I am not making this a Black/White post at all, I am making this a general personality post. You know how they say in sports, its easy for someone to hold it together when you are winning, its when they lose is when you need to pay attention to that person. Well
The most amazing thing about when something like this happens, is how people's true colors show. It's so easy to cover up if you are a racist piece of shyt. I mean you can be white with black "friends" you can be black with white "friends" but when something like this goes down, the true colors of both sides come out. Most people in 2014 are obviously not racist, some are and are fine with letting you know about it, I honestly don't mind these people, are they ignorant? Yes 100%, do I agree with them NO, but 1 thing is for sure, they are being openly honest about it. The one's that piss me off are the in-between-ers. You know the ones that go out of their way to tell you they aren't racist. Then something like this goes down and you get to read their "thoughts" on social media. I just spent 2 hours of my work day pointing out some racist shyt that my own friends were saying, some blatant some were hiding it with word play. I had one friend try to make a full 3 paragraph post about his thoughts, and some of what he said made sense (including what we are saying here, about ruining your own community and how stupid that is) but 1 thing I had to point out to him, is through out the whole post, he referred to the people in Ferguson as "Animals". I am not checking my FB this week again, cause I know the replies I prob got for calling these people out are going to get me even more pissed off that people.
All I am going to say is during times like this, you can add those mental notes to your list of people you have around you, some people that you are cool with, might be your worst enemy behind close doors. And some people might actually be a better friend to you then you actually think they are currently
and on that note... I'm out.