Westbama Heartthrob
Irregular Zero
Thats the waaaaaay it goooes on love's train

...... I gotta look at this through the lens of the 90's cause homeboy's dancing and singing to the hook took me out....... g.
Although most of the comments in here are from salty dudes who act like it was their bytch I smashed, some of you have given me some good advice. I won't lie, I caught feelings for her and I'd like to smash again, but it's best to just move on and hope she doesn't get angry and tell him. I don't need all this drama.
So you gonna shoot him?Although most of the comments in here are from salty dudes who act like it was their bytch I smashed, some of you have given me some good advice. I won't lie, I caught feelings for her and I'd like to smash again, but it's best to just move on and hope she doesn't get angry and tell him. I don't need all this drama.
Although most of the comments in here are from salty dudes who act like it was their bytch I smashed, some of you have given me some good advice. I won't lie, I caught feelings for her and I'd like to smash again, but it's best to just move on and hope she doesn't get angry and tell him. I don't need all this drama.