Assumed Questions/Positions:
Assumed Position 1 - "Chill bruh It's just entertainment"
People often think "oh it's just entertainment"
...which is to me like saying "oh it's just desert"
Your digestive system(biological or physiological) doesn't know the difference. All it recognizes is sustenance it may be able to use as a resource now or later.
The designation of something as "just" entertainment(or desert) is more or less a memory mnemonics(like tying a ribbon around you finger to remember something) so that you know how much to ingest in relation to other things; or how to categorize/offset what was ingested.
Put another way people need to know what they are taking in(and where it came from) even if it's "just entertainment" because those ideas then form the bases for further decisions.
Assumed Question 2 - "So are you saying you don't like the movie?"
I assume any gripe I'd have with the movie will be reflective of the source material(which is the point of this post not the movie). That said I'll go see the movie when It comes out.
Assumed Question 3 - "Why won't you just let folks enjoy themselves?"
I'm not stopping anyone from enjoying themselves. What I'm doing amounts to a travel advisory/warning. You don't stop your vacation because you've been advised to stay off the east side of the island due to [insert issue here]. You enjoy yourself on vacation and let the gov deal with the large contextual issues.
Instead of a geographical travel advisory/warning I'm giving a ...psychological travel advisory/warning. Warning aside, enjoy yourself.
Assumed Question 4 - "So your saying nothing is redeemable about wakanda?"
God no, there is plenty redeemable about it...
- Africans running a society rooted in their own political system
- Africans running an education system rooted in their own culture.
- Africans running a society free of christian beliefs
- Africans running a society with a stable economy
- Africans running a society with a strong military
- etc etc.
All I'm saying is the above is an incomplete meal without the PanAfrican main course.
(Or maybe I should say the above should be served on a PanAfrican plate)
Assumed Position 5 - "Well I don't care about context as long as I'm enjoying myself I'm fine"
Hey thats life.
- You don't keep up with the state of the city roads, as long as you can get back & forth your fine.
- You don't keep up with sanitation scores city wide, as long as you don't get sick & food is good your fine.
- You don't keep up with the postal service, as long as you can send & receive mail timely your fine.
No one keeps up with the context of everything they indulge in, likewise I don't expect people to keep up with the politics expressed in their entertainment. That said there are people who do account for those various contexts, be it out of duty or hobby. The context(politics) surrounding wakanda is of interest to me, so I put out an assessment.
Take it or leave it
Remember you can be made to feel just "fine" and comfy in damn near any context.
It's not enough to be comfortable. You have to account for the context that comfort comes in.
wakanda is an incomplete conceptual context to find comfort in.
Assumed Question 6 - "So you don't have any issue with the movie?"
Looks fine for the most part. If I had to point out anything I didn't like given the previews it would be...
1. It looks like they took random "cool African stuff" and just threw it at the wall in nonsensical ways.
- Hey lets use kente cloth for this tribe!
- Hey lets use Ndebele painted houses for this tribe!
- Hey lets use lip plates for this tribe!
- How bout those congo dandy guys
Wait wait wait just pulled from 4 opposite ends of the damn continent. Just where is this fictional wakanda yall throwing random Africanisms located at, floating over the continent in a circle?
2. To quote Marimba Ani...
(Time stamped for convenience)
There is no shared future vision among African peoples and in that vacuum your going to have a singular multimillion dollar vision painted for a generation to see. A future vision of Africa that was conceptualized by a bunch of Europeans.
It essentially turns into the MLK scenario were they try and pick our leaders while telling us that we are supposed to aspire to this fictionalized I have a dream speech were everyone is holding hands(while they are still holding the resources)
Except in this case it's an aspirational vision were we collaborate with them on international issues but otherwise leave them be(along with their grip on African peoples) when we create a viable African state.
A vision for the future of African peoples isn't for a bunch of white guys to create and push to our kids, that's our job(and the academic theory of that vision has indeed been put forth). That said failing to fill that hole with a singular/competing commercial vision, a huge vacuum is opened for that black panther movie.
When someone says Pan-Africanism everyone is going to assume something different(because they create a vision on the fly based on their own (mis)understanding of the theory). When someone says wakanda everyone is going to have the same vision, because they all actually saw the same vision on screen.
(Continued below)