Microsoft to talk Next Gen Consoles at E3 2019

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Again sales is not the best metric to gauge a games popularity. There’s so many different ways to access a game now. What matters is player engagement.

Okay and if you have NINE MILLION copies of a game in the wild that’s engsgement. Players will engage with Spider-Man differently than sea of thieves. One is made for multiple players and has live updates and drops content and is made to be a long tail game. The other isn’t. So comparing the two of them when it comes to a twitch stream is, like I said, apples to oranges. It doesn’t make sense. That’s like comparing god of war to fortnite. They have two completely different aims and two completely different ways for players to engage.

So the only common denominator to measure success is to go off stone cold sales numbers. And on that front, sea of thieves ain’t matching up. That doesn’t mean it’s not a success. But purely from the standpoint of who’s buying a game and how much money a game has made, Spider-Man is the more successful of the two

Engagement and sales are good metrics, but that doesn't always imply the game is good. COD sells millions every year and has very high player engagement. People eat that shyt up every year:francis:

What determines a game is good are good judgments of gameplay. That in itself is difficult because it requires experience understanding what makes a good game.

What's the difference between a good game, average game, and bad game? :patrice: I don't like Fortnite, it's very low on my list and I'm choosing the Last of Us Factions everyday.
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