere. On the Guthrie ranch, Nightcrawler helps Lucinda and her lover Ray gather the children and prepare to leave in case of any danger, when Sheriff Pete arrives, horrified to learn Lucinda is with Ray, a black man. He argues with Lucinda while holding his pistol to her, until he is taken down by Kurt, which is when Elisabeth sees the armored Cabots descending into the Guthries' property.

Archangel and Husk’s lovemaking in the air is interrupted by Julia Cabot’s scream and they split up to deal with the approaching armored Cabots. Husk turns to stone and dropping to the ground she breaks the arm of one of the Cabots until she is blasted back to her home by another. Lucinda Guthrie tries to reason with Chester Cabot and she orders Ray to leave and protect the children, however it is too late, as Cabot tricks Lucinda who has offered to die for the children, and he fires a missile at the car which is loaded with Ray, Ray junior and the Guthrie children and it explodes. Wolverine finds Polaris in the forest and when she comes around after her beating at the hands of the Cabots they talk before they are met by Cabot’s two children who have retreated and are already plotting their revenge, until Wolverine puts an end to that. Julia carries Josh’s body into the water and pushing both their bodies down she drowns while they are embraced. Sheriff Pete comes to Lucinda’s rescue as Cabot is about to kill her, but as Pete kills Cabot with a gunshot to the head, Pete also receives a blast injury and dies. Nightcrawler however managed to rescue everyone in the car – except Raymond. Josh Guthrie wakes in the water when his wound suddenly heals and he grabs Julia and swims to the bank, where realizing she is dead he tries to stab himself, but the wound keeps healing. Archangel finds Josh and brings him back to the Guthrie home, with Julia’s body. Much later, Josh Guthrie has returned to singing, and sings about Julia, who knows he is singing about her.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
New Mutants v2 #1-6

Sofia Mantega is a happy fifteen year old girl, with rare mutant wind talents, whose mother is killed during a riot. She is sent away to live with her wealthy American father who never knew she existed. He is a very cold man, and admits in the beginning he has no time for a daughter. He has certain rules for her, she must learn English in three weeks before she starts school. She must get good grades, never disturb or embarrass him, and she must never use her mutant powers. Her only friend is Derek, her father’s assistant. In an attempt to gain her father's attention, she uses her wind manipulation and wrecks havoc in his super market, but careful not to hurt anyone.


The news broadcasts the information of Walter Barrett’s dangerous mutant daughter, which Danielle Moonstar happens to see. She goes to the jail holding the young mutant, and discovers Sofia’s father is planning to send her back to Venezuela. Dani invites her to join Xavier’s, and after threatening the father with bad publicity, it is agreed.

Professor Xavier gives Dani Moonstar and Sofia Montega a tour through the institute and approaches Dani about a teaching job. Sofia meets a telekinetic boy named Julian Keller and becomes the roommate of Laurie Collins, a girl with pheromone-based powers, who usually keeps to herself as she is afraid of her powers manipulating people. Fortunately Sofia's wind powers can keep her immune to those pheromones.

Dani starts her venture to recruit new mutants to Xavier’s School. Her trip takes her to Atlanta, Georgia, where she is in search of a young mutant by the of Kevin Ford. After no answer at his house, she tries his school, only to find he’s been missing for two days. She learns form his art teacher he sometimes searches for spare pieces for his industrial art projects in junkyards. Kevin is hiding in the junkyard, afraid of his out-of control powers. But he ends up coming in contact with a dog, who decays after he tries to bite Kevin. He is found by the attendants who see what he has done to the dog. Their fear of him and mutants cause them to beat him. Danielle appears in time to scare them off. She comforts the frightened boy, and takes him back to his house. She learns that his power of decay grew out of control, and in an accident, he killed his father. She offers to take him to Xavier’s.

Back at the school Sofia Mantega sticks up for her new friend and roommate Laurie Collins, who is called a freak amongst freaks by Julian Keller. Danielle returns to the school with Kevin, and learns that Allison whom she knew as Amara, was crucified on the front lawn with other young mutants in a recent attack and is now in coma.

In Chicago Illinois, David Alleyne informs his family he is taking another class this summer. The family, David specifically, are being watched from outside their kitchen window. Unknown to David he is a mutant, and has become another target for the hate group known as Purity. Xavier assigns Danielle on her newest recruiting assignment. Cerebra picks up he has had frequent meetings with another mutant who is very familiar to Cerebra, the former New Mutant known as Karma. Dani meets with Shan and after a bit of catching up, Danielle informs her of her reason for. Danielle eavesdrop over one of David’s classes, hearing him know the answers to the teachers question without truly knowing it. Danielle tries to recruit David, but is too late. Purity has left a death threat at his home, outing him being mutant to his family. He runs off, after some heated words with his father. Danielle and Shan reach him, and he believes at first they are the ones behind the threat. Shan guesses it was Purity, and her guess is proven right, as a group of six built guys from Purity approach to take care of David’s mutant problem. Danielle casts an illusion of the X-Men which scares away a few. Shan possess one to take out another. David’s power is skill mimicry, a form of telepathy where he temporally learns the skills of others. He uses this ability on a member of Purity who is a black belt. Soon, they take David back home, and offer him a place at Xavier Institute. If Purity has targeted him already, then he will be safest there, learning in a school where the staff knows how to deal with mutants.

In an abandoned New York building, Donald Pierce gathers his new recruits for a new generation of Reavers. Speaking up, newcomer Josh Foley protests against the enhancements. Pierce slices his hand. Pierce continues his speech of ridding the world of Homo Sapiens. Staring down at his hand that was previously bleeding, Josh notices that the cut didn‘t even leave a scratch. Pierce informs them that they must lure these mutants out, and even a mutant has a family. He holds a picture of Walter Barrett up.

At Xavier‘s Institute, Xavier offers Shan a place in his faculty. She agrees and meets up with David who is watching her younger siblings. Xavier tells him if he‘s interested in self defense, the class is starting in a few minutes with an interesting teacher. He enters the class and sits next to Kevin, who is being taunted by Julian Keller. After a brief sparring match , David takes down the legendary Wolverine, by use of his skill mimicry.

Later in the cafeteria, Sofia manages to convince Danielle to let Kevin, Laurie, David, and herself accompany her to New York, where Danielle is locating a new potential student. Her father‘s butler, Derek is planning to meet her at this hotel. After a long wait, Sofia knows something is wrong. Meanwhile Danielle and Shan track the trace of the mutant and discover that he‘s already joined forces with a new wave of Reavers. Back at the hotel Sofia receives a mysterious note that tells her to meet Derek and her father in the parking garage. They know something is up, but they look anyway and discover two Reavers with guns pointed. A quick display of wind bursts and skill mimicry and David and Sofia have taken out these two would-be-assailants. Entering the garage, they are separated from Kevin and Laurie, who face two Reavers of their own. Laurie attempts to use her pheromone manipulation to make them like her, but it backfires and makes them run in fear. Unfortunately it works on Kevin, and as she tries to control her power, she is stabbed in the back by Pierce.

Under attack, these new mutants fight a gang of Donald Pierce’s Reavers. They hold their own in the battle, but are relieved when Shan aids them with possessing the minds of their attackers. Kevin Ford cries out after Pierce has viciously stabbed Laurie from behind. Rage consumes him and he takes off his gloves, attacking Pierce with his decaying ability.


Fearing that he is going to far, Danielle shows him his worst fear, causing him to end his attack. Meanwhile Josh tries his newly discovered healing abilities on Laurie’s motionless body, with positive results. After some tension flies regarding Josh’s place with the Reavers, Sofia gets a chance to bond with her old friend Derek, whom the Reavers held captive.

At his home, Josh is jumped by his Reaver friends, as his parents look on and do nothing. This leaves him with only one option, the school where he believes freaks reside. At the school, the students are welcomed home, and Kevin quickly disappears. Danielle finds him in his room, packing. The recent situation was too much for him. Stressed out with recent events, Danielle decides she should leave as well, feeling she isn’t cut out for being a teacher. As she is packed and ready to go, Xavier gathers Josh, David, Laurie, and Sofia, and they choose Danielle as their advisor, someone to help them through rough spots. Danielle smiles, and realizes she has done good at the school, and decides to stay.