Cabbage Patch
The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
She would have grown up without a father if she was left with the teen.yeah but I mean when she was a kid and was asking her "mom" about her dad and her other family members, her fake mom probably told her a bunch of lies.
She grew up for 18 years without a father because of this mom that supposedly gave her everything.
Real talk.
Besides the kidnapper has a career and a ring.
Daily Mail says the father's mother was at the hospital and noticed something wasnt right. She is not quoted as mentioning anything to anyone. The kidnapping only happened 8 hours after she was born. Where was the real maternal grandmother?
Anyway, what happened to the 1.5 million?
Yes the father is photographed in the hood. None of that money went to him in spite of his genetic contribution and his mother being very involved in the prenatal care and birth.
So how is the real mother doing?