Uncanny X-Men #423-424
The X-Men wake one morning to discover six crucified mutants on their front lawn, including Jubilee, Magma, Skin and Jesse Aaronson. Together with Nurse Annie they attempt to resurrect the dead mutants by using Archangel’s healing blood. Cyclops gets mad at Nightcrawler for not doing an adequate job as leader of the second X-Men squad, and belittles him in the conference room in front of almost every other X-Man. Cyclops learns from Nightcrawler and Havok that the Church of Humanity may have been responsible for the crucifixions, and gets mad at Kurt again for not telling him about the Church when they first ran into them a while ago. Meanwhile, Archangel’s healing blood proves to have a limit when Annie and Wolverine refuse to take any more from him, though luckily enough they managed to revive Jubilee and Magma. When Kurt tells the X-Men that he was fully ordained as a priest, there are a lot of suspect looks, and when he tells them that they were all at the ceremony, they get even more concerned for him. Husk learns of Jubilee’s resurrection and Skins death, before seven of the X-Men head for St. Michael’s church, where Kurt tells them the ceremony was held and where he has been serving as a priest for some time now. The X-Men find traces of no one, until Phoenix rips apart the church floor, discovering a underground laboratory of horror.
The X-Men help the surviving mutants in the church, while Nightcrawler learns from Father Whitney, before he dies, that his becoming a priest was a scheme for the Church of Humanity to take over the world. The X-Men head to Montana to stop the Church of Humanity, where Wolverine, Cyclops and Polaris find themselves trapped in a psychic illusion, until Polaris kills the soldiers who have them trapped. Meanwhile, Phoenix deals with Mutant 143 and Bishop Desmond, while Nightcrawler, Havok and Iceman learn that Kurt was going to replace the real Catholic Pope, and be revealed later as a demon, as a result of which the world would hunt down mutants and turn to the Church of Humanity for solace. The X-Men engage in battle with the Pope, who turns out to be a nun who was raped by a priest and forced to leave her work, which she loved. The woman commits suicide, ending the Church of Humanity’s plans…for now.

The X-Men wake one morning to discover six crucified mutants on their front lawn, including Jubilee, Magma, Skin and Jesse Aaronson. Together with Nurse Annie they attempt to resurrect the dead mutants by using Archangel’s healing blood. Cyclops gets mad at Nightcrawler for not doing an adequate job as leader of the second X-Men squad, and belittles him in the conference room in front of almost every other X-Man. Cyclops learns from Nightcrawler and Havok that the Church of Humanity may have been responsible for the crucifixions, and gets mad at Kurt again for not telling him about the Church when they first ran into them a while ago. Meanwhile, Archangel’s healing blood proves to have a limit when Annie and Wolverine refuse to take any more from him, though luckily enough they managed to revive Jubilee and Magma. When Kurt tells the X-Men that he was fully ordained as a priest, there are a lot of suspect looks, and when he tells them that they were all at the ceremony, they get even more concerned for him. Husk learns of Jubilee’s resurrection and Skins death, before seven of the X-Men head for St. Michael’s church, where Kurt tells them the ceremony was held and where he has been serving as a priest for some time now. The X-Men find traces of no one, until Phoenix rips apart the church floor, discovering a underground laboratory of horror.
The X-Men help the surviving mutants in the church, while Nightcrawler learns from Father Whitney, before he dies, that his becoming a priest was a scheme for the Church of Humanity to take over the world. The X-Men head to Montana to stop the Church of Humanity, where Wolverine, Cyclops and Polaris find themselves trapped in a psychic illusion, until Polaris kills the soldiers who have them trapped. Meanwhile, Phoenix deals with Mutant 143 and Bishop Desmond, while Nightcrawler, Havok and Iceman learn that Kurt was going to replace the real Catholic Pope, and be revealed later as a demon, as a result of which the world would hunt down mutants and turn to the Church of Humanity for solace. The X-Men engage in battle with the Pope, who turns out to be a nun who was raped by a priest and forced to leave her work, which she loved. The woman commits suicide, ending the Church of Humanity’s plans…for now.