It's inevitable that by this time next week a lot of ya'll(ya'll as in black people, for the record) will be retweeting twerk tutorials, showing world star hip hop street brawls to your friends, deleting your side piece's texts from the phone so your main won't read them, and talking about the latest episode of Love and c00nery Atlanta, and honestly? While I much prefer my people find more stimulating forms of entertainment, there is nothing wrong with smiling, being happy, and enjoying ourselves(except the World Star stuff. If you're supporting that, stop. Seriously. And respect your girlfriend/boyfriend) in between working to progress individually and as a race. We still have lives to live, things to accomplish, and happiness to experience. The world is definitely not ending despite how dark and cruel this week might feel.
With that said, I will say this. If these past few years(and this week especially) have not shown you who is really for YOU as an individual and US as a race, there is no hope for you to ever get it, and I'd wager you are intentionally being naive because the truth is too painful to bare. From the horrific murders of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and all the other lives lost to the leaking of private recordings from the likes of Donald Sterling, Mel Gibson, and Justin Beiber to the shameless sellouts who are supposed to "represent" us in the upper echelons of society like Charles Barkley, Pharrell Williams, Young Thug, Stephen A. Smith, Morgan Freeman, and many others metaphorically spitting on us from the mountain top, and everything in between these events, it should be very obvious to you that it ain't all sugar and rainbows right now for black people. Our place in society and how people who look like us are viewed should be crystal clear. It is times like these that paints the picture of who are truly for you, who are against you, and who are neutral and could care less either way. Focus on the first group, distance yourself from the other two.
Yes, even if they are black like Pharrell or your uncle who somehow puts the blame on us. It's 2014. Ain't no room for half stepping. You're either with it or you aren't. I'll take the Asian girl or the Latino guy who'll get down in the mud and really fight for us over the sell out negro who'll throw us under the bus rather than challenge the realities of the opressive system and the people who run it ANY. DAY. OF. THE. WEEK....and twice on Sundays.
We gotta wake up. Continue forth with your lives and be happy, but don't settle for being seen as lesser, and never actually BELIEVE that you are. Also, never forget this feeling and the absolute ugliness it has revealed in the hearts of people you never would assume feel the way they feel about our kind. It should make it very obvious that racism isn't just the scary guy in the KKK outfit threatening you with fire anymore. It never went anywhere, but it has evolved. It has become more intelligent, subversive, and cowardly. It's in your co-workers, your politicians, your classmates, and even some of your friends. Read the comments on Facebook, Yahoo, and Youtube. Look at the tweets, read the memes. How does that make you feel? Angry? Maybe. Hurt? It better.
If the part of the pledge that says "Indivisible with liberty and justice for all" doesn't make you roll your eyes or at least raise eyebrow then WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WAKE UP! God gave us a brain, eyes, a heart, and a soul for a reason. UTILIZE THEM. We are firmly being tested right now. We have to come together and build.
Lastly, salute to all the people who AREN'T black but regardless choose to step up to the plate, put their own reputation on the line amongst their peers and tell it like it is. I think you are all absolutely beautiful and very brave, and it's people like you guys and girls that allow me to keep my heart open to people of all shades and backgrounds.