Birnin Zana
Honorary Wakandan
I just returned from Senegal a little a week ago. I also visited another african country while traveling. Senegal is beautiful but definitely underdeveloped outside of Dakar. Dakar is such a cool city though.
It's interesting. European countries treated their colonies different and you can still see the effects from that on the country to this day. France pushed their culture on their colonies more, and viewed their colonies as an extension of France, England did not due that.
Also the first president of Senegal Senghor, he looooved the France and French culture, was even a delegate to their version of Congress and so I'm sure he felt accepted by them and viewed that as a point of pride. He thought the French statesmen were his friends. However, he was snubbed by many of them when they didn't come to his funeral.
He was such a smart guy, but that part of his legacy makes me cringe a bit.
I'm from another African country, one that is predominantly Francophone but has an Anglophone minority which is where my fam is from. I feel like the Anglophone people are more "woke" if that makes any sense. But I could be biased lol.
Is it Cameroon by any chance?
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