what exactly are you asking me, are you asking me what the definition of black supremacy is or are you asking me how do we implement black supremacy, those are 2 different questions.dont ask me a question, and then i answer it and then act like i didnt answer your original question before we move into how to implement black supremacy are you still confused about the definition?
Blacks don't control social, political and economic structures over other race of people. There is no Black Supremacy and never was. This is what you don't get.
are you saying that if one "tribe" attacks another "tribe" and steals their land and resources, rapes their women and enslaves people that IS NOT imperialism? what do you call that then?
What were the resources stolen? Did they ever get those back? Tribal Wars are just that. From Mongolian to Native American. As far as Africa is concern...slavery is African Serfdom( if you even know what that is). The Slaves of these African Tribes could own land, marry and even take over the kingdom. Chattel Slavery like in Greece, Rome and such no slaves can have rights period. There is no historical documents that rape existed in Africa with these tribes until after Colonialism was introduced. Now in Europe...the Empires of Europe.....Rome, Greece, etc. Asian Empires like Japan it was well known.
i provided proof of the egyptian empire going outside their borders and you listed a bunch of things that make up imperialism and i provided examples of those things going in africa
You showed Levant which didn't mention of being a African Empire. It did mention it was a geographic location where many people settled and traveled.
now i do, but i didnt realize that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, so apparently any group in this world can do anything under the definition of imperialism but its not imperialism because they are not western
Wrong again I already mention Ottoman Empire and Mongolian Empire which are from the East....I also mentioned Japanese Imperialism. So save your excuses.
what i noticed is that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, apparently in your mind the only people that enslave people, rape people and steal land and resources are western empires.

still aren't getting it.
im not sure what you mean about tribes and empires, its true there werent any continent wide empires but there where regional empires and the only way to create an empire is by going out and conquering other people and lands
You haven't been sure this whole thread.
so if a western country goes to africa and enslaves people its imperialism, but if a tribe enslaves another tribe you dont have anything to say about it?
Tribes didn't own countries or regions....they had a small piece of land.
which again is why i reject anti imperialism ideology, its like are you actually against slavery and other imperialistic actions or are you just against slavery and imperialistic actions when westerners do it?
You clearly aren't paying attention and repeating the same thing over and over again.
slavery isnt wrong because white people went to africa and took slaves, slavery is wrong because its a violation of individual rights, and its wrong regardless of who is doing the violating
Who said it was right? Did you see me co-sign it?
anti imperialism for example doesnt really address slavery, in fact there is more slavery in non western countries in 2013 than in western countries, "anti imperialism" ideology does nothing to address slavery
Anti-Imperalism doesn't address slavery... Proof? Provide your proof cause I guess you haven't heard of
Unfree labour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
romans where white, europe is white, according to your definition that isnt imperialism, that was just a squabble amongst europeean tribes
German Tribes beefed with each other, same goes with English Tribes....that is all but when a tribe systematically changes beef into policy of conquering the tribes of it's region and other tribes of other regions with their rule and nothing else...that's Imperialism. Too bad you are acting too stupid to noticed it.
there were african empires, this we know, there is only one way to create an empire, thats is by stealing other people's land and resources.
Most of these Empires you speak of never left their region.
"african serfdom" is a violation of individual rights and a violation of economic rights and its also what fed the european slave trade
African Serfdom violated individual rights when the slaves could own land, marry and take over the kingdom? Chattel Slavery isn't the same and I can tell you know nothing of Africa and you proved it in this comment.
yes you are, you are trying to narrowly define imperialism as western imperialism as opposed to defining imperialism as a set of actions and beliefs
Not paying attention.
im not assuming anything, im going by your own words.
My words you twist to fit your agenda.
lol at arabs in northern africa, what do you think the whole situation in the Nile is about, what do fuk do you think ive been talking about this whole thread, but now you want to mention it? lol
Is Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya near the Nile? Son you truly need to give it up.
according to you chinese, japanese, russian did not engage in imperialism, when did the chinese go to another continent and conquer other people? when did the russians go to another continent and conquer people? the japanese conquering china and korea was just asian countries battling over some differences etc etc
According to me. Son you truly don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are grasping every little thing, twisting words up and using excuses not to address the issue. Time for you to read some history...you fail at that.
you dont even know what the fuk you are saying, you have no type of intellectual consistency, you are just flapping your lips
You must be speaking to yourself b/c you haven't listen to anything I said this whole time.
i believe in individual freedom so each person can do whatever the fuk they want to do, im just explaining why "anti imperialism" is not something i would recommend black people follow and black people should never rule out imperialism.
You live in a dream world of freedom....yet you want Imperalism to be the reason people go out and do the things that they do for self-interest or in your words "can do whatever the fuk they want to do".