Men really need to get interested in womens fashion,style in order to keep the relationship strong.


Mar 11, 2015


Is this some “new black” term for marriage? Or long-term commitment? That’s a good one.

And I’ve been in a relationship with my girl for three years. She has other qualities, like her intellect, that what she wears matters not to me.

Break up on the horizon if you don't change this mentality soon. Unless like I said she is just one of those women who remain dynamic and always changing styles,and never gets comfortable,people like that are rare. Even after 3 years you shouldn't be too confident,as becoming stagnant varies from person to person.

I don't feel the need for marriage,and wouldn't even want to get married when you look around and see what else is allowed to get married under this government and modern day church:martin:. It is my term for having a strong bond based on biblical inspiration,no need for a certificate.


Jan 4, 2017
Athiest is a little different,that could really be a sign you aren't like minded and have different values. I don't think a weave is neccesary proof of that,have you learned anything with all the threads about women with naturals:mjpls:? It could just mean she's insecure about natural hair,or has just always worn a weave by habit.
For that reason alone is why her having it down packed coming in the door doesn't matter. People get comfortable,people get attached to certain looks all of a sudden and don't let them go. Thats why its important for you to take an active role in your womans appearance.
I see what your saying,but as important as looks are its not what I find the most value in when I'm thinking of being with a woman long term.
Attractiveness to her face and body of course,but clothes seem like something you can fix if you can get the woman to be receptive.
I focus more on her being attractive physically(not taking clothes into account),morals,willingness to learn and not be stuck in her ways,good mothering potential etc.
Clothes and hair will be basic things to "fix" if she is a traditional woman who values her mans opinions.
Some women are dynamic in that department and always will be. But its alot of women with good potential out here,just like women passing on men of good potential ,instead of taking on people they could "fix" in those basic areas. This mentality of needing the whole package upfront mentality has to stop,especially as men,since women are more likely to listen and take on our characteristics and beliefs if we are good teachers and they love us.
I wondering if our differing opinions are because of different ages...
Ive learned that small things like if she likes weaves, heels, tightness of clothes, colors of clothes, accessories, etc...
Can be a good look into the character of a person.
U said that being an atheist wasnt in the same category as clothing...
Lets say the girl ur dating wants to go out with her girls wearing a mini skirt, wit her cheeks damn near out...? That might be a reflection of her character and values... and u guys might not be like minded in those aspects.
So you can say, hey, i think u would look nice in these types of clothes... but changing what she has on, wont change who she is on the inside and i guys might just be different ppl.
Thats why theres no neef to suggest her clothing. how she wants to dress is good insight on who she is....
So if u need to suggest things, then maybe u shoul be with someone who dresses like u want them to.
Its not really wanting the whole package but liking how she dresses she be something u shouldnt have to think about. There's bigger things, as a men, we have to lead and mold our women on.
I dont ever advise ppl to deal with "good potential" at a certain age.. get what ur looking for or u will be upset later...
Like u said, uve met women who are just dynamic in their fashion sense... since that is a big turn on with u... always aim for that along with the other qualities that u like..... unless u genuinely just dig women's fashion and u will always suggest outfits for ur woman mo matter what.
Then ive just been rambling on for no samn reason :russ:


All Star
Dec 27, 2017
The goat said it best:wow:

While I am not nearly as extreme as muslim brothers somethings should remain private,if you love your woman and the mother of your child you wouldn't even want people to draw certain conclusions about her based on her appearance. ANd some women you can draw the conclusion they are too free with their bodies if they show it off so freely. Certain things a woman should be uncomfortable revealing to the world,out of respect for herself and her man as well.

To each his own

I used to think like that but the older, and more confidant I got in myself, the less I cared

I don't want her with her ass cheeks showing, and titties bouncing side to side with the nipples showing , but showing a little leg, and some cleavage, isn't a problem for me anymore.


Mar 11, 2015
I wondering if our differing opinions are because of different ages...
Ive learned that small things like if she likes weaves, heels, tightness of clothes, colors of clothes, accessories, etc...
Can be a good look into the character of a person.
U said that being an atheist wasnt in the same category as clothing...
Lets say the girl ur dating wants to go out with her girls wearing a mini skirt, wit her cheeks damn near out...? That might be a reflection of her character and values... and u guys might not be like minded in those aspects.
So you can say, hey, i think u would look nice in these types of clothes... but changing what she has on, wont change who she is on the inside and i guys might just be different ppl.
Thats why theres no neef to suggest her clothing. how she wants to dress is good insight on who she is....
So if u need to suggest things, then maybe u shoul be with someone who dresses like u want them to.
Its not really wanting the whole package but liking how she dresses she be something u shouldnt have to think about. There's bigger things, as a men, we have to lead and mold our women on.
I dont ever advise ppl to deal with "good potential" at a certain age.. get what ur looking for or u will be upset later...
Like u said, uve met women who are just dynamic in their fashion sense... since that is a big turn on with u... always aim for that along with the other qualities that u like..... unless u genuinely just dig women's fashion and u will always suggest outfits for ur woman mo matter what.
Then ive just been rambling on for no samn reason :russ:

Thats fair,I have to give you this point. Because a woman wearing clothes that are too revealing would be a 100% red flag. But hair I don't put as much stock into. So I guess it depends on how much weight you put into it. I was thinking more of a woman who dresses discreet,dresses and wears her hair to where she is attractive,but it may not neccesarily be what you find the most attractive on women. If you could get her to wear her hair in ways you most find attractive,dress in styles you find more appealing and sexy it will boost your attraction. I have met women who were dynamic in fashion sense but doesn't mean they are right in the head:mjlol:.
This is more like extras verses being wanting to change a womans entire style and give her a Jenny Jones makeover. You may have a woman who wears her hair natural,but you might see a natural style that you think would look really good on her,I know if my girl hadn't got them on her own I was going to suggest them long braids:banderas:. You definitely shouldn't feel the need to tell your girl how to dress 24/7,but you should take an interest sparingly. As you make suggestions it will help her evolve to know what you like,and you will see certain hairstyles being repeated in the rotation more than others,certain outfits that drive you crazy being bought out more,or her buying outfits similar to it:blessed:. Its essentially teaching her to fish,and how to catch you metaphorically,I think its safe to say as a man your taste probably evolves.

Solo ✧✦✧

King of the eXoticals. "FIRsT and LAst wARNiNg"
Dec 2, 2014
I'm not going as far as OP is going with this but I think most women like it if a dude cares about the way they look. I don't agree with this childish mentality of not caring about how your woman looks because you're afraid of being seen as feminine or gay. A lot of women find that "it doesn't matter to me" response boring.

Personally I wouldn't bother with a woman that doesn't already know how to dress to some degree and doesn't try to show skin sometimes but I have made suggestions about what they could wear because seeing women in certain clothes is a turn on for me. There's nothing gay about caring about how your own woman looks whether it's clothes, hair, nails etc..


6th Man
May 29, 2018
I dunno brehs, I use to date a designer and picked up alot of knowledge from her, she always use to be :banderas:. Got with another woman later and put her on game then she was :banderas:...but then lost them both in the end:shaq2:

I got the knowledge now though, can take any chick and have her looking like :ohlawd:


Mar 11, 2015
I dunno brehs, I use to date a designer and picked up alot of knowledge from her, she always use to be :banderas:. Got with another woman later and put her on game then she was :banderas:...but then lost them both in the end:shaq2:

I got the knowledge now though, can take any chick and have her looking like :ohlawd:

Lot of average dudes paying average women no mind instead of seeing the potential,turn a 5 to a 7,7 to a 9:banderas:
I don't suggest that,but for all the post about dudes having trouble with women,and not being able to get the type of women they want,the "build a bytch" strategy is exactly what they need.