God Emperor of SOHH
No, the other option is to apply two or three times to multiple MD and DO programs across the country. The caribbean is not an option and me and killer instinct have already said why multiple time.
I think the problem is that you think people should chase their dreams to the end of the earth. You're not considering the other option. The other option being that people can look elsewhere and develop more realistic dreams. If I want to be a hollywood star, does it make sense for me to chase that dream till the end of the earth, even if it means I may ruin my life in the process if I fail? If someone can't get accepted to a US medical school, their next option should be PA, dental school, or a whole nother career. Sometimes you have to crush people's dreams. Oh well that's reality.
for the record my advice is to get a personal tutor and focus on the MCAT
but im not here to tell anybody what they can or cannot do or crush anybody's dream, that's my point, ill leave that to the advisor and you and killer instinct