aka bx_representer
Why the hell are you people lamenting the improvement of neighborhood conditions?
because it displaces even the hard working people that don't deserve to have to be uprooted.
It's like you wrecking my car, and then buying a new car for someone else.
I'm sorry but I really don't get what the big outrage over the changing demographics. Poor people don't need to be taking up prime real estate. Working people with decent incomes need that space.
The only prime real estate in the BX is Yankee Stadium.
Hoodboogers and government assistance leeches need to be pushed into rural communities where that nonsense is less noticeable. Can you imagine how much the government would save if they put all Section 8 recipients in backwoods, rural communities? It would make city life a lot better and it would probably improve race relations across the board.
All you're doing is relocating the problem to another already filled with those same problems. It's like creating a superghetto. What people fail to understand is that there will always been a lower class, a poor class in a city. There will always be a hood in a city. That won't go away. In the BX, logistics have a lot to do with that. Not every neighborhood can look like Maspeth, Queens.