they didn't tell her they were filming because she would have to charge them and they wanted to do it FOR FREE do you get it now?She didn't see a camera crew in the audience
Maybe they showed up with cameras without asking but I don't believe she didn't notice somebody filming and wasn't told in advance,and she could have said no at that time. Its not like they can use it without her permission anyway though,I see the ego on their side though,they assumed she would jump at 500K. I don't see why else you would film before filling out the paperwork,it was a foregone conclusion for them.
She is asking people to boycott netlix,so I think i have the right to want to see a good reason that I should.
As a black person would you boycott anything I told you to boycott just because I felt offended. Black people being lowballed right here in america everyday and globally,as well as robbed and pillaged.Yet you nikkas ain't boycotting shyt,probably didn't even boycott the outright racist NFL this season. Yet want to call out c00n because we not jumping right out the window to boycott Netflix on Moniques SO FAR,shaky reasoning![]()
So if or when Haddish keeps killing it and gets a big deal with Netflix ( she seems to keep getting more and more buzz and be hilarious in the process) is Mo'Nique going to complain about her deal too?
Is she going to say Netflix only wants young comedians?
Haddish is on her way brehs
I don't like that implication @Bittasweet,black peoples only crime here would be maybe that we don't know how much the average black comedian makes. If this were a Katt Williams or a Mike Epps I would be behind them 100%,and even then 500K wouldn't sound horrible to me but they would have leverage to ask for more imo. I'm sorry 500K just doesn't sound like a disrespectful case of low balling to me for someone at Moniques level. The only reason it sounds low is because of the comparisons she is making to what Chapelle,Rock and Shumer got paid. Even if she's not saying she deserved as much,that is not a fair comparison for us to say she got lowballed,as it is painfully obvious why she wouldn't get offered near the ammount they did.
She has to find out what well known,mediocre black comedians who only have a black audience,and never pulled money at the box office are being offered by netflix. Plus you have to realize what her fellow comedians are accepting make up her market value. If Eddie Griffin for example,who has been more succesful and is far funnier than Monique will accept 500K or less,500K would not be considered lowballing from Netflix perspective. She really needs to find out what her fellow black comedians are taking,wouldn't be suprised if its less than 500K. Excuse us for not knowing the comedian pay scales,but 500K doesn't seem bad based on my own appraisal of Monique.
I have no problem with her turning it down if she thinks she's worth more though. But the burning bridges and pulling the race card is a bad look based on her shytty examples.
And she would honestly be able to say yes, pointing to the hit movie she was recently in, her hosting SNL and her recent special on Showtime.To her point they can say Monique accepted 500k do you think you’re bigger than Monique?![]()
A whole lotta hypotheticals there breh. Lets all cherry pick and grab a piece of narrative from over here and over there to support a brand new narrative brehs.Netflix still hasn't said anything and this is the third time she makes it clear that her argument has nothing to do with whether Rock, Dave, or Amy deserves their money OR Who's funnier.
But will that stop yall from blindly caping for Netflix and focus on what's actually is said? no.
lol. Fascinating how the human mind works...
-Koons and self serving nikkas that do whatever at the expense of Blackfolks in order to get that check, are publicly frowned upon, but privately, I'm now starting to think many of you are envious
-while in the climate of #meToo and #TimeUp, where white bytches are being offered alot of money and opportunities to be silent, they are being praised for not being silent to cash a check
-the black parents of the little boy modeling that "king monkey in the jungle" or whatever that was, is being criticized for co-signing racist messages for a check
...but in this situation, a Black woman turning down money for how she's treated, it's spooky. You nikkas gotta be consistent
A whole lotta hypotheticals there breh. Lets all cherry pick and grab a piece of narrative from over here and over there to support a brand new narrative brehs.![]()
Again, Monique ask Netflix for a confirmation about their criteria, they gave it to her and she pointed out that they weren't applying the same criteria to her as they did for other acts. It has nothing to do with who deserves money or who's funnier. This is all in her videos, not need to be talmbowt Eddie Griffin or speculating how Kat and Epps would've handled this situation
Moniqe makes it clear what her argument is, it's not about burning bridges when the erect bridges are not as polished and taken care of as the other bridges
The problem I have is the common notion of a Black comedian pay scale vs a comedian pay scale. Or more generally, Black pay vs non-Black pay in various industries
That's the root of this and a historical problem, thus why it's odd that so many folks are blindly caping for Netflix with the historical backdrop of Black talents getting undermined by industries
500k doesn't sound bad to you or me cause we not on her level, but why are you trying to force your ideal pay scale on an accomplished celebrity? that's absurd
Damn right I would've taken that money tooI would take the 500k... Take all the money you can from white folks then start your own service..The problem with people is they want to work for other people forever then complain about pay. Go the Master P route...
so any updates?
Once again she has no leverage after flexing on OprahAgain, Monique ask Netflix for a confirmation about their criteria, they gave it to her and she pointed out that they weren't applying the same criteria to her as they did for other acts. It has nothing to do with who deserves money or who's funnier. This is all in her videos, not need to be talmbowt Eddie Griffin or speculating how Kat and Epps would've handled this situation
Moniqe makes it clear what her argument is, it's not about burning bridges when the erect bridges are not as polished and taken care of as the other bridges
The problem I have is the common notion of a Black comedian pay scale vs a comedian pay scale. Or more generally, Black pay vs non-Black pay in various industries
That's the root of this and a historical problem, thus why it's odd that so many folks are blindly caping for Netflix with the historical backdrop of Black talents getting undermined by industries
500k doesn't sound bad to you or me cause we not on her level, but why are you trying to force your ideal pay scale on an accomplished celebrity? that's absurd