Good....these topics need to trend...

Good....these topics need to trend...
nikkas down south fear the white man. They ain't doing shyt bruh.
i read a lot of military shyt.... tl;dr basically lolbrehmy arab nikka just said this same shyt to me when I asked the question
Cus I was like 'most of these nikkas are former jarheads and shyt and they not the brightest, how the fukk are they fooling psychologists into thinking they are mentally all there...'
homie: "you would be a huge fukking red flag, for being too smart"
Also these c00n ass nikkaz who listen to Young Thug, especially after what his fakkit ass said
There's rebellious rioting and rioting that leads to a revolution....This is the former
hey i said this1253653737 times....this shyt been going on for hundreds of yrs....and everybody is still shocked? what else do u need to happen understand that these ppl don't fukkin like u? they're not ur friends.....they hate us....and if blacks arent prepare to wise up...prepare to get wiped out....because as more hispanics come here, blacks are really gonna become an after thought....this country dont want or need us
Yup this was a self-inflicted wound