years before tamir rice, i was working security on a reality tv show. i was usually working nights,(whole lot of crazy shyt there) but the dayshift dude had an incident and needed someone to step in for him and he would take my place for nights. so they were doing gameshow like shyt under a popular overpass in downtown la and i was there to make sure noone was where they werent supposed to be. it was just me and my walkie talkie connected to the directors channel. shyt was cool with no problems. end of the day, and im sitting under a pylon having a break before heading out, and this cop rolls up on my while i was sitting down, pulls his gun out and starts to yell to put my hands up. dude looked young and nervous and for some reason he was alone in his patrol car. i comply, but i see how nervous this dude looked, and i just knew i wasnt gonna make it home. he told me to take the gun out of my pocket and i told him i didnt have one. so he asked what the bulge in my pocket was and i told him it was a walkie talkie. he asked to see it and i showed it to him. he chuckled nervously apologized and drove off. meanwhile im about to shyt myself because i was one wrong answer away from losing my life
another time was years later after my grandfathers funeral. my mother, aunts cousin and i were driving back from oregon in march. oregon was fine, but the moment we got into california, we were hit with a snowstorm that we had no idea about. so there were no chains, visibility was extremely limited and we were on a cliff facing. all the adults in the car were gripping the hell out of the seats(except for my mothers older sister. that dumb bytch wanted to pull over and play in the fukking snow like a damn child) it felt like if the snow would have gotten more severe that would have been it for us. luckily a snowmobile showed up, we got behind them and just rode through out of the storm.