shyt aint funny to me. It's despicable.
They get on their high horse talmbout "I made it, why can't you" while ignoring the fact that most of their own people don't "make it" and plenty of black Americans are "making it". They sit here and benefit from all the hard work of the people who fought before them, and now since they got a couple scraps and limited opportunities they wanna say the fight over and now it's "complaining"
Naw it's not complaining, it's continuing the fight that got us this far. In my opinion their attitude is the "lazy" "defeatist" one.
"Well they're giving me scraps now so I'll just take them and keep tying hard"
fukk that, you're supposed to try hard AND fight for more. That's what our great leaders did and they'd probably slap the shyt out of one of theses new wave "boot strap" dudes
But you're not saying that. I'm the one thats saying that.
You're over here making excuses for why people ain't getting anywhere.
Its Zero Tolerance with me bruh.
The government can only do so much to "hold you back"
They ain't gonna give you what you ain't willing to take.
How are you complaining about the "boot straps" commentary...YET making your own version of it that doesn't use the word "boot straps?"