Damn, that shyt sounds like a massive defeat. That's the south Bronx, but what about the NE Bronx/ Mt Vernon?
But black folk gotta take the L and move down south/ other places so that won't happen again.
There's always been nice areas in the Bronx though. NE Bronx, Riverdale, Country Club, Pelham, Morris Park, I hesitate to say Co-Op City, but them too. They live in their own world so I can't say how nice/bad it is there. If you live north of Gun Hill Road, you're most likely living aight. I remember driving locally to get to the NY State Thruway to get to Rye Playland, and I swear to you if that shyt wasn't so disconnected from the rest of the borough, let alone the city, I'd move. That's how nice and serene it is. All they got are houses, car dealerships, a 711, a McDonalds, the 5 train and a strip club.
That's how it should be. In every other country the wealthy live in the city and the poor people live in the suburbs. The only reason the reverse happened here is because the wealthy whites in the Cities didn't want to live near the wealthy blacks so they did white flight after integration popped off which left a lot of neighborhoods without business and infrastructure which then lead to urban decay. America will look like Brasil in a few years. All the wealthy people in the city and a few nearby suburbs and then all the broke people living outside of it separated by a big wall.
That's not what happened in the BX. If it wasn't for the godawful Cross Bronx Expressway, the Bronx would be Staten Island, white folks everywhere. It's all in the property value, and the BX simply has shytty property value. There's no worth in remodeling housing projects. The only way to do it is by tearing them down, all of them, because they're all enclosed, and that would kill off the neighborhoods because so many people live in those buildings.