you are only viewing Jesus from the lense of his fleshly being
consider the paper and the ink of his gospels as also his flesh
Indeed Abraham worshipped Jesus when you consider this this way
imagine if all of your words were guided by scripture? How would the world perceive you
Consider Mary...allegorically with respect of Genesis 1.
The waters are eternal despite what has been formed from them
as I said earlier...what does dwelling in the Lord truly mean?
Hathor - Wikipedia
My Brother MMS, the entire situation comes down to the essential attributes of God and whether claims that are made with respect to him are valid or not.
Now, we both have discarded atheism - Alhamdulillah - because we see that there is no way that there can be a world of such order that came about without a necessary existent that produced that order in the first place.
So this places us with the first essential attribute, in that he is Living and that He Exists. Because a God by definition, is a being that has control over all outcomes and all possibilities. God not existing would mean, by definition, that he is not God and that is opposed to the rational proofs that we have in this world with respect to his existence.
We reject Polytheism as a general idea because of the fact that the existence of two Gods means that whenever the possibility of disagreement occurs, the one who is predominant over the other would be the true God while the other one is not able to impose his say on the other. That means the first is God and the other is something other than God.
These same rational proofs extend to God being Knowing, Hearing, Seeing, Being Embedded with Power, Being Eternal and Being Free of Need. Because a God that is ignorant is unaware of possibilities and therefore does not have complete dominion over all things; likewise, a God that does not have hearing or sight (in a way that is different from created hearing or Sight) would not be able to perceive all that occurs. A God that does not have Power is a God that is not a God, since all of his actions stem from that essential attribute. Being Eternal means that there is no possibility for a point in time where he is not god, so therefore he is the First without beginning and without end. And he is Free of Need, because needing something to occur implies that he cannot do without that Thing.
Now having established those fundamental elements of God, the claim that God has Sons indicates that there is something in the creation that God has taken for himself, as an emergence from need, to term as something being his sons. The idea of having a son is based on the notion that a human being and an animal is a finite being in terms of Power, Life, Knowledge, Will and Sight, and Hearing . The human being gets old, so his son carries out his work for him with his inherited power. A human being dies, and his son carries forward his legacy. A human being does not know and sense everything, so his son fills the gap for him. God, however, being infinite in Power, Life, Knowledge and Senses has no need that a son can fulfill for him.
So that means that the idea of a seperate being asides from God being his son is already flawed from the Get-go, since - first - God is free of the need that makes us have children as a biological drive. And, two, since the son repesents a potential rival that is either lesser to or Greater than God. This means that the "son" is either not God, in which case he is a creation of God since everything other than God necessarily emerges from his creative Power. To claim that something outside of God emerged outside of his Power, means that he does not have power over all things. Or it means that the Son is Greater than God, which is paradoxical because his annoitnment stems from the creative power of the original God.
Then, what you can claim - and what many of you claim - is that God's essence is triune and has been seperated into a so called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The father/son split is already criticized above, but the general split of the Essence of God is flawed for multiple reasons. The first is that you have given physical forms to that which you claim is the Essence of God. As we established, Everything other than God is creation and therefore to attach God to Creation by saying that Jesus, supposedly being God, dwelt in the creation, is to take away the transcendence of his Godhood. The same is said for the Angel of the Lord/The Holy Spirit/Gabriel. God is transcendent above his creation and to place him in the midst of his creation as a being of Form, knowing that he created form as a means of his creation's activity, is highly dubious. Then, to add to that, the one you claim is part of God's essence is the son of the creation of God who have form. Moreover, he ate food and relied on the same human activities that preserve human beings in terms of food, social interaction, and learning - thereby showing that he has need. Thirdly, there were times in which he was prevented - despite his most arduous desires - from being able to attain that which he wanted and protect himself from harm. Finally, the idea that God would wait to reveal his essence as being triune after having revealed himself to be one (The Lord Thy God is ONE) and after having been worshpped as One for thousands of years - is a highly strange claim.
In my view, the reality is that God is and always has been one, Unique, Individisble, and Transcendent in his Substance. He is endowed with Life without Beginning or End, Power that can do all, Will that overrides all, Sight that Sees all, Hearing that hears all, and Speech that he reveals whenever he wants. His Angel and the Holy Spirit are creations that he sends down upon his servants to inspire them to teach them the words and the actions that earn his Divine pleasure or Divine wrath. Jesus and all of his messnegers, from Enoch to Mohamed, were messengers of human flesh and human soul who came to teach people that God is One, that he has decreed his worship, and that Righteous action will lead us back to Him. This is the message that is consistent with the Scriptures before Jesus, with what Jesus himself taught, with what the early church fathers preached, and with what intellect dictates.