that's all your responses merittwice now you've answered with a smiley... take the time, use your words. You shaking your head isn't exactly doing anything now is it.
that's all your responses merittwice now you've answered with a smiley... take the time, use your words. You shaking your head isn't exactly doing anything now is it.
Here's the thing....
The bible actually has several places in the bible that prohibit adding or changing the bible.
Now either this is the one rule NO ONE ever broke, or it's possible there are some things in the bible not 100%...
Either way the bible isn't the key to heaven or salvation or even getting closer to God, can it help? Sure. But ultimately a personal relationship with JC is what's important. Anything distracting from that goal and purpose is a distraction.
Fair enough.
I don't need you to get my claim. Get it now?
Isaiah 5:20
What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
Fits right here like a puzzle piece
Go and find out what a scientific theory is before you continue this conversation.
I go one more for ya
what do scientists do when their theories are shown to be wrong? has any theory (belief) by any religion ever been proven wrong? if so what do they do when that happens?
that makes the assumption all the words in the bible are the words of God. We know that the bible has been changed many many times throughout history.... We also know there is punishment for changing the word of God. It doesn't take a leap of faith to arrive at the conclusion that the bible may not be 100% the word of God.Oh okay I never met a christian that didn't believe the bible was written by there god and wasn't perfect. But here are some scriptures that my christian friend would throw at me ( And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times” (Psalm 12:6) and this one (Every word of God is pure” (Proverbs 30:5 KJV)
see that's what you get for not reading the thread. I did answer both of those questions.Someone wake me up when we receive credible answers to the 2 quotes above
that's the are definitely getting into heaven friend, yay!
but if they didn't make the claim about religion it would just be about something else. Man is evil. Religion is just a tool. Like a gun. It's also a belief structure. You can simply use it as a tool; a means to an end, in which case do you blame the tool or the person. BUT, religion is ALSO something more than that for those who choose to make it such. It's a means of spiritual guidance.It's not you I'm concerned with it's people who kill their kids because they think there are demons inside of them. And people in power who make the same claim that you do.
that's the plan.
but if they didn't make the claim about religion it would just be about something else. Man is evil. Religion is just a tool. Like a gun. It's also a belief structure. You can simply use it as a tool; a means to an end, in which case do you blame the tool or the person. BUT, religion is ALSO something more than that for those who choose to make it such. It's a means of spiritual guidance.
I'm not a christian so I think that all books that claim to be holy are man made. I see what you are saying but there doesn't seem to be an agreement among your fellow Christians about the inerrancy of the bible. Every christian I have spoken with tells me that every word in that book is perfect. But I feel you homie hopefully ya'll can work that out.
It's not you I'm concerned with it's people who kill their kids because they think there are demons inside of them. And people in power who make the same claim that you do.
No i'm saying people doing things is PEOPLE doing things.So what are you saying here? People who do bad things in the name of religion are crazy and people who do good things in the name of religion are 'spiritually guided'?
see that's what you get for not reading the thread. I did answer both of those questions.
but if she believed this years ago why hadn't she gone out killing "demons" before? Again this isn't the act of religion, this is the act of a crazy as woman.Add the fact that even if they approached her prior to the act, there is no way they could convince her that her children weren't controlled by demons. And they couldn't convince her that demons didn't exist.
Laughable at best.
I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for believers to understand. Years prior to killing her kids, she believed that satan walked the earth and had an effect on human actions. Nobody, not one person in her congregation said she was wrong. Why? Cause they believed it too. I just had someone on my fb who was going through some shyt write, "the devil is a lie." Unless you're using the devil as a metaphor for evil and not the catalyst for evil activities, you are indeed providing ammunition for crazy people like this woman. And unless you're willing to EXPLAIN why the devil is a metaphor, and not a physical entity, and explain how this effects the authenticity of several passages throughout the bible, you are in fact an enabler. The seed was planted. Her mental decline fed the beast.
But as we know most people don't read the bible until after they've developed a firm belief in the Christian version of God.