Minorities lost when it comes to New York. Take it as a learning experience and realize that ownership is key. New York is not the only city that Whites are going to try to take over. It's already reached the tipping point in D.C. Same exact game. Infiltrate a neighborhood, raise the rents, displace the old residents, infiltrate a new neighborhood, rinse, wash, repeat. Average apartment in D.C. is $1,897. DC is 50% Black, 39% White. Cranes all over the city. Game already over and UOENO.
Chicago too. It went through a crazy building boom in the 2000s. It's slowed down. And it's only the Northside that seems desirable/habitable to hipsters but, when that area gets full....all of the industrial buildings in the Westside and Southside are lofts waiting to happen.
The real place I think is next is Philadelphia though. Center City is the 3rd most populated downtown in America and this is with the city imposing a height limit on skyscrapers over the last 100 years. Now that the height limits are gone, I can see Center City growing and flourishing over the next few decades. The downtown/skyline is going to look like the Chicago Loop eventually
The city is going to start looking attractive to people from the Midwest or the South who want an urban experience but, can't afford New York which will probably be even more exorbitant (price-wise) by then.. and even then, you're still a short train ride away. New York 2 hours up, Washington DC 2 hours down, Atlantic City 1 hour west, Poconos 2 hours east, Baltimore Harbor 1.5 hours down. In the next 30 years, high speed trains will close that New York train time to almost nothing.
People are already doing this now but, by 2040 you'll see hoards of people taking advantage of the differences in cost of living by working in Lower Manhattan or on K Street but, living in Rittenhouse Square. If I had some money, I would buy multiple properties on the edge of Center City Philadelphia and just wait.