"my mom had a run in with the cartel in Mexico"


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

"my mom had a run in with the cartel in Mexico"

my mom and her husband went to Mexico to fish for her birthday on Thursday. They were supposed to stay until this coming up Thursday. She just called me to let me know she is home. Then she told me why she was home early.

She said they got there Thursday evening. On Friday they went out and found a boat to take them fishing. Planned to go out on Saturday. Saturday comes around and bad weather so they couldnt go out. They reschedule for Sunday. They go out to eat and get back to the hotel on Saturday evening around 8pm. She says their room phone rings around 9pm. Her husband answers and she says he hands her the phone and says I cant understand. His spanish is bad at best.

Mom gets on the phone and the guy on the other end identifies himself as the guy working the front desk. He says the police are here looking for drug smugglers and want to question everyone in the hotel. Then passes the phone to someone else. The guy starts telling my mom he is a cop and wants her to answer some questions. He asks where she is from and why they are here. LA and vacation. Are you visiting with just you and your husband or are there more in your group. What kind of work do you do?

That is when my mom gets suspicious. From this point on she says she was taking a lot of time between questions and her voice got shakey. So she tells the guys she is a cashier at a grocery store (she is a manager) and her husband is a maintenance man (he works for Water and Power in LA). Now the guy says okay I am going to ask you some questions and give you instructions. DO NOT HANG UP ON ME! If you hang up on me I am going to have people go into your room. You are in room 113. She said at this point she realized he wasnt calling from the front desk because there was to much commotion going on in the background. Do you have any family in this country? No all of my family lives in the united states. (almost all of her family lives in Mexico still) Do you have cell phones with you? Yes but we dont have international plans and they do not work here. Do exactly what I tell you. Do not let anyone in the hotel know I have contacted you. If you do I will show up to your room. I have someone in the hotel so do not leave the hotel or I will come and take you. Do you understand what I am telling you? Yes. Do you know who you are talking to? I think so. This is the mafia, the cartel. Do you understand? Yes.

Then he gives her the name of a store. Says to send her husband to that store right now. Have him buy a prepaid phone. While he does this she has to stay in the hotel. If she leaves the room he will be killed. If he doesnt show up they will go to their room and kill them. There will be people waiting at the store for him with further instructions and they will contact her shortly. He repeated who he was and hung up.

Right away she tells her husband what happens they grab what they can carry. Hide their money on their bodies as best they could and went to the lobby. Asked the front desk guy if anyone from the hotel called their room. He says no. She tells them someone called their room threatening them so to check. He checks again and said no. She tells him what happened and says I dont feel safe in that room please move us. They move them into a two different rooms and my mom couldnt get comfortable. She says obviously someone in this hotel is targeting us. I dont trust anything right now. So the hotel puts them in their employee lounge for the night.

They call the airport and tell them they need the next available flight. Lucky for them they only had flights back on Sunday's and Thursday's. They book the flight and at first light they have a cab come pick them up so they can wait the rest of the day at the airport. Around 5am the taxi shows up. They leave the lounge and notice cops at the hotel. Front desk guy from last night says someone kicked in the door of their first room a couple of hours after they moved them. Said he didnt want to scare them. But he just told the cops the room was empty because he didnt know if the cops were crooked or not. They get in the taxi and got to the airport and got home today. All body parts still attached, the end.


Oct 21, 2012
Imagine seeing these nikkas at your door ready to chop you into Philly Steak beef :wow:



Jun 19, 2012
I would've drove to the airport, called someone else to make the arrangements then hopped on a flight out as soon as possible. I'm glad their people are safe.


Aug 15, 2012
wow,,, i would of called the US embassy,, not sure what it would do but it would of been my first move


May 26, 2012
San Diego
it's called express kidnapping, very common in Mexico, esp. bordertowns, if you know the city I can tell you what group(s) are most influential there, but that's not necessarily, or ever likely related to tco's the way you might think, there are bands of kidnappers and common criminals who do this in every city, often misrepresenting themselves as members of various criminal organizations.

Also, it's likely they weren't in as much danger as implied, they often just move on to the next target, if someone doesn't pay.
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