What a high quality post
The two most important regions they do business in aren’t approving, yall don’t really get it if you think china was ever in the discussion for this
The conditions of this deal are all hinged and need to be agreed upon by the UK/US/EU, there was never any concern about Ukraine and China. thats why Microsoft has been dedicating so much time to flying into the UK and EU and arguing their case, putting out ads and marketing for this deal, and getting european streaming services on board.
Yes, "We" don't get it
The level of delusion demonstrated here is honestly on some clinical level. See, I'm an OG of this fukkery.
But I was always aware it was fukkery. I'm also aware there's everyone else and not everyone every time is on fukk shyt
Your post come off as you truly believe the CMA will dictate who this will play out, and that the CMA has a case against Microsoft
But anyone who knows anything about whats going on knows they don't, and this willl not end in their favor.
I get it some of you are too stuck on stupid and think I'm hoping this happens so I can get a game I already own for free (Its a real thing you think

Yes I would like to not have to pay for future games.. but I'll still have to pay for gamepass. And I can assure you Gamepass is fine with or without Activision. So if its just the facts? Facts are Gamepass will be getting Activision and a bunch of other companies in the coming years.
Expect Sega to eventually join M$, and Capcom is up in the air. They have relationships with both companies, often giving both exclusives.
But NEW EXCLUSIVES normally debut on Xbox. Last time a capcom exclusive was created on playstation that I can remember was during the PS2 era.
Just my opinion. shyt, sony will be on gamepass... oh wait, MLB The Show already is