Muslims get caught plotting against Ethiopia


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…

Whose speaking on the Nile conflict? I take the side thats fair and just whose ever side that is

I'm addressing homeboy above talking all that parasites occupier talk when you have no business occupying Somali land

What Somalis do with it is irrelevant, odds are they'll take the somaliland route but shiit regardless that's not Ethiopia

And yes give Djibouti back to Somalia too

And I see what y'all doing in Ogaden, I see it very clearly

Ethiopia: Army Commits Executions, Torture, and Rape in Ogaden | Human Rights Watch

This thread is about the hydropolitics of the Nile. What's your opinion on that?

Changing fortunes in Ethiopia’s Ogaden - Features - Al Jazeera English
Jun 24, 2012
yeah i agree empowerment of black people and black supremacy over all nations are 2 different what's your point?

There is no such thing as Black Supremacy.

i dont see why black people couldnt and wouldnt be imperialistic.

It's not their terms, definitions or intentions...never were.

yeah i just said i supported some things that would fall under imperialism, what's the problem?

You support all the things...imperialism is what it is because of all the can't pick and choose to like and not like what you support.

are you even black? why do you care about where black people need to go?

You don't need to question who I am or what I have in my background. Apparently I care for my people to strive than keeping following White Supremacy Ideologies like you do.

i reject your worldview because i think you're an idiot.

Wow! You think black people striving with their own economic structure, own trade treaties and resource developments is stupid. You view only goes for their destruction and Im the idiot? :snoop:

really? thats nice..


ok, then feel sad

Yes I will cause the world-view you have that you consider your dream world will come true very soon my friend and it will be your worst nightmare. Laugh it up and enjoy what you have less than 3 years, this conversation will be a memory.

why are you telling me what i just told you, i just said that i reject moralizing and believe in self interest.

So having a moral in imperialism is wrong but supporting it in self interest is right. Sounds like a moral to me..

i think imperialism is neither here nor there and i dont use imperialism as a measuring stick to judge things.

You measure life with great ganders of White Supremacy. Your judging the world through a small self-centered peep hole. If you deny Imperialism in this matter, you have already to accepted a lack of responsibility of consequences of your actions and words.

ok, thanks for sharing


Jan 9, 2013
Chrys Escalade City
i dont see why black people couldnt and wouldnt be imperialistic. - theworldismine13

It's not their terms, definitions or intentions...never were. - the kingsmen

:ohhh::ohhh::ohhh: trillest answer in this thread


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
There is no such thing as Black Supremacy.

oh then i guess i must be the first one to talk about it then


It's not their terms, definitions or intentions...never were.

you obviously have never read a book about african history, black people where the first imperialists dumb fuk

You support all the things...imperialism is what it is because of all the can't pick and choose to like and not like what you support.

i support things that fall under imperialsim, ive made that crystal clear, in fact in other threads i even said i was a black elitist imperialist capitalist

you dont have to figure out what i think, i've told you exactly what i think and where i stand, if you call it imperialism then call it that, i have no problem being called an imperialist

You don't need to question who I am or what I have in my background. Apparently I care for my people to strive than keeping following White Supremacy Ideologies like you do.


Yes I will cause the world-view you have that you consider your dream world will come true very soon my friend and it will be your worst nightmare. Laugh it up and enjoy what you have less than 3 years, this conversation will be a memory.


So having a moral in imperialism is wrong but supporting it in self interest is right. Sounds like a moral to me..

im not sure what this means but what i mean is that my "morality" is based on self interest

You measure life with great ganders of White Supremacy. Your judging the world through a small self-centered peep hole.


If you deny Imperialism in this matter, you have already to accepted a lack of responsibility of consequences of your actions and words.

ive done the exact opposite ive accepted the consequences of my actions and words


The Great
May 2, 2012
Great debate. Gonna have to agree with twism13 and 2quik for the substantive arguments and while I appreciate the moral arguments coming from several people regarding conquered lands and imperialism, they have no bearing in this discussion.

No one is about to just give up land that they obtained through war.

Neither are they about to reverse engineer the last 50-100 years of growth and go back to an Agro-society. Based on the cards that were dealt, Ethiopia is collaborating with other Nile basin countries to take control over an extremely valuable resource while both Sudan and Egypt are in disarray.

Smart military and political move. I hope the next step is for Ethiopia's government to become more accountable and also more secular focusing more on economic opportunity in the horn as well as increasing the quality of human life in all regions.
Jun 24, 2012
oh then i guess i must be the first one to talk about it then


Tell us what the definition is..

you obviously have never read a book about african history, black people where the first imperialists dumb fuk

Really What Continents did they take over and occupy for hundreds of years forcing the inhabitants to be slaves, created policies that would capitalize on slave labor, wars with other nations, create apartheid tactics. Did they create a organization that would benefit their interests and interest only while destroying the native's culture?

i support things that fall under imperialsim, ive made that crystal clear, in fact in other threads i even said i was a black elitist imperialist capitalist

Oxymoron for a moron.

you dont have to figure out what i think, i've told you exactly what i think and where i stand, if you call it imperialism then call it that, i have no problem being called an imperialist

Didn't need to figure your vision for destroying blacks as a whole. I can tell the way you see yourself as.

im not sure what this means but what i mean is that my "morality" is based on self interest

You comprehension skills are lacking that's all.

ive done the exact opposite ive accepted the consequences of my actions and words

Your consequences haven't came yet.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Tell us what the definition is..

it means black people dominating over everybody else, what else would you think it means?

Really What Continents did they take over and occupy for hundreds of years forcing the inhabitants to be slaves, created policies that would capitalize on slave labor, wars with other nations, create apartheid tactics. Did they create a organization that would benefit their interests and interest only while destroying the native's culture?

History of the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From 1550 until 1100, much of the Levant was conquered by Egypt, which in the latter half of this period contested Syria with the Hittite Empire.

that is an example of continents, but i dont think you have to take over a continent to be imperialistic, so if you want examples of african imperialism all you have to do african empires, obviously African empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

or the bantu expansion which eliminated or replaced many languages and tribes Bantu expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there were even empires whose whole economy depended on slavery like the Dahomey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so there a million examples of african engaging in what you would call imperialism, so im not sure where you are getting this notion that black people cant be imperialistic, its not a historical statement, you are obviously romanticizing the history of africa or maybe you dont understand that the history of black people began before slavery in the new world

Didn't need to figure your vision for destroying blacks as a whole. I can tell the way you see yourself as.

i see myself as a black elitist imperialist capitalist

You comprehension skills are lacking that's all.

or your writing skills are lacking

Your consequences haven't came yet.

Jun 24, 2012
it means black people dominating over everybody else, what else would you think it means?

That isn't a's your description of a make believe thought.

History of the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vague. Plus it mentions nothing of a Empire as the fake definition above.

that is an example of continents, but i dont think you have to take over a continent to be imperialistic, so if you want examples of african imperialism all you have to do african empires, obviously

African empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:ohlawd: Africans taking over their own land...come on man....get real here.

or the bantu expansion which eliminated or replaced many languages and tribes Bantu expansion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is truly pathetic and proof of what Im speaking can't give me the examples I asked for. Here are better examples....Rome Empire, Britain Empire, Greek Empire, Mongolian Empire, Ottoman Empire....some isn't reading history.

there were even empires whose whole economy depended on slavery like the Dahomey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:snoop: Dude aren't even reading the shyt you post up.

so there a million examples of african engaging in what you would call imperialism, so im not sure where you are getting this notion that black people cant be imperialistic, its not a historical statement, you are obviously romanticizing the history of africa or maybe you dont understand that the history of black people began before slavery in the new world.

You didn't even give the examples of what I asked tried hard but fell flat of what Imperialism looks like. African created Empires...yes with-in Africa but there is no remants of African Imperialism in these groups.

i see myself as a black elitist imperialist capitalist


or your writing skills are lacking




Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Great debate. Gonna have to agree with twism13 and 2quik for the substantive arguments and while I appreciate the moral arguments coming from several people regarding conquered lands and imperialism, they have no bearing in this discussion.

No one is about to just give up land that they obtained through war.

Neither are they about to reverse engineer the last 50-100 years of growth and go back to an Agro-society. Based on the cards that were dealt, Ethiopia is collaborating with other Nile basin countries to take control over an extremely valuable resource while both Sudan and Egypt are in disarray.

Smart military and political move. I hope the next step is for Ethiopia's government to become more accountable and also more secular focusing more on economic opportunity in the horn as well as increasing the quality of human life in all regions.

C/S pretty much. To me, its impossible to imply that Ethiopia is somehow acting unreasonably unless biased towards Egypt, Islamic interests, or both. All the countries of the Nile Valley have a right to utilize the water responsibly, fukk colonial rule.


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
i dont see why black people couldnt and wouldnt be imperialistic. - theworldismine13

It's not their terms, definitions or intentions...never were. - the kingsmen

:ohhh::ohhh::ohhh: trillest answer in this thread

Yea that boy worldismine is going left field.....

I agree with supporting Ethiopia on this matter but all that other shyt he said...I'm not cosigning...Just want to put that out there. Cosign @Enzo points too

"Based on the cards that were dealt, Ethiopia is collaborating with other Nile basin countries to take control over an extremely valuable resource while both Sudan and Egypt are in disarray.

Smart military and political move. I hope the next step is for Ethiopia's government to become more accountable and also more secular focusing more on economic opportunity in the horn as well as increasing the quality of human life in all regions."

exactly nobody is going to feel sorry for us..We have to take it back..Simple as that..If we need it ..and want it .then we gotta go get it at some point
Last edited by a moderator:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

That isn't a's your description of a make believe thought.

I'm not really following why that isn't a definition, if you don't believe in it or you think it's make believe that wouldn't make it NOT a definition

Vague. Plus it mentions nothing of a Empire as the fake definition above.

What I said is that black people were the first imperialists and I provided proof of that

It's not vague at all, unless you are ignorant about Egyptian and Nubian history, everything that you describe as imperialism they engaged in

Africans taking over their own land...come on man....get real here.

This is truly pathetic and proof of what Im speaking can't give me the examples I asked for. Here are better examples....Rome Empire, Britain Empire, Greek Empire, Mongolian Empire, Ottoman Empire....some isn't reading history.

I'm a little confused about your definition of imperialism, are you saying that when people of the same race conquer each other it's not imperialism? So therefor if a group of Africans conquer other Africans its not imperialism?

Then why is Greece is an example, what non white people did the Greeks conquer, when the Romans where slaughtering their fellow german white brothers was that not imperialism, when Romans conquered the Greeks was that not imperialism?

You have a list earlier in the thread defining what imperialism was according to you which included slavery, stealing land, stealing resources and rape, That is what I was going by, if you have a new definition of imperialism let me know, but you can't have a new definition of imperialism in every post

Dude aren't even reading the shyt you post up.

I read it, apparently you didn't

You didn't even give the examples of what I asked tried hard but fell flat of what Imperialism looks like. African created Empires...yes with-in Africa but there is no remants of African Imperialism in these groups.

I think what you are trying to say is that Africans were the victims of western imperialism and then you are trying to narrow the definition down to a very specific example of imperialism, western imperialism, which is fine, you can make up your own definition of imperialism

But that is your own definition, it's not the dictionary definition of imperialism, you actually had it right early in the thread where you listed things that fall under imperialism, I gave examples of African imperialism and right till this day there people in the continent behaving in imperialistic ways

But anyways, this is exactly why I reject "anti imperialism" becuase 90 percent of the time it's really anti western imperialism, which is fine until you start realizing that the westerners are not the only imperialists, that is why half you fuks could not analyze this Nile situation properly, motherfukers couldn't understand that egypt and the Arabs where behaving in imperialistic ways, but according to "anti imperialists" only western countries can be imperialistic, like Africans, Arabs can't be imperialistic either

So the point is "anti imperialism" is not a good a ideology for black people becuase it's way more than just westerners that you need to look out for, from Arabs to Asians to Latinos, those are all people that we need to look out for

Once you take off your "anti imperialism" shades off its clear as fuking day what's going on and that egypt needs to shut the fuk up
Jun 24, 2012
I'm not really following why that isn't a definition, if you don't believe in it or you think it's make believe that wouldn't make it NOT a definition

Here is the example: White Supremacy is the belief of, and/or promotion of the belief, that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore whites should politically dominate non-whites. The term is also used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical and/or industrial dominance [1]

How does a Black Man create such a threat when he doesn't control social, political, economic or historical dominance of his race over another?

What I said is that black people were for the first imperialists and I provided proof of that.

Proof of what tribes creating empires with-in their border nations? :stopitslime:

It's not vague at all, unless you are ignorant about Egyptian and Nubian history, everything that you describe as imperialism they engaged in

Unfortunately alot of what is in that link isn't Nubian History. If I want to learn about Nubian History...last place is wiki. :beli:

I'm a little confused about your definition of imperialism, are you saying that when people of the same race conquer each other it's not imperialism? So therefor if a group of Africans conquer other Africans its not imperialism?

Noticed the Imperialism examples I mentioned and see what it looks like and then look at yours. Tribes have always fought based off differences but to say they took one Empire and went all the way around the continent conquering one another is...:beli: These tribes didn't even make it on the continent and barely passed a few countries.

Then why is Greece is an example, what non white people did the Greeks conquer, when the Romans where slaughtering their fellow german white brothers was that not imperialism, when Romans conquered the Greeks was that not imperialism?

:beli: 1. Egypt my friend. 2. Roman Empire created it's own laws across Europe...that's Imperialism.

You have a list earlier in the thread defining what imperialism was according to you which included slavery, stealing land, stealing resources and rape, That is what I was going by, if you have a new definition of imperialism let me know, but you can't have a new definition of imperialism in every post

You haven't gave one example of stealing resources with your examples. Slavery is different between Black Nations and those that came after it. I think you are confusing African Serfdom to Chattel Slavery which isn't the same.

I think what you are trying to say is that Africans were the victims of western imperialism and then you are trying to narrow the definition down to a very specific example of imperialism, western imperialism, which is fine, you can make up your own definition of imperialism

I don't make up my own definitions like you friend.

But that is your own definition, it's not the dictionary definition of imperialism, you actually had it right early in the thread where you listed things that fall under imperialism, I gave examples of African imperialism and right till this day there people in the continent behaving in imperialistic ways

But anyways, this is exactly why I reject "anti imperialism" becuase 90 percent of the time it's really anti western imperialism, which is fine until you start realizing that the westerners are not the only imperialists, that is why half you fuks could not analyze this Nile situation properly, motherfukers couldn't understand that egypt and the Arabs whee behaving in imperialistic ways, but according to "anti imperialists" only western countries can be imperialistic, like Africans, Arabs can't be imperialistic either

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Western Imperialism was wrong equally but you assume Im mentioning just Western. Arabs have been Imperial before...look at the whole take of Northern Africa. :beli:

So the point is "anti imperialism" is not a good a ideology for black people becuase it's way more than just westerners that you need to look out for, from Arabs to Asians to Latinos, those are all people that we need to look out for

So black people shouldn't be anti-imperialistic because they need to look out for other races. Dumb example and otherwise pointless. Let's do what everyone else does....such great effort of innovation world.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

Here is the example: White Supremacy is the belief of, and/or promotion of the belief, that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore whites should politically dominate non-whites. The term is also used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical and/or industrial dominance [1]

How does a Black Man create such a threat when he doesn't control social, political, economic or historical dominance of his race over another?

what exactly are you asking me, are you asking me what the definition of black supremacy is or are you asking me how do we implement black supremacy, those are 2 different questions

dont ask me a question, and then i answer it and then act like i didnt answer your original question

before we move into how to implement black supremacy are you still confused about the definition?

Proof of what tribes creating empires with-in their border nations?

are you saying that if one "tribe" attacks another "tribe" and steals their land and resources, rapes their women and enslaves people that IS NOT imperialism? what do you call that then?

i provided proof of the egyptian empire going outside their borders and you listed a bunch of things that make up imperialism and i provided examples of those things going in africa

now i do, but i didnt realize that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, so apparently any group in this world can do anything under the definition of imperialism but its not imperialism because they are not western

Unfortunately alot of what is in that link isn't Nubian History. If I want to learn about Nubian History...last place is wiki.

what's your point? then you shoudl go ahead and read about it

Noticed the Imperialism examples I mentioned and see what it looks like and then look at yours. Tribes have always fought based off differences but to say they took one Empire and went all the way around the continent conquering one another is... These tribes didn't even make it on the continent and barely passed a few countries.

what i noticed is that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, apparently in your mind the only people that enslave people, rape people and steal land and resources are western empires

im not sure what you mean about tribes and empires, its true there werent any continent wide empires but there where regional empires and the only way to create an empire is by going out and conquering other people and lands

so if a western country goes to africa and enslaves people its imperialism, but if a tribe enslaves another tribe you dont have anything to say about it?

which again is why i reject anti imperialism ideology, its like are you actually against slavery and other imperialistic actions or are you just against slavery and imperialistic actions when westerners do it?

slavery isnt wrong because white people went to africa and took slaves, slavery is wrong because its a violation of individual rights, and its wrong regardless of who is doing the violating

anti imperialism for example doesnt really address slavery, in fact there is more slavery in non western countries in 2013 than in western countries, "anti imperialism" ideology does nothing to address slavery

1. Egypt my friend. 2. Roman Empire created it's own laws across Europe...that's Imperialism.

romans where white, europe is white, according to your definition that isnt imperialism, that was just a squabble amongst europeean tribes

You haven't gave one example of stealing resources with your examples. Slavery is different between Black Nations and those that came after it. I think you are confusing African Serfdom to Chattel Slavery which isn't the same.

there were african empires, this we know, there is only one way to create an empire, thats is by stealing other people's land and resources

"african serfdom" is a violation of individual rights and a violation of economic rights and its also what fed the european slave trade

I don't make up my own definitions like you friend.

yes you are, you are trying to narrowly define imperialism as western imperialism as opposed to defining imperialism as a set of actions and beliefs

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Western Imperialism was wrong equally but you assume Im mentioning just Western. Arabs have been Imperial before...look at the whole take of Northern Africa.

im not assuming anything, im going by your own words

lol at arabs in northern africa, what do you think the whole situation in the Nile is about, what do fuk do you think ive been talking about this whole thread, but now you want to mention it? lol

according to you chinese, japanese, russian did not engage in imperialism, when did the chinese go to another continent and conquer other people? when did the russians go to another continent and conquer people? the japanese conquering china and korea was just asian countries battling over some differences etc etc

you dont even know what the fuk you are saying, you have no type of intellectual consistency, you are just flapping your lips

So black people shouldn't be anti-imperialistic because they need to look out for other races. Dumb example and otherwise pointless. Let's do what everyone else does....such great effort of innovation world.

i believe in individual freedom so each person can do whatever the fuk they want to do, im just explaining why "anti imperialism" is not something i would recommend black people follow and black people should never rule out imperialism
Jun 24, 2012
what exactly are you asking me, are you asking me what the definition of black supremacy is or are you asking me how do we implement black supremacy, those are 2 different questions.dont ask me a question, and then i answer it and then act like i didnt answer your original question before we move into how to implement black supremacy are you still confused about the definition?

Blacks don't control social, political and economic structures over other race of people. There is no Black Supremacy and never was. This is what you don't get.

are you saying that if one "tribe" attacks another "tribe" and steals their land and resources, rapes their women and enslaves people that IS NOT imperialism? what do you call that then?

What were the resources stolen? Did they ever get those back? Tribal Wars are just that. From Mongolian to Native American. As far as Africa is concern...slavery is African Serfdom( if you even know what that is). The Slaves of these African Tribes could own land, marry and even take over the kingdom. Chattel Slavery like in Greece, Rome and such no slaves can have rights period. There is no historical documents that rape existed in Africa with these tribes until after Colonialism was introduced. Now in Europe...the Empires of Europe.....Rome, Greece, etc. Asian Empires like Japan it was well known.

i provided proof of the egyptian empire going outside their borders and you listed a bunch of things that make up imperialism and i provided examples of those things going in africa

You showed Levant which didn't mention of being a African Empire. It did mention it was a geographic location where many people settled and traveled.

now i do, but i didnt realize that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, so apparently any group in this world can do anything under the definition of imperialism but its not imperialism because they are not western

Wrong again I already mention Ottoman Empire and Mongolian Empire which are from the East....I also mentioned Japanese Imperialism. So save your excuses.

what i noticed is that you are defining imperialism as western imperialism, apparently in your mind the only people that enslave people, rape people and steal land and resources are western empires.

:snoop: still aren't getting it.

im not sure what you mean about tribes and empires, its true there werent any continent wide empires but there where regional empires and the only way to create an empire is by going out and conquering other people and lands

You haven't been sure this whole thread.

so if a western country goes to africa and enslaves people its imperialism, but if a tribe enslaves another tribe you dont have anything to say about it?

Tribes didn't own countries or regions....they had a small piece of land.

which again is why i reject anti imperialism ideology, its like are you actually against slavery and other imperialistic actions or are you just against slavery and imperialistic actions when westerners do it?

You clearly aren't paying attention and repeating the same thing over and over again.

slavery isnt wrong because white people went to africa and took slaves, slavery is wrong because its a violation of individual rights, and its wrong regardless of who is doing the violating

Who said it was right? Did you see me co-sign it?

anti imperialism for example doesnt really address slavery, in fact there is more slavery in non western countries in 2013 than in western countries, "anti imperialism" ideology does nothing to address slavery

Anti-Imperalism doesn't address slavery... Proof? Provide your proof cause I guess you haven't heard of Unfree labour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

romans where white, europe is white, according to your definition that isnt imperialism, that was just a squabble amongst europeean tribes

German Tribes beefed with each other, same goes with English Tribes....that is all but when a tribe systematically changes beef into policy of conquering the tribes of it's region and other tribes of other regions with their rule and nothing else...that's Imperialism. Too bad you are acting too stupid to noticed it.

there were african empires, this we know, there is only one way to create an empire, thats is by stealing other people's land and resources.

Most of these Empires you speak of never left their region.

"african serfdom" is a violation of individual rights and a violation of economic rights and its also what fed the european slave trade

African Serfdom violated individual rights when the slaves could own land, marry and take over the kingdom? Chattel Slavery isn't the same and I can tell you know nothing of Africa and you proved it in this comment.

yes you are, you are trying to narrowly define imperialism as western imperialism as opposed to defining imperialism as a set of actions and beliefs

:yawn: Not paying attention.

im not assuming anything, im going by your own words.

My words you twist to fit your agenda.

lol at arabs in northern africa, what do you think the whole situation in the Nile is about, what do fuk do you think ive been talking about this whole thread, but now you want to mention it? lol

:snoop: Is Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya near the Nile? Son you truly need to give it up.

according to you chinese, japanese, russian did not engage in imperialism, when did the chinese go to another continent and conquer other people? when did the russians go to another continent and conquer people? the japanese conquering china and korea was just asian countries battling over some differences etc etc

According to me. Son you truly don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are grasping every little thing, twisting words up and using excuses not to address the issue. Time for you to read some fail at that.

you dont even know what the fuk you are saying, you have no type of intellectual consistency, you are just flapping your lips

You must be speaking to yourself b/c you haven't listen to anything I said this whole time.

i believe in individual freedom so each person can do whatever the fuk they want to do, im just explaining why "anti imperialism" is not something i would recommend black people follow and black people should never rule out imperialism.

You live in a dream world of freedom....yet you want Imperalism to be the reason people go out and do the things that they do for self-interest or in your words "can do whatever the fuk they want to do".

Time to move on world...when you have a grasp on it....then come back and talk to me.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Blacks don't control social, political and economic structures over other race of people. There is no Black Supremacy and never was. This is what you don't get.

and what i am saying is that the goal of black people is to control, why is that so hard to understand?

What were the resources stolen? Did they ever get those back? Tribal Wars are just that. From Mongolian to Native American. As far as Africa is concern...slavery is African Serfdom( if you even know what that is). The Slaves of these African Tribes could own land, marry and even take over the kingdom. Chattel Slavery like in Greece, Rome and such no slaves can have rights period. There is no historical documents that rape existed in Africa with these tribes until after Colonialism was introduced. Now in Europe...the Empires of Europe.....Rome, Greece, etc. Asian Empires like Japan it was well known.

why do you answer my question with a question, im asking you if a tribe in mogolia, africa or whereever attacks a tribe and takes their land and resources, is that imperialism or do you have some other word for that?

im asking you a simple question because if we are using different vocabulary we cant communicate

as for as your other gibberish, its irrelevant and rambling, there was all kinds of slavery in both africa and in europe, there was chattel slavery in africa and slaves in rome and greece had rights

whatever type of slavery it was wrong, because it was violation of individual rights, it wasnt wrong because of imperialism

and rape did not exist in african until colonialism? wtf are you talking about?

You showed Levant which didn't mention of being a African Empire. It did mention it was a geographic location where many people settled and traveled.

i dont know what this means, i said the black people where the first imperialists and according to you, the definition of imperialism reuired somebody to go to another continent and rule over other people, i posted a link that the egyptians conquered the levant, so according to your definition of imperialism, the egyptians were imperialists and the egyptians were black

im not sure what it is that you are missing

Wrong again I already mention Ottoman Empire and Mongolian Empire which are from the East....I also mentioned Japanese Imperialism. So save your excuses.

you mentioned a few empires, but the point is its not clear if those empire you mentioned fit your definition, who did the chinese conquer, who did the greeks conquer, who did the japanese conquer?

Tribes didn't own countries or regions....they had a small piece of land.

sure but what do you call it when a tribe that owns a small piece of land, attacks another tribe's small piece of land and takes their land and enslaves them?

im asking because i need to make sure we are using the same vocabulary

Who said it was right? Did you see me co-sign it?

but you where accusing me of condoning slavery, im just explaining what logic i use to say slavery is wrong and its not "anti imperialism"

German Tribes beefed with each other, same goes with English Tribes....that is all but when a tribe systematically changes beef into policy of conquering the tribes of it's region and other tribes of other regions with their rule and nothing else...that's Imperialism. Too bad you are acting too stupid to noticed it.

Most of these Empires you speak of never left their region.

but that is my point of giving the list of african empires African empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

do you think there is some kind of kinder gentler process through which african empire became empires?

imperialism is when one group of people dominates over another group of people using force or by threatening to use force and steals land and resources

i dont really buy this notion that because it stays in one region it isnt imperialism, i think if you engage in asset of actions and have a certain beliefs that qualifies as imperialism, a good example of that is iran, who even though they do not have the technical ability to assert themselves outside of their region, inside their region they are behaving in imperialistic fashion and trying to dominate other countries and interfere

African Serfdom violated individual rights when the slaves could own land, marry and take over the kingdom? Chattel Slavery isn't the same and I can tell you know nothing of Africa and you proved it in this comment.

there was all kinds of slavery in africa, there is slavery in africa right now, and that slavery is not one that is addressed by "anti imperialism" that is why i said its better to frame the slavery issue as a violation of individual rights or else what happens is what is happening in now which is that the "anti imperialists" or the victims of imperialism are themselves continuing slavery

Is Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya near the Nile? Son you truly need to give it up.

i didn't mention those countries im not sure what you are trying to say but the existence of egypt as an arab country is the result of arab imperialism, and the threats toward ethiopia are a continuation of that imperialism and that is the proper perspective to view this incident in, but the muslims and the "anti imperialists" like yourself couldnt see that

and in the future ethiopia and other countries may have to engage in some actions which could considered imperialistic

for those 2 reason i dont think "anti imperialism" is really where black people need to go

You live in a dream world of freedom....yet you want Imperalism to be the reason people go out and do the things that they do for self-interest or in your words "can do whatever the fuk they want to do".

what i said is that people should do whatever is in their self interest and imperialism is neither here nor there

every person can choose whatever philosophy fits them, im not sure what the problem is with saying that, that isnt a dream world