God Emperor of SOHH
You are fake as shyt. I'm not confused.. you are. You are actually confused about the entire situation.
You got sooo excited when you thought you could make this an anti Muslim thing that you literally are ignoring the truth of the situation and created a misleading thread title.
That's just some crazy, obsessive weird shyt... and ur trolling.
Since when do treaties have expiration dates?? Since when did the Muslims in Ethiopia become Arab? I guess the Muslims in Ethiopia who are support this deal.. are sellouts just like black muslims tend to be? I guess you just don't know shyt and are trolling as usual. You claim to be about religious freedom (lol).. well guess what, Ethiopia isn't that type of place. There is an Orthodox Ethiopian Christian right wing government establishment there that burns Qur'ans, tortures people and arrest civil protestors. Human rights groups from all over the world have went there to exam this... And guess what, Ethiopians don't care that the people they oppress are black. It's the Muslims there that want a Secular government instead of an Ultra religious oppressive one.
NTM, Ethiopia attacked Somalia and fukked them over, partially because out government told them to. ethiopia and eritrea were two of the poorest nations on Earth, but Eth decided to pop off something that drain all their money, and killed Thousands of black Africans. Ethiopia still occupies part of that nation. Eritrea banned UN helicopters and forces and said fukk the West... while Ethiopians invited an increasing amount of puppet strings. I guess Somalians or eritreans aren't black to you?? Being a simple minded fukk, isn't a good look for you and you should just stop it. LOL I get it.... you are both a domestic and international c00n. You support any black person who looks down on different groups of black people. I don't support that shyt. I don't support being a puppet government. I don't support Egypt either and never have; so you can chill with that also. I support the truth and what's right.. you support trolling and c00nery. You are all about imperialism, as long as it's White(western) and Capitalistic... and I find that disgusting.
The Ethiopian Muslim civil rights movement: implications for democracy | openDemocracy
the ethiopian government is garbage but that has nothing to do with the issue of who controls the nile, and whatever happened between ethiopia and eritrea is also irrelevant, at the end of the day its ethiopia and the other black nations that should have the final say over the nile
the egyptian government is also garbage and they also oppress people and oppress christians too, but that isnt really relevant to who should control the nile
treaties do become outdated, and the treaties are from the colonial era so they are no longer valid and have to be re negotiated, the treaties gave egypt control over the nile because egypt was used by the british and ottoman empire as a base to control the rest of africa, so supporting the treaty is pretty much supporting colonialism which you claim to be against
and if there are muslims in ethiopia that support egyptian claims to the nile then they are obviously brainwashed by islam
and yes, i support imperialism when its against islam, that is correct