missing chapter of Autobiography of Malcolm X addresses liberals and a Black voting blocc


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca
Well the quote I posted is from 2 days before he died. He said he did a lot of things as a black Muslim that he was sorry for, said he was a zombie back then who just followed orders, and was glad to be free of those days. Take from his quote what you will.
no way in hell Malcolm wanted back in the NOI - he went as far as labeling those days as "sick"

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Sounds like Malcolm was softening up to those white liberals you despise with all your heart. Based on his trajectory, if he would have not been killed, you would be calling him a c00ning shill.

Malcolm never changed his tune about White liberals

He changed his mind about White leftists, big difference.

Malcolm was friends with Che Guevara & Fidel Castro and all those leftists, who helped him understand the evils of capitalism, which is why he said, "You can't have racism without capitalism"

Liberals are the same as they've ever been, pretending to be radical & revolutionary, while supporting the same fascist police state the Republicans do.

listen to dr andersons interview with the breakfast club, his context regarding this. also, you allude to the march on washington which ended up being nothing like it was supposed to be once white folks got involved. you never mentioned this. there is a reason why malcom called it a "damn parade". that march was supposed to be militant as hell, but once white folks got involved and started putting money up, the entire mood of the march was watered down. how do you go from a "militant march where DEMANDS were to be made" to a parade. this is probably one of the reasons malcolm didnt want white folks joining MMI

The march was "watered down", how?

The march was what it needed to because I don't know if you've noticed this or not, Black people were not negotiating from a place of strength.

We don't have money, population, or weapons to "kill whitey" like a lot of the militants wanted to.

They were going to get all of us killed or dying on reservations like the Indians are.

Out of that "parade" we got Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Fair Housing, and programs that cut Black poverty in HALF in less than a decade.


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca

Malcolm never changed his tune about White liberals

He changed his mind about White leftists, big difference.

Malcolm was friends with Che Guevara & Fidel Castro and all those leftists, who helped him understand the evils of capitalism, which is why he said, "You can't have racism without capitalism"

Liberals are the same as they've ever been, pretending to be radical & revolutionary, while supporting the same fascist police state the Republicans do.

The march was "watered down", how?

The march was what it needed to because I don't know if you've noticed this or not, Black people were not negotiating from a place of strength.

We don't have money, population, or weapons to "kill whitey" like a lot of the militants wanted to.

They were going to get all of us killed or dying on reservations like the Indians are.

Out of that "parade" we got Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Fair Housing, and programs that cut Black poverty in HALF in less than a decade.
man, did you actually READ Malcolm's autobiography? specifically pages 320-324? No disrespect, but he broke the shyt all the way down. this is exactly what Dr, Anderson was alluding too when white folks got INVOLVED the march was not what it was supposed to be. it wasn't about GUNS, you overthinking it because of the word "militant" - which describes the ATTITUDE. but the shyt was watered down

also, you mention the civil rights bill of 1965. nikka, that's a PUBLIC ACCESS bill and that's all. far as i know, that bill had 2 words in it "GENDER and SEXUAL ORIENTATION" - which allowed white women AND homosexuals to strip black folks of the intended gains. if king was so confident in INTEGRATION, why did he consider the shyt integrating into a burning house? black folks had their own sources of economic wealth BEFORE integration and all that shyt went away. just like brown vs board of education before the 1955 bill with schooling. i used to live in little rock arkansas and i used to hear my grand parents and older relatives talk about that shyt all day long and how a lot of POLICIES messed black folks up especially in the jim crow south.

voting rights - you make it sound like just because some bullshyt was passed, politicians actually have given a damn about black folks lol. what politician during this time made some sweeping moves that changed the lives of black folks? gerrymandering is still a thing dude. that shyt is still going on. never stopped and there was a case about it earlier this year in Alabama. and the voting rights did not come as a result of that march in Washington nikka, the reason why LBJ put a rush on that shyt was because of those murders that happened in Philadelphia, Mississippi the CIVIL RIGHTS WORKERS MUDERS in June 1964. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and michael schrewner. specifically, the two WHITE boys was the reason. Goodman and Schrewner AKA Goatee to the Klan.

them bills you mentioned ALL OF THEM did SOME good, but didnt overwhelmingly make shyt better for black folks. lot of it is just shyt on paper. especially since it didnt end practices like gerrymandering, REDLINING, etc. and they STILL fukking with black folks when it comes to voting rights. thats NEVER stopped

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Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca

Malcolm never changed his tune about White liberals

He changed his mind about White leftists, big difference.

Malcolm was friends with Che Guevara & Fidel Castro and all those leftists, who helped him understand the evils of capitalism, which is why he said, "You can't have racism without capitalism"

Liberals are the same as they've ever been, pretending to be radical & revolutionary, while supporting the same fascist police state the Republicans do.

The march was "watered down", how?

The march was what it needed to because I don't know if you've noticed this or not, Black people were not negotiating from a place of strength.

We don't have money, population, or weapons to "kill whitey" like a lot of the militants wanted to.

They were going to get all of us killed or dying on reservations like the Indians are.

Out of that "parade" we got Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Fair Housing, and programs that cut Black poverty in HALF in less than a decade.
below are pages 320-324 from Malcolm's book which specifically details how the shyt was watered down.

Not long ago, the black man in America was fed a dose of another form of the weakening, lulling and deluding effects of so-called " integration." It was that "Farce on Washington," I call it. The idea of a mass of blacks marching on Washington was originally the brainchild of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters' A. Philip Randolph. For twenty or more years the March on Washington idea had floated around among Negroes. And, spontaneously, suddenly now, that idea caught on. Overall rural Southern Negroes, small town Negroes, Northern ghetto Negroes, even thousands of previously Uncle Tom Negroes began talking "March!" Nothing since Joe Louis had so coalesced the masses of Negroes.

Groups of Negroes were talking of getting to Washington any way they could-in rickety old cars, on buses, hitch-hiking, walking, even, if they had to. They envisioned thousands of black brothers converging together upon Washington-to lie down in the streets, on airport runways, on government lawns- ICARUS 321 demanding of the Congress and the White House some concrete civil rights action. This was a national bitterness; militant, unorganized, and leaderless. Predominantly, it was young Negroes, defiant of whatever might be the consequences, sick and tired of the black man's neck under the white man's heel . The white man had plenty of good reasons for nervous worry.

The right spark-some unpredictable emotional chemistry could set off a black uprising. The government knew that thousands of milling, angry blacks not only could completely disrupt Washington-but they could erupt in Washington. The White House speedily invited in the major civil rights Negro " leaders." They were asked to stop the planned March. They truthfully said they hadn't begun it, they had no control over it-the idea was national, spontaneous, unorganized, and leaderless. In other words, it was a black powder keg. Any student of how "integration" can weaken the black man's movement was about to observe a master lesson. The White House, with a fanfare of international publicity, "approved," "endorsed," and "welcomed" a March on Wash[1]ington. The big civil rights organizations right at this time had been publicly squabbling about donations.

The New York Times had broken the story. The N.A.A.C.P. had charged that other agencies' demonstrations, highly publicized, had attracted a major part of the civil rights donations-while the N.A.A.C.P. got left holding the bag, supplying costly bail and legal talent for the other organizations' jailed demonstrators. It was l ike a movie. The next scene was the "big six" civil rights Negro "leaders" meeting in New York City with the white head of a big philanthropic agency. They were told that their money-wrangling in public was damaging their image. And a reported $800,000 was donated to a United Civil Rights Leadership council that was quickly organized by the "big six." Now, what had instantly achieved black unity? The white man's money. What string was attached to the money? Advice. Not only was there this donation, but another comparable sum 322 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X was promised, for sometime later on, after the March ... ob[1]viously if all went well. The original "angry" March on Washington was now about to be entirely changed. Massive international publicity projected the "big six" as March on Washington leaders. It was news to those angry grass-roots Negroes steadily adding steam to their March plans.

They probably assumed that now those famous "leaders" were endorsing and joining them. Invited next to join the March were four famous white public figures: one Catholic, one Jew, one Protestant, and one labor boss. The massive publicity now gently hinted that the "big ten" would "supervise" the March on Washington's "mood," and its "direction. " The four white figures began nodding. The word spread fast among so-called "liberal" Catholics, Jews, Protestants: it was "democratic" to join this black March. And suddenly, the previously March-nervous whites began announcing they were going. It was as if electrical current shot through the ranks of bourgeois Negroes-the very so-called "middle-class" and "upper-class'' who had earlier been deploring the March on Washington talk by grass-roots Negroes.

But white people, now, were going to march. Why, some downtrodden, jobless, hungry Negro might have gotten trampled. Those " integration"-mad Negroes practically ran over each other trying to find out where to sign up. The "angry blacks" March suddenly had been made chic. Suddenly it had a Kentucky Derby image. For the status-seeker, it was a status symbol . "Were you there? " You can hear that right to[1]day. It had become an outing, a picnic. The morning of the March, any rickety carloads of angry, dusty, sweating small-town Negroes would have gotten lost among the chartered jet planes, railroad cars, and air- ICARUS 323 conditioned buses. What originally was planned to be an angry riptide, one English newspaper aptly described now as "the gentle flood.'' Talk about "integrated"! It was like salt and pepper.

And, by now, there wasn't a single logistics aspect uncontrolled. The marchers had been instructed to bring no signs-signs were provided. They had been told to sing one song: "We Shall Overcome." They had been told how to arrive, when, where to arrive, where to assemble, when to start marching, the route to march. First-aid stations were strategically located-even where to faint! Yes, I was there. I observed that circus. Who ever heard of angry revolutionists all harmonizing "We Shall Overcome ... Suum Day . . . '' while tripping and swaying along arm-in-arm with the very people they were supposed to be angrily revolting against? Who ever heard of angry revolutionists swinging their bare feet together with their oppressor in lily-pad park pools, with gospels and guitars and "I Have a Dream" speeches? And the black masses in America were-and still are-having a nightmare.

These "angry revolutionists" even followed their final instructions: to leave early. With all of those thousands upon thousands of ' 'angry revolutionists,'' so few stayed over that the next morning the Washington hotel association reported a costly loss in empty rooms. Hollywood couldn't have topped it. In a subsequent press poll, not one Congressman or Senator with a previous record of opposition to civil rights said he had changed his views. What did anyone expect? How was a one-day "integrated" picnic going to counter-influence these representatives of prejudice rooted deep in the psyche of the American white man for four hundred years? The very fact that millions, black and white,

believed in this monumental farce is another example of how much this country goes in for the surface glossing over, the escape ruse, surfaces, instead of truly dealing with its deep-rooted problems. What that March on Washington did do was lull Negroes for a while. But inevitably, the black masses started realizing they had been smoothly hoaxed again by the white man. And, inevitably, the black man's anger rekindled, deeper than ever, and there began bursting out in different cities, in the " long, hot summer" of 1964, unprecedented racial crises. About a month before the "Farce on Washington," the New York Times reported me, according to its poll conducted on college and university campuses, as "the second most sought after' ' speaker at colleges and universities. The only speaker ahead of me was Senator Barry

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
man, did you actually READ Malcolm's autobiography? specifically pages 320-324? No disrespect, but he broke the shyt all the way down. this is exactly what Dr, Anderson was alluding too when white folks got INVOLVED the march was not what it was supposed to be. it wasn't about GUNS, you overthinking it because of the word "militant" - which describes the ATTITUDE. but the shyt was watered down

also, you mention the civil rights bill of 1965. nikka, that's a PUBLIC ACCESS bill and that's all. far as i know, that bill had 2 words in it "GENDER and SEXUAL ORIENTATION" - which allowed white women AND homosexuals to strip black folks of the intended gains. if king was so confident in INTEGRATION, why did he consider the shyt integrating into a burning house? black folks had their own sources of economic wealth BEFORE integration and all that shyt went away. just like brown vs board of education before the 1955 bill with schooling. i used to live in little rock arkansas and i used to hear my grand parents and older relatives talk about that shyt all day long and how a lot of POLICIES messed black folks up especially in the jim crow south.

voting rights - you make it sound like just because some bullshyt was passed, politicians actually have given a damn about black folks lol. what politician during this time made some sweeping moves that changed the lives of black folks? gerrymandering is still a thing dude. that shyt is still going on. never stopped and there was a case about it earlier this year in Alabama. and the voting rights did not come as a result of that march in Washington nikka, the reason why LBJ put a rush on that shyt was because of those murders that happened in Philadelphia, Mississippi the CIVIL RIGHTS WORKERS MUDERS in June 1964. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and michael schrewner. specifically, the two WHITE boys was the reason. Goodman and Schrewner AKA Goatee to the Klan.

them bills you mentioned ALL OF THEM did SOME good, but didnt overwhelmingly make shyt better for black folks. lot of it is just shyt on paper. especially since it didnt end practices like gerrymandering, REDLINING, etc. and they STILL fukking with black folks when it comes to voting rights. thats NEVER stopped

With all due respect, Malcolm died in 1965.

He didn't get to live to see 90% of this shyt enacted.

No, Bl;ack people were not living good with sources of income before Civll Rights.

60% of black people lived in abject poverty in 1960. Where is this Black prosperity you're talking about?

Black poverty went from 60% in 1960 to 28% in 1970.

I'd say that's pretty damn substantial.

Hmm.... What happened between 1960 and 1970?

We know redlining still exists in some capacity, but that is because Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton went about UNDOING all of the progress of the New Deal, Great Society, and the Civil Rights Movement

That's not King or A. Phillip Randolph's fault. That's the fault of our sellout negrocrat class who allowed the shyt to happen AFTER King & X were dead.

And the Voting Rights Act didn't just happen because of those Civil Rights Workers murders, it was a part of the process starting with the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 & 1960, which were spurred on by who?

MLK & The NAACP & Thurgood Marshall, who were constantly marching, protesting, and boycotting.

There's no way to live in a society as a poverty stricken minority with virtually no rights and be cool.

The old folks that talk that way are like the negroes who claimed things were better during slavery

There's a difference between racial separation and racial segegation.

In order for separation to work, you have to have wealth, and we have NONE, and your own state, which we don't have.

Segregation means White people own & control everything.

Any Bl;ack people who are doing well are only doing so as long as White people ALLOW them to do well.


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca
With all due respect, Malcolm died in 1965.

He didn't get to live to see 90% of this shyt enacted.

No, Bl;ack people were not living good with sources of income before Civll Rights.

60% of black people lived in abject poverty in 1960. Where is this Black prosperity you're talking about?

Black poverty went from 60% in 1960 to 28% in 1970.

I'd say that's pretty damn substantial.

Hmm.... What happened between 1960 and 1970?

We know redlining still exists in some capacity, but that is because Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton went about UNDOING all of the progress of the New Deal, Great Society, and the Civil Rights Movement

That's not King or A. Phillip Randolph's fault. That's the fault of our sellout negrocrat class who allowed the shyt to happen AFTER King & X were dead.

And the Voting Rights Act didn't just happen because of those Civil Rights Workers murders, it was a part of the process starting with the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 & 1960, which were spurred on by who?

MLK & The NAACP & Thurgood Marshall, who were constantly marching, protesting, and boycotting.

There's no way to live in a society as a poverty stricken minority with virtually no rights and be cool.

The old folks that talk that way are like the negroes who claimed things were better during slavery

There's a difference between racial separation and racial segegation.

In order for separation to work, you have to have wealth, and we have NONE, and your own state, which we don't have.

Segregation means White people own & control everything.

Any Bl;ack people who are doing well are only doing so as long as White people ALLOW them to do well.
great points.

i never stated anything about black prosperity, black folks did have their own businesses.

but as i stated before, these policies did some good and also fukked black folks over in some capacity. black folks did not totally benefit from all these programs.

like welfare

you mentioned the new deal and its "progress". welfare came from the new deal and we all know that required for the man to not be in the home. how many fathers left their children and never returned and the mother relied on the system? how is this progression? that shyt ended up being generational. if pops isnt present, the children have a greater chance at incarceration. how is this progress?

also, when the National Industrial Recovery Act (part of the new deal) was passed in 1933 it basically enacted rules for minimum wage employment. in other words, it was against the law for men to be hired at minimum wage pay if they were not skilled enough. in the south alone, 500 THOUSAND black men lost their jobs because they lacked the skills necessary to be keep a job. this was all under the new deal. the shyt was declared unconstitutional eventually but the damage had already been done.

a bunch of shyt happened under the new deal that messed without black folks that no one talks about

wagner act was supposed to end racial discrimination but it was lobbied against. labor unions were allowed to exclude blacks more than they did before.

tennessee valley authority was another. they flooded over 700k acres affecting over 15k families. farm owners got cashed out but the tenant farmers - mostly black got nothing.

and other shyt like how spending programs for the new deal focused mostly on the east and west coast, and did not focus on the south were most of our people were.
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