My Pre-Health Advisor just told me I wasn't good enough for Med and I should just give up.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Your spouting alot of ignorance friend. I personally know many people in Carribean medical schools, as well as some practicing clinicians that went to Carribean medical schools

Yes. You know a guy, who knows a guy, qho knows a guy. Right. We all know a guy.

One is a radiologist, another is training to be a pulmonary critical care physician. Your correct in that US based MD schools give you the best chance at matching at a top residency spot, but going to a Carribean Medical school is FAR from a "bad idea".

Again, the fact that you say this seriously is a testament to how uninformed you are. It is fact, a horrible idea. It is nothing more than a last ditch gamble. You may produce compotent physiscians, but the reality is only 52% of them will match into a residency, and the attrition rate is laughable. If it can be helped, at all - no, thanks.

Are you familiar with the residency matching program? Do you know how many residents are matched into US residency slots directly from FOREIGN MEDICAL SCHOOLS ( namely from india, mexico, and pakistan?) The fact of the matter is as a carribean graduate you will likely get 2nd and 3rd tier slots, but you can definitely match into a US residency program, especially in primary care. Not everyone that goes into medicine needs to be a Harvard trained Neurosurgeon.

Clearly you aren't, and the fact that you cite the bold and continue to talk out of your ass is :mindblown: You essentially repeated what I've stated this entire exchange, albeit you omitted the fact that almost HALF of IMG's fail to match. What's more, I never stated one needed to have a 'Harvard' education, and I do not discredit nor look down on those who obtain their degree from across seas, but your argument and stance on the Carib being a "good" alternative (primarily in the OP's situation) is a crock of bullshyt.

The fact of the matter is your speaking as if you have all the answers when its clear you don't. Learn to listen more than you speak, and you might learn a thing or three friend.

All the answers? No. Just better versed on the subject than you. It's the equivalent of me attempting to tell rising law student the intricacies of their respective process. Again, while I'm positive you've never practiced medicine, I'm even more certain that you failed to apply, or you were rejected somewhere down the line. I have my acceptance (multiple) along with numerous rejections, and I have been surrounded by those who helped see me through the process. People who actually walked it. If you weren't incessant on being a condescending buffoon, rambling and spouting nonsense because "you heard from a friend that knows a friend" I wouldn't be obliged to constantly remind you how ill-informed and out of touch you are.

Lastly, its possible that there are people on this very forum that know a whole lot more about this subject than you.

I wouldn't doubt that. I'm sure @Golden would be even more so educated to the topic, given that she's a successful graduate, and - has also - been through the process. So long as you're omitting yourself, I have no problem with that statement.

Its probably time for you to go study anyways. A med student shouldn't be posting online at all times of the night when there's studying to be done, friend.

Again, I'm sitting on my acceptance. I've done the heavy lifting and will matriculate next fall. I'm enjoying my break and giving the best advice possible to a guy who nearly had his dream snatched by a jackass. You're determined to derail this thread and bring light to your inadequacies and inferiority complex (which wouldn't be the first time) Considering that you're double my age with less the experience, maybe you should heed your own advice, and hit the books. Depending on your age, it's not too late for you to try again.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Many applicants apply up to three times before they're accepted. If you're being rejected from bottom tier DO programs, then perhaps you aren't suitable for the profession and can't cut it. This goes back to the Carib garnering the stigma of being a diploma mill. There is a reason their attrition rate is astronomical. The fact that this bill is even up for debate speaks volumes.

'and' you're saddled with 200K+ loads of debt and no way to pay it. Only 52% will match. If you're having trouble wrapping your mind around why this is a terrible alternative as opposed to re-applying, then I can't help you.

again, im not trying to sell the caribbean, what i said is that its the last resort, i think you are having trouble understanding that people get rejected from medical school even after they reaaply and some simply just dont have the grades or the scores and the caribbean is the last resort, it is what it is, all those stats about caribbean schools are true, yeah you will come out with high debt and have to jump through more hoops....and, it is what it is, i wasnt trying to bamboozle anybody but the caribbean is the last resort for people that still want to be a doctor when they are rejected by medical schools

Again, this is you having no clue as to what you are discussing. It's 2013. No school is taking students solely off numbers anymore, so yes, you DO have to rely on 'other things'.

where did i say that schools are taking students solely off numbers alone? i said that obviously its not just numbers, dont put words in my mouth

the point about the gpa and mcats is that its the only statistical evidence that you have that you are ready for medical school, so that should be the foundation, how on earth you are disputing that i dont know, that goes for any professional school

This is so illogical that it's comical. I know a handful of Caucasian pre-meds who took a prep course. I know more students who didn't. Some scored higher than expected, others lower.

thanks for the anecdotes, when you have stats let me know

The thing that evades you is the fact that kids who come from affluent families will pay hundreds of dollars for test prep - they're AFFORDED that luxury.

yeah i just said that, and i think if somebody is going to any type of professional or graduate school they should spend the money on tutors, if you dont have the money start saving up your pennies and start begging your family

but professional tutoring is a huge weapon and huge advantage rich people have, that is exactly why i brought it up, people that dont get professional tutoring are not playing on an even playing field with those that do

The first gen AA female who comes from a single parent household doesn't have the cash to afford an MCAT prep course(which is why she's afforded a URM advantage in the first place).

im not following how that would be a reason to NOT take a prep course

and for the record im not even talking about a prep course, although i would include that, that's a very good idea, but what i would recommend is one on one tutoring

What's more, as I've said before, the course can be beneficial, but it's not necessary in order to obtain a satisfactory score.

i wasnt trying to suggest what to do to get a satisfactory score, i was making a suggestion as to how to get the highest score you possible can, one that is higher than satisfactory and would actually make your application stand out

There is nothing silly about not shelling out 550 bucks for a prep course.

i would say more like $1-2000

you can get a good mcat tutor for 10-20 and hour for one on one tutoring

There is something silly about not dedicating at least 2-3 months to preparing for this exam, but unless you're an abysmal at standardized tests, you will be fine. You're throwing out a ridiculous generalization for the hell of it.

what the fuk does this mean? so you think i was saying that the poster shouldn't study?
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Apr 30, 2012
He's an old white guy and i'm black, btw.

He said I wouldn't get in even if I try and get all A's in my last 2 years.

Right now my cumulative GPA is a 3.3 and science GPA around the same spot and the average GPA for those accepted is 3.6-3.8. So he has a point as of now. But I want to prove his ass wrong. I want to be the one to shove the acceptance letter to his face and make sure he never looks down on people out of bias ever again.
I'm determined to anything i can but i don't know how to start. What should I do to improve myself both academic and non-academic wise to became a potential candidate fam?

Get over there.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
For some reason this reminds me of the shyt talking 50 did at the end of banks victory.

Still in the projects nikka, you ain't goin nowhere
you gon' fukkin be there for the rest of yo muthafukkin life
and yo momma said, I'm supposed to tell you somethin.....
to encourage you, somethin positive
aight well I ain't gon' lie to you muthafukka, you ain't goin nowhere
get yaself a beer, get on the fukkin curb
fukkin dirtbag

Ezigbo Nwanyi

From the East
May 20, 2012
Home of Dr. Michael Okpara & GeneralAguiyi-Ironsi
He's an old white guy and i'm black, btw.

He said I wouldn't get in even if I try and get all A's in my last 2 years.

Right now my cumulative GPA is a 3.3 and science GPA around the same spot and the average GPA for those accepted is 3.6-3.8. So he has a point as of now. But I want to prove his ass wrong. I want to be the one to shove the acceptance letter to his face and make sure he never looks down on people out of bias ever again.
I'm determined to anything i can but i don't know how to start. What should I do to improve myself both academic and non-academic wise to became a potential candidate fam?

I was told the same thing years ago from a white adviser( male) and was even encouraged to switch to education. Mind you in my case I had a 3.5 GPA at the time a Sophomore in undergrad and was told this by an adviser I was assigned to when I took summer classes of Biochem and Physics at University of Houston. Even though I didnt attend the school they had me go to an adviser before I took summer classes, This racist ass white guy, looked me up and down and said why are you doing medicine, you should do education, I looked at him stone face and told him they made me come here to register for classes, I dont need a life coach. He grimaced at me and went on about how to get into UT I had to have 3.8, never said I wanted to go there. That experience was the reason why I went to school out of state (ie away from the south), and never looked back. Your GPA is completely fine, I would encourage you do some volunteer work or job in the healthcare field whether it be work at a doctor's office, hospital, or pharmacy to fluffing up your resume. I swear every black person I have met along the way who have became doctors, pharmacist, etc. have had the same experience.....dont fall victim.

Ezigbo Nwanyi

From the East
May 20, 2012
Home of Dr. Michael Okpara & GeneralAguiyi-Ironsi
Do not go to any MEDICAL school in the Caribbeans as @Killer Instinct has mentioned. I know many people who have went this route for the sake of just trying to go somewhere who are currently cab drivers. For every 100 people I know who went there I probably meet only 1 who have been able to come back to the states, pass the exams, and be able to practice. You have been warned. The DO route is a viable option if your not too confident and also a PA program.


May 1, 2012
He's an old white guy and i'm black, btw.

He said I wouldn't get in even if I try and get all A's in my last 2 years.

Right now my cumulative GPA is a 3.3 and science GPA around the same spot and the average GPA for those accepted is 3.6-3.8. So he has a point as of now. But I want to prove his ass wrong. I want to be the one to shove the acceptance letter to his face and make sure he never looks down on people out of bias ever again.
I'm determined to anything i can but i don't know how to start. What should I do to improve myself both academic and non-academic wise to became a potential candidate fam?

If you can get your shyt up

And fukk that old pink ass for tellin you that shyt. Grind harder and during your graduation give that nikka the cheese eyes hall of fame speech "shoutout:


Jun 4, 2012
lol, u muthfackers are depressing.

1) Yeah I had professional help for testing nearly every time.. But I'm a undisciplined person with very poor study habits. Anyone even thinking med school more than likely can do well. my BM never had help... she murdered me on the GRE.

2) Carribean schools are OK. The US schools are only better because you will be recognized. But Your program just needs to be recognized internationally - there are many that have agreement with US Hospitals and feed our US medical industry. My boy is in med school now here... and is being mentored by someone who went to school in the Mid East. Look at all the doctors that are from other nations... The larger hospitals don't give a fukk.. Plus if you really don't have a family and just wanna travel, I have another friend who actually graduated after 8 years - works in UAE - get 250K and doesn't have to spend 1 penny of it because of the way the hospital program is set up.

3) fukk that cac

4) When you do make and want to shyt on people.... do it. And if it's a peer , i say even hire that person or hook them up to show that ur better than their hatin ass.
I was looked at as a nikka who might not make it, now I've actually came across the resumes of some of those fakkits, even ones older than me. No better feeling.


Jul 17, 2013
He's an old white guy and i'm black, btw.

He said I wouldn't get in even if I try and get all A's in my last 2 years.

Right now my cumulative GPA is a 3.3 and science GPA around the same spot and the average GPA for those accepted is 3.6-3.8. So he has a point as of now. But I want to prove his ass wrong. I want to be the one to shove the acceptance letter to his face and make sure he never looks down on people out of bias ever again.
I'm determined to anything i can but i don't know how to start. What should I do to improve myself both academic and non-academic wise to became a potential candidate fam?

i think i saw that in the documentary sticky thread.

don't listen to white ppl for career advise.


All Star
Oct 10, 2013
Yes. You know a guy, who knows a guy, qho knows a guy. Right. We all know a guy.

Again, the fact that you say this seriously is a testament to how uninformed you are. It is fact, a horrible idea. It is nothing more than a last ditch gamble. You may produce compotent physiscians, but the reality is only 52% of them will match into a residency, and the attrition rate is laughable. If it can be helped, at all - no, thanks.

Clearly you aren't, and the fact that you cite the bold and continue to talk out of your ass is :mindblown: You essentially repeated what I've stated this entire exchange, albeit you omitted the fact that almost HALF of IMG's fail to match. What's more, I never stated one needed to have a 'Harvard' education, and I do not discredit nor look down on those who obtain their degree from across seas, but your argument and stance on the Carib being a "good" alternative (primarily in the OP's situation) is a crock of bullshyt.

All the answers? No. Just better versed on the subject than you. It's the equivalent of me attempting to tell rising law student the intricacies of their respective process. Again, while I'm positive you've never practiced medicine, I'm even more certain that you failed to apply, or you were rejected somewhere down the line. I have my acceptance (multiple) along with numerous rejections, and I have been surrounded by those who helped see me through the process. People who actually walked it. If you weren't incessant on being a condescending buffoon, rambling and spouting nonsense because "you heard from a friend that knows a friend" I wouldn't be obliged to constantly remind you how ill-informed and out of touch you are.

I wouldn't doubt that. I'm sure @Golden would be even more so educated to the topic, given that she's a successful graduate, and - has also - been through the process. So long as you're omitting yourself, I have no problem with that statement.

Again, I'm sitting on my acceptance. I've done the heavy lifting and will matriculate next fall. I'm enjoying my break and giving the best advice possible to a guy who nearly had his dream snatched by a jackass. You're determined to derail this thread and bring light to your inadequacies and inferiority complex (which wouldn't be the first time) Considering that you're double my age with less the experience, maybe you should heed your own advice, and hit the books. Depending on your age, it's not too late for you to try again.

Whole post was just....:banderas:




May 20, 2012
Do not go to any MEDICAL school in the Caribbeans as @Killer Instinct has mentioned. I know many people who have went this route for the sake of just trying to go somewhere who are currently cab drivers. For every 100 people I know who went there I probably meet only 1 who have been able to come back to the states, pass the exams, and be able to practice. You have been warned. The DO route is a viable option if your not too confident and also a PA program.

I have several friends who went to Caribbean and had no problem getting into residency in the US and are practicing now. Just make sure you do your homework and have a plan. Most people who fail at anything is cause they dont have a plan. Yes there may be a few more hoops one may have to jump through but you have to go into it with a plan on how your going to get out and where you want to be.


Come Home With Me
May 2, 2012
a BRONX Slum by I-87 NORTH
Damn breh im an Advisor and ive never said anything like that to a student even if I don't believe in them I act like I do

A lot of advisors talk out of their ass and don't know what they're talking about. You can definitely get into med school with that gpa/science gpa so long as you do well on the mcat. I mean you really need to study your ass off and do really well on it and then you'll get into med school, I'd bet money on it. Also, if you can get some good references, especially from doctors or health professionals, and interview well, shyt you're in there man.

Keep in mind, there's a reason why he's advising. He gave up a long time ago and he doesn't wanna see some nikka out achieve him, so he wants you to give up too. fukk him, most advisors I've talke to are idiots who don't know what they're talking about.
