Mexican gang tried to ethnically "cleanse" blacks from town


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
@Box Cutta
@#1 pick

(Source: Pew Social Trends—October 2009—Racial Attitudes in America II; raw data here)

"Indeed, the figure below suggests that Latinos are actually more likely to stereotype African-Americans as criminals than whites. Those results, which come from a 2009 Pew Poll that interviewed a relatively large number of Hispanics (N = 376), reveal that Latinos were much less willing than whites to say “most blacks are law-abiding.“ Only 48% of Latinos, for instance, endorsed that statement compared to 76% of whites. Moreover, the second panel of the display shows that this pessimism among Latinos was limited to their perceptions of black law-abidingness. Three-quarters of the Latinos surveyed said that “most whites are law-abiding.” The display also shows that African-Americans were surprisingly suspicious of their own group’s law-abidingness. Yet, unlike whites and Latinos, African-Americans were even more likely to stereotype whites as criminals—a factor that may contribute to the wide racial divide in Americans’ reactions to the Zimmerman verdict.

(Source: Pew Social Trends—October 2009—Racial Attitudes in America II; raw data here)

A recently published article by Tessa Ditanto, Richard Lau and David Sears also suggests that anti-black attitudes may be more prevalent among Latinos than whites. Analyzing data from the 2008 American National Election Study, which included a Latino oversample, these authors found: “In terms of negative affect toward Blacks, acceptance of Black stereotypes, and implicit prejudice, Latinos score higher than non-Hispanic Whites.“

To be sure, these results in no way imply that Zimmerman’s actions on the night of Trayvon Martin’s death were racially motivated. They do, however, make it clear that Latinos are just as likely, if not more so, to maintain the stereotypes and implicit biases that could lead to the racial profiling of African-Americans."
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You right, I forgot about those

Studies and polls which measure racial bias consistently show Hispanics hold more racial negative bias towards blacks than cacs:

"To be sure, these results in no way imply that Zimmerman’s actions on the night of Trayvon Martin’s death were racially motivated. They do, however, make it clear that Latinos are just as likely, if not more so, to maintain the stereotypes and implicit biases that could lead to the racial profiling of African-Americans."

What's your response?


Nov 12, 2013
@Box Cutta
@#1 pick

(Source: Pew Social Trends—October 2009—Racial Attitudes in America II; raw data here)

"Indeed, the figure below suggests that Latinos are actually more likely to stereotype African-Americans as criminals than whites. Those results, which come from a 2009 Pew Poll that interviewed a relatively large number of Hispanics (N = 376), reveal that Latinos were much less willing than whites to say “most blacks are law-abiding.“ Only 48% of Latinos, for instance, endorsed that statement compared to 76% of whites. Moreover, the second panel of the display shows that this pessimism among Latinos was limited to their perceptions of black law-abidingness. Three-quarters of the Latinos surveyed said that “most whites are law-abiding.” The display also shows that African-Americans were surprisingly suspicious of their own group’s law-abidingness. Yet, unlike whites and Latinos, African-Americans were even more likely to stereotype whites as criminals—a factor that may contribute to the wide racial divide in Americans’ reactions to the Zimmerman verdict.

(Source: Pew Social Trends—October 2009—Racial Attitudes in America II; raw data here)

A recently published article by Tessa Ditanto, Richard Lau and David Sears also suggests that anti-black attitudes may be more prevalent among Latinos than whites. Analyzing data from the 2008 American National Election Study, which included a Latino oversample, these authors found: “In terms of negative affect toward Blacks, acceptance of Black stereotypes, and implicit prejudice, Latinos score higher than non-Hispanic Whites.“

To be sure, these results in no way imply that Zimmerman’s actions on the night of Trayvon Martin’s death were racially motivated. They do, however, make it clear that Latinos are just as likely, if not more so, to maintain the stereotypes and implicit biases that could lead to the racial profiling of African-Americans."

Use telephone surveys with a sample size of a few dozen people to make sweeping generalizations about a ethnic group that numbers in the 10's of Millions brehs :stopitslime:


#HeatNation #SouthernCalUSC #LiverpoolFC
May 12, 2012
WATTS & Inglewood Southern Kalifornia
Studies and polls which measure racial bias consistently show Hispanics hold more racial negative bias towards blacks than cacs:

"To be sure, these results in no way imply that Zimmerman’s actions on the night of Trayvon Martin’s death were racially motivated. They do, however, make it clear that Latinos are just as likely, if not more so, to maintain the stereotypes and implicit biases that could lead to the racial profiling of African-Americans."

What's your response?

You sittin here tellin me about studies and polls when I'm sittin here in Los Angeles, grew up in Watts and I'm sayin I've never had no serious problems or felt seriously threatened :dahell:

I'mma ask you again....WHAT PART OF LOS ANGELES ARE YOU FROM? :dafukk:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Use telephone surveys with a sample size of a few dozen people to make sweeping generalizations about a ethnic group that numbers in the 10's of Millions brehs :stopitslime:

In and of itself, there's nothing wrong with a phone survey so long as the sample is good and the questions are designed correctly. There's no reason to think Hispanics should score consistently anymore racially discrimination on designed to test out racial inclindations and bias than a nicca or a cac. So unless you believe this test was specifically designed against Hispanics and for everyone else, a ridiculous notion if ever there was one, or you have some targeted problem with the methodology, there's no reason to discard the test because you don't like the results. Now it's probably true that cacs are hiding their racial bias in the survey (cacs lie about their racism easier than other groups). That's a real criticism and I agree with but even if true, Hispanics are still too high. A peer reviewed article in the Political Psychology, which doesn't use a survey, concludes the same thing. That's external validity for the survey and suggests the survey is accurate as far as the general trend goes (if not right about the numbers)

Does that study include how many people hide their prejudice beliefs? It's easy to say, "I'm not racist," yet act opposite.

You make a good point. It's probably true cacs are hiding their true intentions. They have more experience and are educated than other groups. This might make them better liars too. But at worst Hispanics are still more racist than AAs and still too close to the cac average if not higher.

You sittin here tellin me about studies and polls when I'm sittin here in Los Angeles, grew up in Watts and I'm sayin I've never had no serious problems or felt seriously threatened :dahell:

I'mma ask you again....WHAT PART OF LOS ANGELES ARE YOU FROM? :dafukk:

The study doesn't say anything about LA. We're talking about Hispanic Americans in general who are mostly of Mexican descent. But stay with me: these results likely generalize to LA as well. Your individual experience does not invalidate research on hundreds and thousands of individuals. Similarly the fact I've never been beaten by a cop doesn't mean nikkas don't get beaten by cops or have never been beaten by a cop. The results are consistent over time and across methodology which imply they give an accurate representation of people's racial attitudes. Keep living in your dream world tho breh. I'll just keep pumping out the science so people know the truth. Oh and by the way, you don't have to be from a place to know thins about it. I know more about the English economy than the average fukking Englishman and I've never been there.


Jan 27, 2014
In an undercover operation, the Azusa Police Department set up a storefront called A Peace of Africa, stocked with goods from Africa, hoping to entice the gang into committing a hate crime. Black undercover officers staffed the store and police staked it out around the clock, but lack of funding forced the department to close the store before any crimes were committed.

is this shyt not funny to anyone but me? long ass thread and no mention..

i know it's a kinda serious discussion in here but:pachaha:


Nov 25, 2013
There are black members in 18 St gang one of the biggest and more powerful gangs in LA.
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El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
Except the comparison isn't valid, because unlike cacs, Mexicans don't have a long centuries old track record of persecuting blacks on racial grounds... they're not descended from people or a culture who considered you chattle, 3/5ths of a human, or instituted Jim Crow/Apartheid like laws against blacks. They don't have a race culture at all really. Or at least nothing comparable to Anglo diaspora race supremacist culture. Nor do they have the power or the means to subjugate blacks in any shape, form or fashion... even if they did have the socio-economic power, there's nothing to suggest that they actually would... outside of paranoid delusional fantasies. Even with the demographic shift in Southern Cali, there's nothing to suggest that Blacks are worse off economically than they were 20-30 years ago.

But carry on with silly baseless fantasies and cac supremacist inspired racial paranoia... couch potato militants gonna militant

Black people in Mexico would like to have a word with you breh. :usure:

Mexico would also hang run away slaves. That why slaves would go North when they run away.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Black people in Mexico would like to have a word with you breh. :usure:

Mexico would also hang run away slaves. That why slaves would go North when they run away.

This Tony breh doesn't seem to know that Mexicans are descended partly from the Spanairds, whose were a slaveowning people similar to the English, French, Dutch, etc. They enslaved and employed white racialist law and attitudes throughout the Americas. Mexico's colorism and racialism is a heritage artifact to this time. The majority of slaves in the Americas were not even held by Anglos. Most of the Natives in the Americas resided outside the USA territory, under non-Anglo control, which means the other euros killed more Natives than any other group on the planet.
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Jun 7, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
South Central, near Broadway and main street. Mostly crips when I lived there but I had to walk through a lot of different hoods on my way to school.

Nah I wouldn't say we getting strong armed but the tension is there.

We are far outnumbered but still won't budge, that should let nikkas know what's up. Takes about 5 mexicans to take on 1 black man.
wut wuz tha cross street?


Nov 12, 2013
Black people in Mexico would like to have a word with you breh. :usure:

About what? :leostare:

They seem to be doing fine down there in Veracruz & Oaxaca, which is why you don't see them fleeing the country to live elsewhere, much like alot of their compatriots.

Mexico would also hang run away slaves. That why slaves would go North when they run away.

Actually, 1000's of runaway slaves from the United States were accepted into Mexico and given amnesty. And their descendants still live there, in relative peace to this day. Mexico was the 1st abolish slavery in the western hemisphere (after Haiti) and they abolished slavery almost immediately after they gained independence from Spain.

This Tony breh doesn't seem to know that Mexicans are descended partly from the Spanairds,

Black Americans are largely descended from Anglo-CACxons :russ:... the fukk is your point?:ld:

The same Spainards who's rule they overthrew than abolished the form of slavery that they introduced to the country?

whose were a slaveowning people similar to the English, French, Dutch, etc. They enslaved and employed white racialist law and attitudes throughout the Americas. Mexico's colorism and racialism is a heritage artifact to this time.

Please name the race based laws that Mexico enacted against blacks after they gained independence from Spain.

Protip: You won't be able to, because they never existed.