mother kills 2 kids while performing exorcism


Nov 21, 2013
I feel you fam lol but I don't think the fundamentalist/religious nuts or moderates are the problem. I think the issues is the religious doctrine, the Torah, New testament and the Quran have good things in them and it has terrible things in them. So because of that we see followers probably like yourself that follow the good things and ignore the bad and we see people that ignore the good parts and follow the crazy things. There is a reason we don't see signs that say BUDDHA HATES FAKKITS. or Janist suicide bombers and thats because of the core doctrines.

Lol what does a real christian look like? out of the 30 thousand denominations which would you say has it right? I agree the bible doesn't say it's perfect to me, but millions of Christians disagree with us:manny: .

I dont know what a real christian looks like. I just know it isnt only about beliefs. So 1-30 thousand of those could have the beliefs right. But they have to DO as well as BELIEVE. And Im 100% sure that few if any of those denominations do BOTH.

Millions of christians have not read their bible thoroughly. So to take their opinion on it when they get their beliefs from lying preachers, wouldnt be smart on us or anyone.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
:snoop: but if she's clinically insane then she has no culpability in this case :bryan:
but she clearly IS insane....

so no, the onus falls on believers to police folks in their own congregation towards the true interpretation of the bible

but there are like thousands of denominations….so….whose truth is the real truth :lolbron:

folks can't even decide if the devil is a metaphor or real entity :lolbron:

But all truthful jokes aside, you're still dodging a major issue in this story. Even if she was sane, would she have still been allowed to believe that the devil was a physical entity? Can't argue belief right? That's why it's called faith right?
The major issue is blaming religion for the actions people make. To answer your question though, People can and do believe whatever they want. There are millions of people who believe the devil is a metaphor, likewise there are millions of people who believe he is a real being, millions of people don't go killing their kids.

My intent for reply wasn't to argue the validity of religion, more to point out that pinning responsibility of someone's actions on such a wide and varied topic like religion, particularly when that person is crazy, is silly.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
but she clearly IS insane....

The major issue is blaming religion for the actions people make. To answer your question though, People can and do believe whatever they want. There are millions of people who believe the devil is a metaphor, likewise there are millions of people who believe he is a real being, millions of people don't go killing their kids.

My intent for reply wasn't to argue the validity of religion, more to point out that pinning responsibility of someone's actions on such a wide and varied topic like religion, particularly when that person is crazy, is silly.

and my point was that it is not silly if she believes that the devil made her do it…because you can't prove to her that the devil did not make her do it…that's what you keep jumping over

as I said, if she was sane, the children would be alive. but even as a sane being, she would've believed that all evil in the world was perpetrated by the devil himself…and there is NOTHING you could do to persuade her otherwise


edit: oh yeah, and if someone is clinically insane, they are legally not responsible for their action….so all that responsibility mumbo jumbo doesn't mean squat here


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
and my point was that it is not silly if she believes that the devil made her do it…because you can't prove to her that the devil did not make her do it…that's what you keep jumping over
she doesn't believe the devil made her do it does she? She believed her kids were possessed by the devil. Regardless of her beliefs or craziness is it really religions fault or responsibility to control her actions?

as I said, if she was sane, the children would be alive. but even as a sane being, she would've believed that all evil in the world was perpetrated by the devil himself…and there is NOTHING you could do to persuade her otherwise


There are again millions of sane people who believe the devil is real and no, chances are you're not going to get them to change their minds.


Oct 19, 2013
Do you live in Israel for you to do that? :camby:

Anybody can take a verse out of context ya know? :rudy:

Haha, this gets better. Tell me how I took "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" out of context? Here's your context:

Now tell me how we find a witch and why I need to be in Israel to do that?

The point of me finding that quote was to point out to your friend that the Bible suggests killing people is a sound idea. There are many, many more in there, all in the correct context. I did that because I said to your friend that if there was a Sony instruction manual somewhere that suggested killing was a good idea then Sony are evil (bringing Sony into it was his idea btw).


Nov 21, 2013
Haha, this gets better. Tell me how I took "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" out of context? Here's your context:

Now tell me how we find a witch and why I need to be in Israel to do that?

The point of me finding that quote was to point out to your friend that the Bible suggests killing people is a sound idea. There are many, many more in there, all in the correct context. I did that because I said to your friend that if there was a Sony instruction manual somewhere that suggested killing was a good idea then Sony are evil (bringing Sony into it was his idea btw).

Read the chapter. You see how it talks about judges? These arent just "any" judge but the judges of Israel. Read Deuteronomy. It says similar statements for when they are about to enter the promised land. This doesnt mean me in America going around looking for sorcerers and then taking them to the judge and having a pronouncement made. That would be me taking the verse out of context. Again, the context was for ISRAEL at that time and for when they enter into the promised land. Not every commandment is to be followed everywhere you're at.

You think killing people is not a sound idea. I disagree. I think some people deserved to be killed for the evil they commit.

Well, we could go deeper on the culpability of Sony in violence but I think that would stray off topic. The point in all this, is that the bible does not suggest to kill your kids if you think they're possessed. But if a person wants to grab a verse out of context they can make it say almost anything. So yes people have used religion to do the things they want. Such as for-profit preachers that use the bible to suck people into giving them money. That doesnt mean the religion (christianity or the bible) supports that act. But continue painting that broad brush :childplease:


Oct 19, 2013
You think killing people is not a sound idea. I disagree. I think some people deserved to be killed for the evil they commit.

Of course you do. Because you can justify it with your crazy book. Witches, gays, kids who curse their parents, adulterers, blasphemers, anyone who works on the Sabbath, and so on.