youve put more thought into it than they have. they see jax free slaves and see him happy in the end and assumed he killed all white people to get there, despite him saying the opposite. a lot of white people are in fear of black retribution despite the fact that weve just wanted to be left alone, and shyt like this scares the hell outta them
There was a video posted here where a cave chimp put extra emphasis on Wakanda being "fictional." They also did it once Black Panther released. Their frantic scrambling and seemingly incomprehensible anger over the mere image of blacks prospering technologically, spiritually, & economically without their presence pretty much is the backdrop of what drives their obsession and hostility towards blacks. You saw it when they burned Black Wall Street to the ground. The cave monkeys aren't soley infatuated with blacks soley out of innate hate. Yeah, they have a seemingly borderline genetic disposition for sadism and blood, but their infatuation with blacks is and has always derived from a place of insecurity & jealousy.
It's something on a primal level, but they are indescribably insecure when it comes to blacks prospering. It makes them uncomfortable and I honestly don't believe most of them can control it or understand why. Fear of retribution only amplifies their angst and definitely plays a big factor, too. It feels like something thats beyond comprehension & stems from a conflict that may span millennias. Somewhere, at some point in time, blacks dominated these people, and I don't mean in the sense of the Moors pulling them out their caves and domesticating them. It has to be something deeper. Their behavior is so instinctive at the image of black prosperity that it's as if it's an innate
offensive mechanism in place to prevent that domination from reoccuring. They don't behave like one whom
truly feels dominant: they behave nervously defensive and apprehensive.
It's interesting.