Black people need to stop looking for racial things to be upset at. You're only setting yourselves back. Seriously, wise up guys.

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Black people need to stop looking for racial things to be upset at. You're only setting yourselves back. Seriously, wise up guys.
Because there are witnesses saying he surrendered and still got executed while kneeling down on the street. He was unarmed, his body was left laying down on the street for over 4 hours. The cop didn't even call for backup or inform anybody after it happened he just left the scene.Yes but you are assuming the officer wanted to execute him. Stop thinking racially and think logically. He clearly felt his life was endangered when he was being attacked. Why is this so hard to believe and accept this? The jurors who heard all the evidence and facts of the case came to this very conclusion. It's sad that a life was lost but Mike Brown is the one who made poor choices. No one is to blame but himself. Black people need to stop looking for racial things to be upset at. You're only setting yourselves back. Seriously, wise up guys.
Of course not. Fighting 3 enemies tho. Better than us getting slaughtered and better than us getting treated like a dog. The master beats the dog and the dog runs away. The master pulls out a hotdog and the dog eats. But this dog forgets tooYou want that? You think China or Russia will give a fukk about black people once they take over? They're both just different versions of cacs...
Yes but you are assuming the officer wanted to execute him. Stop thinking racially and think logically.
I can't relate to what? All the racism you guys are displaying? Yeah its sickening. Just look at the messages being left in my reputation comments. It's really sad how the majority of you guys here act. Don't you realize how hypocritically stupid you all are being? Fighting so called "racial injustice" with racism yourselves? Just like the chaos in the streets right now, it makes zero sense. And all this over a scumbag thug. Lets look at the facts:
Mike Brown Robbed a store. FACT
Mike Brown had illegal drugs in his system. FACT
MIke Brown charged and assaulted a police officer. FACT.
Mike Brown told the officer "you wont shoot me p*ssy". FACT
These are the FACTS whether you like them or not. So why support this!? And why be racist in your "support", THAT IS STUPID. This whole case wasn't even about race anyway STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT BE. EVERYTHING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE RACIAL. STOP BEING RACIALLY SENSITIVE and you're life will be more better. I PROMISE YOU.
Ill make sure to say this when the Feds bust caps in Clive bundy and his militia in the future. Oh and I guess the white kid who got shot in Utah by black cop....yep it was his fault too. See difference is most of us know how the cops are while you selectively pick and choose when to side with them. When they kill black, you're ok, when they bring the guns to Waco now you are outraged - we shall see what you say when they use force on your people...and don't look our way for that point it's "Obama troops"Yes but you are assuming the officer wanted to execute him. Stop thinking racially and think logically. He clearly felt his life was endangered when he was being attacked. Why is this so hard to believe and accept this? The jurors who heard all the evidence and facts of the case came to this very conclusion. It's sad that a life was lost but Mike Brown is the one who made poor choices. No one is to blame but himself. Black people need to stop looking for racial things to be upset at. You're only setting yourselves back. Seriously, wise up guys.
got a small crowd gathered by my job near columbus circle in manhattan..probably getting ready to lock that down later today. shyt is gonna pop off something serious in this country today.
The Black Panthers demanded the end of police brutality against Blacks back in 1967. It will happen again. There will be another go round. It is so demoralizing.Fkn hell.........this will never end. next year there will be a new shooting, our people will march, the killer will go free, rinse and repeat
Them hipsters in the Central Park West area ready to wyle out? damn its serious