Pull Up the Roots
No, you're just talking out of your ass. They do the same thing. It's even highlighted in the Battlefield article I posted. MS trying to bypass a practice they also engage in just proves how full of shyt they are.What i’m saying is Sonys deals are more restrictive. Publishers and platform holders are restricted from advertising period.
It’s why we got stuff like this.
Microsoft Bypasses UK Ad Ban with Fake "Destiny" Cologne
Activision sells exclusive advertising rights of "Destiny" to Sony. Microsoft's response? A clever advertising campaign for new "Destiny" cologne.www.gameskinny.com
Senior marketing manager at Xbox, Josh Munsee, recently clarified the same on Twitter, and it’s about what you’d expect. Munsee says that this deal is going to mean that marketing, branding, gameplay capture, and more for Battlefield 2042 are all going to be focused exclusively on Xbox Series X/S.
That's the same thing that happened with Destiny back then. The only difference is Sony didn't try to bypass the branding agreement, because they do it too. Hell, MS advertising COD on their channel and on twitter proves you wrong too.
Look, good guy Sony even let them show off Callisto Protocol even though they have a marketing agreement! They're such good guys! /s