I agree with op 100%. World War z was a great movie partly because they limited the stupid love scene bullshyt. I shouldn't have to think about some stupid white bytch and lovey dovey crap in the middle of an action/zombie flick. Save that gay shyt for drama movies and the lifetime network.
Ya, but the reason that World War Z works so well is because of the lovey dovey crap.
If the audience didn't feel like Brad Pitt's character loved his family and wanted to return to them, they wouldn't be rooting for him to survive. They wouldn't care about him as much. And the tension in all of those scenes would have been lost.
Brad Pitt's characters ultimate goal was to return to his family. If we never saw the family or never saw the interaction between him and his wife that would have been lost upon us.
The movie was actually rewritten to include more of the lovey dovey. Just enough I suppose.
It's a good example of the bare minimum going a long way.
I think u misunderstood me, I think that world war z did a great job of keeping the love story as brief as possible which was a good thing in my opinion. It was straight to the point and never took away from the action which is rare these days.
Ya by the last 2 lines I was agreeing with you. Just forgot to revise the first couple sentences of my post.![]()
fukking Drive is almost ruined by this. Sadly it's one of the main plot points and takes up half the movie.![]()
I know its done to for women to be interested in the movie but shyt is ridiculous.They dont force an action sub plot into chick flicks.Its the equivalent to if the two dudes in the notebook had a 10 minute fist fight. Movies need to be able to survive without played cliches
Every movie doesn't need a romantic sub plot or love interest. The dude in cloverfield went back for his ex girlfriend during a monster attack who he wasn't going to see again after that night anywayand the arious action heroes whose characters are loners who get stuck like glue to some broad they just met just as they have to do some life or death mission
I can't stand the fact that Hollywood feels the need to force a romantic subplot into so many movies that would have been great without them. I'm assuming it's to gain female moviegoers, but many of these movies don't even reference the romance in the previews, so how would they know that shyt exists without buying the ticket in the first place?
I'm watching Hancock right now and the relationship between Will and Charlize Theron just threw everything off. The movie had some other issues (no white superhero would go to jail over destroying property while saving people) but this shyt goes downhill once they introduce the romantic twist and that garbage about them staying away from each other to keep their powers.
That got me thinking about other movies being similarly affected, and Flight came to mind right away. I didn't see any real reason to have Denzel fall in love with the coked out white chick. I doubt that I'm the only one whp would have much rather seen him repair things with his ex-wife and son.
I still love Flight but I leaned back likeonce I realized why they introduced the white woman.
What other movies got derailed by this nonsense?