I understand that, what I'm saying is@Slystallion has it right too.
If an individual grows up only living around one culture, and the only information they know another population is just negative stereotypes, that misconstrued perception becomes reality.
Very little can be done to deter this illogical line of thinking. Hence why a greater portion of the US hates Obama for no other reason then his skin color. F*ck his exceptional credentials.
If an individual grows up in a heavily diverse environment "more than likely", they come to the conclusion that people are people.
Every culture has it's dimwits and geniuses, while still holding on to their prejudices or preconceived notions( it's only human nature )
Middle Class White people hate being related to white trash.
Mexican Americans don't like to be associated with "piesa"(don't if I spelled it right)
As far as other races hating, blacks that goes back to the construction of this country and bible rhetoric. Notice why some "Americans" are afraid of change. They know their "whiteness" won't get them as far in the future...
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